

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Våldsutsatthet och föräldraskap - Hur våld i nära relation påverkar kvinnors föräldraskap, ur anställda på kvinnojourens perspektiv.

The purpose of this study has been to evaluate how women who have left a violent relationship function in their partnering skills. In order to implement the aim with our study, we conducted seven semi-structured interviews with employees and volunteers from women shelters around Skåne. The collected data has been coded and then analyzed based on the theoretical concepts of shame, trauma and attach

BHV-sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta föräldrar som är tveksamma till eller motståndare till att vaccinera sitt barn

Bakgrund: Vaccinering av barn är av betydelse för att förhindra sjukdom och smittspridning av sjukdomar som ingår i barnvaccinationsprogrammet och sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården har en viktig roll i att ge föräldrar korrekt information och förmedla fördelarna av vaccinering. Syfte: Studera BHV-sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta föräldrar som är tveksamma till eller motståndare till att v

Interdependence of Controls - A multiple case study on management control systems and the interdependencies of its elements in the sharing economy

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the use of management control systems in companies operating in the sharing economy and to analyze the interdependencies between the different elements of the system. The empirical research is guided by the Malmi and Brown (2008) framework incorporating relevant criticism and other important factors. The research approach of this study is qualitative, emplo

Social facilitation i en modern kontext: ett digitalt perspektiv

Social facilitation är ett fenomen som förklarar hur människors prestation förändras vid en social närvaro. Denna studiens syfte var att undersöka hur social närvaro i digital form påverkar prestation. Studien utgick från tidigare forskning som har visat att en social facilitation effekten kan uppstå vid digital närvaro i form av en video chat, där prestation på enkla uppgifter förbättrades och prSocial facilitation is a phenomenon that describes how performance changes depending on the presence of others. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ways that social presence in a digital form affects performance. It was based on previous research that has shown that a social facilitation effect can occur as a result of social presence in the form of a video chat, where performance on

Keeping it real? - A critical investigation of the authenticity among influencers in the social media environment

The study is of qualitative character, adopting a constructionist perspective and following an abductive approach. The qualitative material has been gathered through a set of semi-structured focus group interviews. The study has been conducted by applying a conceptual framework, consisting of three theoretical dimensions for investigating the influencer phenomenon, namely; brand authenticity, pers

Asylum seekers and economic growth in 15 European nations 1985-2014

This paper investigates the impact of hosting refugees on long-run economic growth for 15 European nations between 1985-2014. It does so by implementing asylum- applications as a proxy for refugee flows and introducing the variable to the augmented Solow-Swan model. A dynamic panel model is then estimated using OLS, Fixed Effects and Generalised Methods of Moments (GMM) estimation methods. These m

Goal-Side Selection of Penalty Shots in Soccer

Penalty shootouts have become paradigmatic for research on anticipatory skills and decision making. The present study examines the dynamics of goal side selection when viewing realistic images depicting a penalty kick scenario. A sample of participants (n=40) was drawn from a population of students from Lund University. Participants viewed realistic images of a goalkeeper, soccer goal, and ball pl

INTO THE LIGHT - A light-assist interaction system in the semi-autonomous car and interioer design

The current trend around vehicle automation can be likened to a technological race to achieve the maximum amount of automation possible, aiming for complete ‘Automated Drive’ (AD). The development on the way to a full AD experience includes a range of supporting functions like blind spot warning or collision aid, to advanced driver assistance systems like Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Pilot As

The BRIO Night World

Play has a crucial role in children’s development. (Jeffery, 2012) While children playing, they see through the world which children experience their world and the world of others. Yet despite of fact that play is beneficial to children, the opportunity of interaction and parental engagement are limited nowadays in the digital era(Aleeya, 2019). This design research t is started with a question ho


Att ha välbevarad, vacker hy är något som många människor eftersträvar. Frågan är vilka medel folk är beredda att ta till för att uppnå detta och hur långt tillverkarna vågar gå i sina försök att tillfredsställa konsumenterna. På senaste tiden har en ny typ av skönhetsprodukter dykt upp på marknaden. Produkter som vid första anblick ser ut som vilka ansiktskrämer och serum som helst. Tar man sig Skin integrity is something that matters to a lot of people since it makes up a protective barrier but also contributes to a beautiful appearance. To maintain skin integrity there is a wide range of skin care products on the market to choose from. However, lately one particular product group called "cosmeceuticals” have increased. Cosmeceuticals contain biologically active substances among wh

Evaluating how intensive Information and Communication Technology courses can help bridge the Gender Digital Divide

Inclusion in the digital society can lead to improved communication and access to information which increases informed decision making and productivity for individuals and businesses. In turn, this has a positive effect on the socio-economic development of a country. Worldwide, more women than men lack the knowledge of, and access to, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as comput

Digital Transformation in Digitally Mature Organisations: Managers’ perspectives on challenges in progressing in digital maturity

Today’s flow of technological advancements is putting pressure on organisations to maintain a digital transformation to stay competitive in their industries. According to previous research, digitally mature organisations have significantly higher profitability and revenue growth compared to lower-maturity organizations. This study aims to describe the main challenges and solutions met by managers

Sustainability, a means to reach higher profitability?

The focus on sustainability has increased in our society during the last years and more firms are conducting CSR reports than ever before. Some claim that firms CSR efforts are only window dressing while other claims that sustainability leads to greater profitability for firms. Previous research is ambiguous when it comes to explain how and if sustainability efforts lead to higher profitability. S

Predicting Exchange Rate Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall: A Neural Network Approach

On the basis of the recommendation of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision to transition from Value-at-Risk (VaR) to Expected Shortfall (ES) in determining market risk capital, this paper attempts to investigate whether a Recurrent Neural Network provides more accurate VaR and ES predictions of the EUR/USD exchange rate compared to the conventional GARCH(1,1) model. A number of previous stud

Detecting bark beetle damage with Sentinel-2 multi-temporal data in Sweden

The European spruce bark beetle is considered as one of the most destructive forest insects to Norway spruce trees in Europe. Climate change may increase the frequency and intensity of bark beetle outbreaks. It is therefore of vital importance to detect the bark beetle outbreaks and take it under control to prevent further damages. Remote sensing techniques may provide a cost-efficient solution to

The effect of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation

Title: The effect of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation: an empirical study of aspiring investment bankers and their extraordinary drive Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEKH49, Bachelor level thesis in organisation, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Afnan Al Khalifa and Andreas Källström Advisor: Nadja Sörgärde Keywords: motivation, identity work, extrinsic rewards, monetary c

Kan biokol rena akvatiska miljöer från läkemedelsrester?

Många avloppsreningsverk har inte den reningen som krävs för att fånga upp läkemedelsrester vilket leder till att resterna hamnar i miljön. Hittills har läkemedelsresterna inte varit ett så stort problem, men på grund av ett mer frekvent användande av läkemedel blir det allt vanligare att högre koncentrationer av läkemedelsrester återfinns i akvatiska miljöer. Några av dom som återkommer högst i uPharmaceutical residues are becoming more appearing in aquatic systems and it is affecting aquatic organisms. A literature analysis was made to determine if biochar can adsorb pharmaceutical residues and if it is more effective than the already established filter material active carbon. This study shows that biochar has good promises to be able to act as a filter to adsorb pharmaceutical residues.

Towards a Visual Perspective in Strategic Communication: A Visual Analysis of Challenger Brand Narratives

While society becomes increasingly visualised, and research has argued for visuals being inherently strategic, strategic communication research lacks a visual perspective. To address this problem, this study investigates how challenger brands communicate visually and how the visuals’ meaning adds to the challenger narrative. Challenger brands are chosen as an example because of their determined mi