

Din sökning på "*" gav 540080 sökträffar

Theoretical and numerical approach to calculate the shear stiffness of corrugated metal deck

Permanent Metal Deck Forms (PMDFs) currently are used in building application as a lateral beam bracing. In the bridge applications, PMDFs are frequently used to support the wet concrete of bridge decks during the construction phase, but they are not relied on as lateral bracing. The girders in the bridge system are subjected to lateral torsional buckling that occurs under the casting of the bridg

Kritiska fukt - och temperatur - r örelser i putsade skivfasader

In general the facade should be aesthetically appealing, but also its practical functions from a moisture control point of view are of importance. Two step sealed facades, where the outer part consists of a cementboard and plaster, are becoming increasingly common in the selection of type of facade. A specific tvåstegstätad facade that is becoming more established on the market is the facade, wher

Den Europeiska Unionens syn på den ukrainska identiteten : är den etnisk eller är den medborgerlig? En narrativ studie av Carl Bildt och Catherine Ashton

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker med hjälp av en narrativ analys den Europeiska Unionens syn på den ukrainska identiteten och huruvida denna identitet är medborgerlig eller etnisk, utifrån teorier om dessa två typer av identiteter. Materialet som undersöks är skriftligt presenterade narrativ av EU:s Höga Representant Catherine Ashton och den svenske utrikesministern Carl Bildt mellan november 2013

Inducing proactive interference by context reinstatement

Proactive interference occurs when previously learned information interfere with current processing. The research presented here examined how old memories can compete with new information during recall by reinstating the context from which the material was learned. Participants were exposed to two around the world trips on a television screen and were tested on memory using the Brown-Peterson task

The war on Internet privacy: a study of the European data protection legislation and the European public debate regarding privacy on the Internet

The high amount of information circulating on the Internet and the consequent possibility to monitor this information has sparked a discussion regarding privacy on the Internet. In early 2012, the EU responded to this by presenting a major reform of its data protection legislation. It is the possible source of this reform that has been of interest in this study. With a discourse analysis guided by

Swedish Civil Society Organisations’ Advocacy towards the EU : a study of their methods, means and challenges

The purpose of this paper is to develop an understanding of the circumstances of Swedish civil society organisations’ EU advocacy work and explore the underlying reasons for the current state of affairs. This lead to the formulation of the main research question: How do Swedish civil society organisations advocate towards the EU? What methods and means are used and what challenges do they encounte

Könsspecifik, könsneutral eller mittemellan- En diskursanalys av genuskonstruktioner i missbruksvården

This paper is problematizing the gender constructions appearing in documents talking of drug treatment in Sweden. Through discourse analysis, the gender constructions done in documents focusing on addiction, and created by government agencies and rehab- and treatment-centers are studied. In previous research, two positions emerged: one expressing the necessity of showing and discussing women´s vul

Mission i Svenska kyrkan - Förståelsen av mission som begrepp i den samtida debatten i Kyrkans Tidning

This essay examines the contemporary concept of mission in the Church of Sweden, by analyzing material from the years 2012 and 2013 published in the magazine Kyrkans Tidning. The concept of mission differs, both among the world’s Christian population and among members of the academic world. For such a diversity to be fruitful and for the communication among those who use the mission concept to be

The Nomadic Peace: A Constructivist Analysis of the Somaliland Peace Process

This qualitative case study utilizes constructivist theory to better understand the success of the Somaliland peace process, which took place in the early 1990’s. The thesis argues that underlying forces, such as social change, social norms, values, beliefs and traditions have been vital in strengthening and legitimizing the peace process. Somaliland has been chosen as the case due to its impressi

Undersökning av långsiktiga effekter på mark och grundvatten vid infiltration av lakvatten : fältundersökning och utvärdering av förhållanden vid Kejsarkullens avfallsanläggning, Hultsfred

Söder om Hultsfred, i Småland, ligger Kejsarkullens avfallsanläggning. Här har ett område, i närheten av deponin, använts i över 30 år för infiltration av lakvatten. Lakvattnet sprinklas ut över marken, där merparten av de miljöfarliga ämnena adsorberas under vattnets passage neråt mot underliggande grundvatten och renas. Detta arbete har som syfte att undersöka hur länge till infiltration är möjl

Är alla lika mycket värda? : en kritisk diskursanalys av fördrags- och direktivtexter för EU:s gemensamma asylpolitik

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine documents setting down standards for EU asylum policies, in order to see if the power structures and actions called for therein can give a hint as to why declared human rights goals are not fully accomplished by the EU and its member states when implementing the policies. Methodologically this research is done by carrying out a Critical Discourse

“Det är inte bara ett syskon som mår dåligt, alla påverkas av det” - En kvalitativ studie av den känslomässiga upplevelsen av att växa upp med ett syskon med psykisk eller fysisk sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättning

Studiens syfte var att nå en fördjupad förståelse för känslomässiga upplevelser av att växa upp med ett syskon med allvarlig psykisk eller fysisk sjukdom eller funktionsnedsättning. Utöver detta var syftet att undersöka hur individer upplever att de har påverkats av dessa erfarenheter avseende sin förmåga till upplevelse och uttryck av affekterna glädje, ilska, skuld och skam. Semistrukturerade inThe purpose of this study was to reach a deeper understanding of the emotional experience of growing up with a sibling with severe mental or physical illness or disability. In addition to this, the purpose was to investigate how individuals feel they have been affected by these experiences in regard to their ability to experience and express happiness, anger, guilt and shame. Semi-structured inter

The cultural aspect of knowledge transfer between Sweden and Uganda/Tanzania

This thesis is based on the problem of transferring knowledge across different cultures. It is a qualitative research, which takes place in Uganda and Tanzania, consisting of six interviews with participants from two batches in the Sida program, two observations and one workshop. The point of departure were two questions: 1) What cultural aspects affect the knowledge transfer within the Sida:s “Ch

Social dumping - hotet mot den svenska modellen - en nordisk komparation om allmängiltigförklaring

Genom EU-medlemskapet har Sveriges arbetsmarknad utvidgats till EES-medlemsländers yttre gränser i och med den fria rörligheten. Detta, tillsammans med en ökad gränsöverskridande rörelse, EU-utvidgningen i öst, samt EU-domstolens praxis i form av Lavaldomen, har satt press på den svenska modellen och mer närmare det svenska kollektivavtalssystemet. Uppsatsen uppmärksammar och påvisar att den svensThrough the membership in EU and the free movement, Sweden’s labour market has been extended to the EES-countries outer national boarders. This, together with an increased transboundary movement, EU-extension in the east, and the EU-Court´s judgements such as Laval, has put pressure on the Swedish model and more in detail the Swedish collective agreement system. This essay highlights and indicates


This paper examines if it is possible to achieve a higher cumulative and risk adjusted return through an active portfolio strategy compared to a passive portfolio strategy. This is done through a mean-variance framework in which the variance is forecasted using two different models. The results show that it is possible achieve a higher cumulative and risk adjusted return by dynamically changing th

Making urban places : a social innovation transition through placemaking in Lund, Sweden

Urban design and city planning have historically been a practice undertaken by distanced experts and funded by detached donors and political bodies. The result is often urban sprawl, transit domination, and streets deprioritizing pedestrians. While urban areas do support innovation and knowledge-intensive production, the occurrence of social and environmental urban vulnerabilities is increasing an

'Benefits beyond carbon' : for whom? : gender analysis of communal forest governance and forest resource use in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In an effort to mitigate global climate change, the REDD+ mechanism (an acronym for ‘Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stock’) continues to be put forward as an attractive carbon sequestration and forest conservation tool. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), hosting m

Att bygga social hållbarhet, En studie över de föränderliga beskrivningarna av relationen mellan social hållbarhet och byggd miljö i Malmös general- och översiktsplaner från 1966 till år 2012

I den nya översiktsplanen för Malmö, som antogs den 14:e maj 2014 läggs ett stort fokus på hur man kan stärka social hållbarhet genom insatser i den byggda miljön. De miljöer som beskrivs som socialt hållbara ska präglas av täthet och funktionsblandning. Detta står i skarp kontrast till vilken typ av miljöer som har förespråkats för att stärka social hållbarhet tidigare i Malmös historia. Under 19