

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

Consumer Perception of Brand Image: Country of Origin and Country of Ownership in Electric Vehicle Brands

Thesis purpose: To reveal how consumers perceive the brand image of electric vehicles (EV) in the aspects of COO and COOW. That is to expand the understanding of COO and COOW in consumer perceptions and to offer insights to the EV industry from the consumer’s perspective. Methodology: A digital research was conducted on digital sites to explore consumer perceptions. Six EV brands with different

The Platform-Based Branding Cycle: Conceptualizing the Roles of the Platform-Based Brand Using the Case of Airbnb

Thesis purpose: To explore the phenomenon of businesses utilizing a platform strategy to create value from a branding perspective. We examine how the role of the brand for a platform is different than for a traditional business in order to conceptualize the role of a platform-based brand. Methodology: An exploratory case study on Airbnb and Marriott International based on a qualitative research a

Passive Entry to the Car Using Machine Learning - Improving the User Experience

The automatic unlocking of the car, also referred to as passive entry, is a feature which simplifies the process of getting into the car. A current and future problem with the passive entry is that it needs to unlock fast enough so that the user does not need to pull the handle more than once. In this thesis it was investigated if machine learning can be used in the passive entry process to improv

Double trouble? - Engelskans roll på språkintroduktionsprogrammet ur ett motivations- och identitetsperspektiv

På det gymnasieförberedande språkintroduktionsprogram-met går nyanlända elever som varit i Sverige i maximalt fyra år. Eleverna lär sig två andraspråk – svenska och engelska – samtidigt, trots att många av dem har dåliga förutsättningar för att lyckas i skolan. Genom en kartläggande enkät följt av semistrukturerade intervjuer med 11 nyanlända elever undersöks hur elevernas motivation och självkäns

Det hedersrelaterade våldets komplexitet- En intersektionell analys av Åklagarmyndighetens handbok mot hedersrelaterat våld

This essay inspects and analyzes how the Swedish prosecutor’s office describe and define honour-related violence in their handbook against honour related violence. The intersectional theory is applied in analysis of the prosecutor’s office portrayal of honour related violence. The intersectional perspective focuses on inequality and power conditions in society and how these can be reproduced by kn

Convenient Consumption in a Platform Economy: A Qualitative Study on Service Convenience and Community Platforms

Thesis purpose: This study aims to explore how community platforms for services can be integrated and used in the customer journey in order to enhance consumers’ perception of convenience. Methodology: Due to the study’s explorative nature, the study utilised a qualitative method conducted in the context of the Swedish furniture retailer IKEA. Theoretical perspective: The thesis was based on pri

Young women’s perceptions on safety in public spaces of Mumbai: negotiating the risk of sexual harassment and challenging patriarchy by transcending victimhood

This thesis draws on ten in-depth interviews in order to analyze young and educated, middle-class women’s perceptions on public safety in Mumbai, regarding the risk of sexual harassment. It focuses on the ways these women negotiate with risk and the patriarchal norms of women’s appropriate behavior in public spaces, further, examines how these women address their oppression and act in order to emp

Constancy and Change Coexist: Chinese Filial Piety in the Era of Modernization

The world has witnessed a rapidly aging China and as a result of the social changes, numerous elderly people are living alone in rural and urban areas. No matter how they have been termed, the reality about the contemporary Chinese elders is that their needs for care is unlikely to be met. Previous researches pursing the theme of modernization in the contemporary Chinese society have argued that a

Brand Dynamics

The aim of this research is to combine the concepts of brand authenticity and brand heritage in order to generate a new theoretical understanding of luxury brands from a dynamic perspective. In this regard, the concepts of luxury, brand authenticity and brand heritage are functioning as three theoretical pillars in order to develop a new dynamic framework.

Brand Activism in Traditional Company’s Marketing Communication and its Influence on Brand Reputation

This research aims to provide insights for both academia and marketing practitioners regarding traditional companies and the implementation of brand activism within marketing communication. Firstly, by exploring consumer perception in the context of Gillette’s commercial “We Believe”, and secondly by investigating the influence of said perceptions on the brand’s reputational capital. Furthermore,

"Vi har inte pengar. Men vi har tid" En kvalitativ studie över modernitetens framväxt och frånvaro i ett traditionellt bondesamhälle i Brasilien

Detta är kvalitativ studie som syftar att beskriva livsföringen i ett traditionellt bondesamhälle på brasilianska landsbygden och samtidigt visa om och i sådana fall hur modernitens framväxt påverkar vardagslivet, med stöd av Anthony Giddens modernitetsteori. Studien visar även inom vilka aspekter som moderniteten är frånvarande. Forskningen baseras på etnografiska observationer och semistrukturer

Aktieåterköp och aktielikviditet

Syfte: Studien undersöker om ett faktiskt aktieåterköp påverkar en akties likviditet samt om storleken på aktieåterköpet kan ha en betydelse för likviditeten. Metod: För att besvara syftet utformas tre hypoteser som besvaras genom en kvantitativ undersökning via regressionsanalys. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien har en deduktiv ansats som tar utgångspunkt i tidigare utarbetade teorier på områdetPurpose: This study evaluates whether actual share repurchases affect a stock's liquidity in the short run. In addition the study also tests if the size of the share repurchase is an element that affects the stock liquidity. Methodology: To test the purpose of the thesis, three hypotheses are designed which are tested in a quantitative research through regression analyses. Theoretical Persp

Våldet ej styrkt - En kritisk diskursanalys om vad domstolen tar i beaktande vid vårdnadstvister där det finns uppgifter om våld

Based on a social constructivist perspective and a critical discourse analysis, the aim of this study was to explore what the court takes into account when deciding on individual or joint custody. The method that was used for this study was a qualitative analysis of court documents. Eight district court orders concerning custody disputes were selected based on the criteria that information on dome

Risker med brandutsatt oexploderad ammunition (OXA) vid Skillingaryds skjutfält

Located all around Sweden there are firing exercise areas with areas containing UXO (Unexploded ordnance) from years of exercise drills. This study aimed to nvestigate the risk when UXO are exposed to wildland fire at one of their locations, namely Skillingaryd’s firing exercise area. The study was conducted with an initial literature study with the purpose to check what had been done before. The

Influencer-marknadsföring - En granskning av hur influencer-marknadsföring förhåller sig till marknadsföringslagen

I och med att sociala medier allt eftersom tar mer plats i vår vardag och i och med framväxten av så kallade influencers har konsumenter kommit att uppleva en ny form av marknadsföring. Denna marknadsföringsform benämns ofta “influencer-marknadsföring” och går ut på att näringsidkare nyttjar influencers inflytande för att göra reklam för olika produkter och tjänster via influencerns social medieplAs social media is increasingly integrated into our everyday lives and with the rise of so-called influencers, consumers are getting used to a new type of marketing. This type of marketing is often referred to as "influencer marketing" which is a collective term used to describe companies using influencers' to market various products and services via the influencer's social media

"Thanks for leaving kudos" : digitala strukturers roll i skapandet av sociala praktiker och gemenskap online - en kvalitativ fallstudie av plattformen Archive Of Our Own

Denna uppsats undersöker gemenskapens uttryck och möjligheter i ett allt mer digitaliserat landskap. I takt med att allt fler relationer och kommunikationer förflyttas till den digitala sfären väcks frågor om vilka förutsättningar det sociala sammanhanget har där. Studien analyserar digitala funktioner och strukturers villkor och förutsättningar för sociala praktiker. Uppsatsen utgörs av en fallst

Representations of China on YouTube: A Visual Semiotic Analysis of Organic Placemaking Videos

Understanding how China is represented on international social media, such as YouTube, is potentially important for the success of China as a tourist destination. However, a study of how China is represented on YouTube by independent users has not been done. Given the unique circumstances of how Chinese people are banned from using YouTube, it is a site of destination placemaking and discourse tha

Könsgränsen - Om samproduktionen av könstillhörighetslagen (1972:119)

The Swedish law for gender assignment in certain cases (Lag (1972:119) om fastställande av könstillhörighet i vissa fall) was adopted in 1972 to regulate the gender confirmation treatment and legal sex reassignment of intersex and transsexual persons. This essay aims to illuminate the coproduction between science and society that made the law as well as its accompanying institutions and regulation