

Din sökning på "*" gav 528829 sökträffar

Att samarbeta i kris

Våld i samband med fotbollsmatcher har länge varit ett problem i Sverige. Den 30 mars 2014 nådde det sin kulmen när en Djurgårdssupporter misshandlades till döds i samband med en match mot Helsingborgs IF, vilket blev starten för en kris som drabbade både Helsingborgs IF och dess supporterförening Kärnan. Studien, som fokuserar på medlemsorganisationers kriskommunikation och organisations-samarbetFootball-related violence has been a problem in Sweden for a long time. On 30 March 2014 it reached its climax when a Djurgården supporter was killed in connection with a match against Helsingborgs IF, which started a crisis that affected both Helsingborgs IF and its supporters' association Kärnan. This study, which focuses on member organizations’ crisis communication and interorganizational

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Heleneholmsskolan i Malmö

This report is a part of the course VBR054 Fire Safety Evaluation at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University. The report is the result of a fire safety evaluation of Heleneholmsskolan in Malmö. The focus of the project lies on the public safety within the building and no damage of property is taken into account. A number of likely scenarios have been evaluated and the four wor

Female Representation at the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an influential global actor that in recent years has been criticised for the lack of female representation at their annual Davos summit. The WEF has justified this disparity as simply reflecting the current state of female leadership worldwide. This thesis explores both descriptive and substantive representation within the forum in order to determine whether or no

Determine planning method in the storage area

ABSTRACT Ji Yuan Hai Wan Shi Ye AB started in the December of 2011, is co-funded by the Xiamen Hai Wan AB and Luo Yang Shi Hua. It has integrated business such as scientific research, production and trade together. The company locates in the industrial manufactory area at Ji Yuan, Henan Province. The main products are verity of unsaturated polyester resin. Their products are widely used in the fie

The Impact of Sustainability as a New Trend in the Fashion Industry

Problem definition Sustainability in fashion is one of tomorrow’s most important focuses but is not yet fully established in the industry, neither from the side of the business nor the customer. Customers’ statements tend to show an interest of sustainable fashion, but it is not quite so visible in the sales shares related to sustainable fashion products, which in turn can make sustainable fashion

A Neutrino Detector Design

Att Detektera en Neutrino I dagens Universum är allting vi kan se; alla varelser, alla planeter och alla stjärnor, uppbyggda av materia. Trots detta tror man att det i Big Bang skapades lika mycket antimateria som materia, men att all denna antimateria på något sätt har försvunnit. Ett steg på vägen att förklara detta kan vara att undersöka vissa skillnader mellan neutriner och antineutriner, vilAbstract Today, the neutrino oscillation is very well established by experiment. It is described by a theoretical framework similar to that of quark mixing. Here is included a CP violating phase, delta_CP, which is the only known possible source of CP violation in the lepton sector. So far, delta_CP is completely unconstrained by experiment, and the determination of the value of delta_CP could fu

Svensk miljöpolitik ut ett ekomarxistiskt perspektiv: En jämförelse mellan Miljöpartiet, Feministiskt initiativ och Vänsterpartiet

Emma Holmberg Svensk miljöpolitik ur ett ekomarxistiskt perspektiv En jämförelse mellan Miljöpartiet, Feministiskt initiativ och Vänsterpartiet Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda hur Miljöpartiet (MP), Feministiskt initiativ (Fi) och Vänsterpartiet (V), i intervjuer samt genom formuleringar i partiprogram, förhåller sig till miljöproblem relaterade till de tre ekomarxistiska fokusområdena ”This study aims to evaluate whether or not the Swedish Left Party, the Green Party and the Feminist initiative find it possible to operate a sustainable environmental policy within a capitalist system. The methods used for this study have been a literature review of ecomarxist theories as well as a qualitative text analysis of the party programmes of the three parties. The empirical data the study

Markskador inom skogsbruket : jordartens betydelse

Skogsbruket är viktigt för svenskt näringsliv och står för ungefär 20 % av Sveriges totala export. Efterfrågan på virke blir därmed stor vilket resulterar i att avverkning sker ständigt, året om, på all typ av mark under alla olika sorters väderförhållanden. Ett stort problem inom skogsbruket är de markskador som ofta uppstår efter en slutförd avverkning. Markskador ändrar markens textur och egensForestry is important for Swedish industry and accounts for 20% of Sweden’s total export. The endless demand of wood results in logging all year round, but other aspects have to be taken into consideration. The ecology, forest recreation and the outdoor activities that the forest is providing is very important to preserve. A major problem in forestry is the soil damage after a successful harvest.

Oil and Development - A Formula for Sustained Economic Growth?

The purpose of our study is to determine the importance of oil exports in relation to GDP in countries located in Sub-Saharan Africa when it comes to promoting economic growth. Due to the fact that oil accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world’s total energy production, and is predicted to do so for at least 45 more years to come, we found this a highly relevant topic to look into. At th

Attracting FDI as a Development Strategy

This paper is written in order to study the effects which foreign direct investment firms have on developing host countries in order to find if countries' policies to actively attract FDI are a good development strategy. In order to find how FDI effects the countries are a big set of possible effects discussed and empirically tested using firm level data from 126 different developing countries

Kommunikatören som meningsfacilitator – Kommunikatörens strategiska arbete med kommunikation

Denna studie undersöker problematiken med den begränsade kunskap om vad kommunikatörer gör när de arbetar strategiskt med kommunikation. Problematiken innebär att strategisk kommunikation har karaktären av en ”svarta lådan”- teori. Genom en kvalitativ fallstudie av två fallorganisationer inom offentlig sektor har jag genom att göra kvalitativa intervjuer studerat vad kommunikatörer gör när de arbeThis study examines the problem regarding the limited knowledge about what communicator’s do when working strategically with communication. The problem results in strategic communication gaining the characteristics of a “black box”- theory. Through case studies and qualitative interviews in two public organisations I have studied what communicator’s do when working strategically with communication

Can Basic Income Combat Social Exclusion? An Investigation into the Potential Effects of a Basic Income

In recent years, the welfare state has found itself unable to combat issues such as unemployment and poverty, forcing an ever-increasing share of the population to face an increasingly precarious existence. In light of this situation, a growing number of activists and academics have begun to embrace a new means for combating such issues, basic income. Basic income represents a radical departure fr

Riskanalys över pesticidförekomst i enskilda brunnar i Sjöbo kommun

Tidigare undersökningar har visat på förhöjda halter av pesticider i svenska yt- och grundvatten. Därför har en grov riskanalys utförts i Sjöbo kommun, Skåne, för att undersöka om det föreligger en risk för rester av växtskyddsmedel i dricksvattnet i kommunens enskilda brunnar. Utifrån geologiska och hydrologiska förhållanden samt nitrathalter från tidigare analyserade vattenprover kunde framföralPrevious studies have revealed that Swedish surface- and groundwater contain concentrations of pesticides above the recommended limits. Therefore, a perspicuous study of Sjöbo municipality in Skåne was made to get an overview if there is a risk of pesticide contamination in private wells due to agricultural activity. Based on geology, hydrology and previous water analysis, three areas which might

Effects of changes in the Icelandic capital controls: An event study on the stock price of Össur hf.

The aim of the thesis is to examine whether changes in the capital controls affect the premium of the cross-listed stock of Össur hf., it is listed on the Icelandic and Copenhagen stock exchange. The price difference is examined with two currency rates, the official rate as given by the Central bank of Iceland and the offshore rate. The Icelandic market is bounded within capital controls, while th

O steward, my captain, what will the sea do to us? : adding a risk governance perspective to climate change adaptation planning in Malmö

Climate change is shifting from being seen as a future prediction once, the realisation that it is already a reality is growing. Action to combat its impacts has to be taken now. Next to mitigation measures increasing emphasis is put on climate change adaptation action. While mitigation aims to tackle global climate change, adaptation focuses on reducing the local impacts. Climate change adaptatio

Är alla medel tillåtna för att väcka uppmärksamhet? En kvalitativ studie av de etiska gränserna kring PR-bluffar

Under 2013 skapades kampanjerna Marabou Black, Miss Skinny och DILL, som alla kom att benämnas PR-bluffar. Kampanjernas målsättning var att väcka uppmärksamhet genom vilseledande information. Huruvida dessa PR-bluffar kan anses vara etiskt godtagbara är något praktiker, PR-praktiker och reklammakare, varit oense om. Syftet med denna studie var att skapa ökad förståelse för fenomenet PR-bluff och uIn the year of 2013 three campaigns were created: Marabou Black, Miss Skinny and DILL. These campaigns were titled as PR-scams because they aimed to get attention by using misleading information. Whether PR-scams could be considered as an ethically acceptable PR-strategy or not is something practitioners, PR-practitioners and advertisers, disagree on. The aim of this study was to create a greater

Landskrona - bättre än sitt rykte?

Denna studie ämnar undersöka samspelet mellan den mediala gestaltningen av en stad samt de strategier som används i försök att påverka densamma. Studien avser därmed öka kunskapen om skapandet och förmedlandet av platsvarumärken samt den strategiska kommunikationens betydelse för denna process. Med en hermene-utisk ansats har kvalitativa intervjuer samt kvantitativ såväl som kvalitativ inne-hållsaThe purpose of this study is to examine the interaction between the media framing of a city, and strategies used in order to influence this framing. The study intends to increase the understanding of the creation and mediation of city brands and the importance of strategic communication during this process. With a hermeneutical approach qualitative interviews and quantitative, as well as qualitati

Farming in the European Union: from organic to sustainable. An assessment of a legal transition based on land stewardship and participatory guarantee systems

The conventional agricultural production system is not sustainable. Organic agriculture is assumed to be sustainable from the environmental perspective, and its production and labelling has been regulated in the European Union (EU). The EU organic regime has been challenged by proponents of agroecology, a philosophy that merges agriculture and ecology and considers environmental and social aspects

Anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av WHO´s kirurgiska checklista

Bakgrund: Efter implementeringen av WHO´s kirurgiska checklista minskade antalet komplikationer med 10,6 %. Trots detta finns det fortfarande arbete att utföra då det existerar viss resistens mot användandet. Användandet har medfört strukturerad kommunikation. Tidigare forskning visar att cirka 30 % av den kommunikation som sker på operationssalen är bristande. Syfte: Att undersöka anestesisjukskö

A Kurdish-Speaking Community of Change : How Social and Political Organising takes Shape in the PYD-controlled Areas in Syria

This thesis explores current trends in social and political organising in Northern Syria, in areas controlled by the PYD. The research is built on discussions between eight participants from the Syrian Kurdish-speaking community living in the areas. While most discourses on Syria and the Kurdish-speaking community have a macro-political focus and produce racialising descriptions of “Kurdishness” i