

Din sökning på "*" gav 528819 sökträffar

How social is current social work: An analysis of the effect of professionalization on social workers’ role as advocates for social justice

This master thesis is an attempt to approach the issue of the lack of application of cause advocacy in modern social work practice. The research problem is framed in a way that historical roots of the commitment to social justice in the profession are presented with the further argumentation for the lack of this approach in contemporary social work. A qualitative study has been conducted to fulfil

I gränslandet mellan organisationsföreträdare, professionell person och privatperson: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av socialarbetares bloggar.

On social media platforms, such as blogs, the boundaries between private life and working life can be blurred. When social media is used by people who can be seen as agents for human service organizations this can give rise to both ethical and relational issues. On the one hand socialworkers like everyone else should have the right to express opinions and act as private persons on the internet. On

Psykisk ohälsa: En narrativ studie om personer som har varit deprimerade

The purpose of this study was to look at two autobiographies through qualitative methods. The main purpose has been to highlight how individuals describe themselves, the consequences of social aspects (family and friends) in depression they have experienced and their turning points: the way out of the depression. To study this, I have used the following questions as starting points: How do the dep

Osmotic Pressure and Conformational Properties of PEG/PEO - Evaluated by Membrane Osmometry, Monte Carlo Simulations and Dynamic Light Scattering

Målet med detta arbete var att studera de termodynamiska och strukturella egenskaperna hos polyetylenglykol genom att tillämpa en kombination av experiment och datorsimuleringar. Den experimentella huvudtekniken var membran osmometri och datorsimuleringarna baserades på Monte Carlo metoden. Polyetylenglykol även förkortat PEG är en neutral linjär polymer med amfifilisk karaktär, vilket menas attThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate the accuracy of a one-parameter non-virial scaling equation of state (EOS) for polyethylene glycol in water by Cohen et al. through osmotic pressure measurements using membrane osmometry and Monte Carlo simulations. PEG20 was set as the reference system and the polymer chain length effect was investigated through simulations of PEG10 and PEG35. For PEG35 expe

Product Recommendations in E-commerce Systems using Content-based Clustering and Collaborative Filtering

In this report we take a new approach to product recommendation. We investigate the the possibility of using a hybrid recommender consisting of contentbased clustering and connections between clusters using collaborative filtering to make good product recommendations. The algorithm is tested on real product and purchase data from two different companies - a big online book store and a smaller onli

Innovation in Times of Crisis: An Analysis of Firm Performance During the Financial Crisis

This thesis examines how innovation affects firm performance in the United States during the financial crisis in 2008. A difference-in-difference estimation combined with Coarsened Exact Matching is applied on a panel data set of 4,928 U.S. firms between 2004 and 2011. Two opposing theoretical frameworks concerning the outcome are used to state hypotheses regarding if innovative firms perform bett

Att bli socionom : En kvalitativ studie om hur socionomstudenter vid Lunds universitet upplever förbindelsen mellan teori och praktik under utbildningen.

This essay aims to present and analyze the theoretical and the practical aspects of the social work education from the student’s perspectives, on how the theoretical and practical aspects have collaborated and competed during the education. It also aimed to analyze the student’s perspectives from theories of symbolic interactionism. Five students on the Social work education that studied on the

Enkelt och tydligt räcker långt

Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar fördjupa forskningens förståelse om multifunktionella organisationer i förändring. Studien har genomförts med utgångspunkt i Helsingborgs stad som fallorganisation, där en förändring inom kommunikations- och informationsverksamheten har undersökts. Utifrån det hermeneutiska perspektivet har empiriinsamling skett genom 11 enskilda intervjuer. Empirin har sedan analyseThis qualitative study intends to deepen the understanding of research in multifunctional organizations in change. The study is based on a case-study, where we have been studying a change in the communication activities in Helsingborg city. The study is based on a hermeneutic perspective and has been conducted through 11 individual interviews. The empirical data has been analyzed through a qualita

The Decision to Evacuate a Passenger Ship - An Assessment of the Normative View of the Shipmaster

The shipmaster is the centralised focal point of power on a passenger ship, and upon him/her rests the decision to evacuate the ship if it is deemed to be in a situation that is non-survivable. This thesis set out to explore a societal normative view of the shipmaster in this decision space; a view that can be observed in accident reports and maritime legislation. A case study, of a government acc

Direct conversion from mouse fibroblasts to neurons in vitro and grafted in an epileptic model

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. The most common way to treat epilepsy is by taking antiepileptic drugs, however, still a considerable portion of patients are still suffering from intractable epilepsy so new treatment methods are needed. Cell grafting to treat neurological diseases has been tried for decades. Yet, good cells source has been hard to find. Direct conversion

Skatt på handelsgödsel i Sverige - Ett effektivt styrmedel för minskat näringsläckage till Östersjön?

Efter valet och regeringsskiftet 2014 i Sverige togs den slopade skatten på handelsgödsel upp på agendan igen, med planer på att återinföra styrmedlet år 2016. Huvudmotivet med skatten är att minska på kväveutsläppen till Östersjön, men alla är inte övertygade om skattens positiva effekter. Är en skatt på handelsgödsel ett kostnadseffektivt styrmedel för att minska på jordbrukets kväveutsläpp tillEutrophication of the Baltic Sea is due to excessive nutrient loads is a major environmental problem. Agriculture is a chief source of nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants. Sweden has committed to reducing its pollution of the Baltic Sea but to achieve this goal political action is needed. A tax on nitrogen content in mineral fertilizers was introduced in Sweden in 1984 to reduce nitrogen pollution,

Boken bakom storfilmen : hur amerikanska förlag använder sig av filmadaptioner för att sälja böcker

The aim of this study is to describe how in the USA, book publishers and authors make use of film adaptations in the promotion of the books behind them. The investigation is based on the 22 books whose film adaptations made it into the top 100 of the American Box Office list from 2014, and it examines the film references that occur on the web pages created in order to promote these books. The resu

Att angöra en brygga – en diskursanalys av omnichannel som buzzword och brygga mellan kanaler

Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar undersöka krafterna bakom managementtrender, genom att skapa en förståelse för uppkomsten och implementeringen av fenomenet omnichannel. Studien utgår från auktoritativa texter från fältet där omnichannel figurerar, och kompletteras med intervjuer med medarbetare på både lednings- och butiksnivå hos klädkedjan MQ, där omnichannel nyligen implementerats. Empirin har vThis qualitative study aims to investigate the dynamics behind management trends, by attempting to develop an understanding of the inception and implementation of the omnichannel phenomenon. The study is based on defining writings from the fields in which omnichannel appears. In addition, interviews with both management and store level personnel are made at the clothes retailer MQ, who recently im

Är LOVA ett effektivt styrmedel? En utvärdering av styrmedlet LOVA och dess arbete i Skåne län 2009-2014

För att Sverige ska ha en möjlighet att uppfylla sina miljömål, sitt lagstagade vattendirektiv och internationella åtaganden är det av stor vikt att avsedda styrmedel fungerar så bra som möjligt. Denna studie utvärderar styrmedlet Lokala Vattenvårdsprojekt, även förkortat LOVA, i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Utvärderingen fokuserar på att undersöka vad som fungerar bra och dåligt med LOVA ocEutrophication is one of EUs most severe environmental problems. It is therefore of great importance that governments have well functioning environmental policy instruments to manage this problem and it is essential to assess these instruments. This study evaluates the Swedish environmental policy instrument Local Water Protection Project (LOVA), which aims to reduce the release of the nutrients n

Meningsskapande i dialog : en museologisk studie i kuratoriellt meningsskapande i samtidskonstutställningar

This thesis derives from a museological perspective on contemporary art exhibitions. The core in today’s art institutions is the exhibitions. In contemporary art exhibitions there often is a question about creating a meaningful context to translate to the public. The content of contemporary art is in relation to social, political and philosophical subjects in human relationships. Together with th

The Subject of Women’s Rights: An Investigation of CEDAW’s (Straight) Construction of Family-­Related Human Rights

The history of international human rights law shows that the articulation of human rights has often been scripted around the experiences of some rather than all. For example: men. As the creation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has tried to address specifically the oppression of women, has this fragmentation of some rather than all repeated

Spreading Like a Wildfire - Online and Offline: A qualitative analysis of Facebook as a crisis communication tool in Sweden

I takt med att klimatet förändras ser vi allt oftare naturkatastrofer äga rum, och Sverige är inte undantaget från denna utveckling. Samtidigt blir Facebook och andra sociala medier ett allt vanligare verktyg för kriskommunikation i offentliga organisationer. Traditionellt har forskning inom kriskommunikation ett managementperspektiv och därför undersöker denna kandidatuppsats istället kriskommuniAs the climate on our planet is changing, natural disasters are occurring increasingly often, and Sweden is not an exception. At the same time, Facebook and other social media are more frequently used as crisis communication tools among public organizations. Traditionally, research within the field of Crisis Communication is pursued from a management perspective, and therefore this thesis uses a r

Carbon and curriculum : towards evidence-based climate change education in Canada

Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is a threat to our society, many young Canadians do not view it as a major issue. This suggests flaws in the way that youth are educated on climate change. I therefore investigated climate change education in Canada to recommend improvements. I analyzed Canadian secondary science curricula according to two frameworks to determine ho

Vems minne är bevarat? : En postkolonial kvantitativ innehållsanalys av romers representation i svenskt arkivmaterial

This Master’s thesis is a quantitative content analysis on the representation of the Romani minority in Swedish archives. The material consists of just over 200 volumes in NAD, the Swedish National Archives Database which makes up 50 percent of the volumes regarding the Romani people. The aim of the thesis is to create a general overview on how the Romani minority is represented in the archives an