

Din sökning på "*" gav 539873 sökträffar

Development of a Web Mapping Application for grazing resource information in Kordofan, Sudan, by downloading MODIS data automatically via Python

I Sudan, Kordofan, livnärs sig många från boskapsdjur och nomader har som uppgift att flytta runt dessa till diverse betesresurser. Eftersom betesresurserna varierar från år till år har det skapats ett projekt som kallas för GRIS där man ska ta reda på tillgång och efterfråga på just betesresurser. Data tillgänglig från detta projekt ska finnas tillgänglig på en kartapplikation och det är där dettIn Sahel livestock stands for an important resource. Since livestock is dependent on vegetation as food supply it is important to monitor biomass within the area to be able to assess and adapt to different situations regarding the livestock. Optimally such approximations should be available as early as possible in order for the owners to be able to make decisions while it still makes a difference.

Development of an Upconverting Nanoparticles Quantum Yield Measurement System

Fluorescence imaging is a growing biomedical technique; it can be used to localize the luminescent biomarkers inside the tissue. Lanthanide-doped upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) are promising luminescent probes for multiple applications in biophotonics. They allow acquiring autofluorescence-free recordings with high spatial resolution. How- ever, upconverting nanoparticles have a low quantum yi

Fully Glazed Office Building Façade Designs in Denmark

The current trend in office building architecture includes large glazed areas that give transparent architecture. But these buildings have a challenging indoor climate and a higher energy use than required by current building regulations in Denmark. The limits for Building Class 2020 (BC2020) is 25 kWh/(m²·year) where an integrated Renewable Energy Source (RES) is used for lowering an actual build

Social Media Analytics - Factors affecting business and IT alignment of Social Media Analytics in organizations

Social Media Analytic (SMA) is an emerging trend driven by practitioners to access and ana-lyze the increased volumes of user-generated content. The utilization of SMA provides organ-izations with the potential to improve customer insights, digital presence and foster customer relationships. However, despite the positive aspects, acquisition of an emerging technology presents both technical and op

Investigation of cracking due to restraint forces in Swedish concrete slab frame bridges

När betongplattrambroar modelleras med moderna linjära 3D FE-modeller kommer stora dragkrafter att uppstå i brons tvärriktning från temperatur- och krympningslasterna. Dessa tvångskrafter är då mycket större än vad som har beaktats i de äldre 2D modellerna. Detta leder till att den tvärgående armeringsmängden, som beräknas i 3D-modellerna, är mycket större än vad som har varit norm innan. Denna avWhen concrete slab frame bridges are designed with modern linear 3D FE-models large tensile restraint forces will arise in the transversal direction of the bridge from the temperature and shrinkage loads. These restraint forces are much larger than those that are accounted for in the older 2D models. This leads to that the amount of transversal reinforcement, calculated in the 3D FE-calculations,

Analysis of Jointless Bridges due to Horizontal Actions and Soil-Structure Interaction

Broar som konstrueras utan kopplingar och lager fungerar så att de ska ta upp krafter via moment i ramhörn eller liknande. Integrerade broar i olika utformningar byggs över hela världen, och är populära på grund av dess enkla utformning och fördelar rörande livscykelkostnader. Vanligtvis tenderar dimensionerna, då i synnerhet ändskärmarna, att bli väldigt tunga och tungt armerade. Genom att tillgoBridges constructed without joints function to take care of forces by introducing bending moments to the stiff connections. Jointless bridges, also called integral bridges, in different appearances are built all over the world, and are popular due to their advantages regarding life cycle cost. Usually the dimensions of the structural parts, especially the backwalls, tends to be large and the eleme

Asymmetric Alliance Formation from the Small Business Perspective

Purpose – This paper attempts to improve our understanding of strategic asymmetric alliance formation within the field of entrepreneurship. We employ previous research findings on alliance formation and power relationships to examine the alliance formation tactics of startups. Accordingly, we aim to answer the question: ‘How do entrepreneurs build ties with comparably larger and more established c

Jag sticker inte under stol med att jag behöver få ut något av det själv. En kvalitativ studie om motivens betydelse för volontärers engagemang i frivilligt socialt arbete.

Volunteers fill an important function in the social work that constantly and in various ways goes on in our society. Without the volunteers' involvement there is a risk that many more people fall between the cracks than actually do, even in the Swedish welfare state. Since volunteers are people whose resources are finite, it is important to gain insight into what motivates, encourages and even

Lagring av 3D-geodata i databaser : en fallstudie i Malmö Stad

Denna artikel beskriver resultatet av ett examensarbete med syfte att utreda databasbaserade lagringsstrukturer för 3D-geodata. Projektet visade på vilka möjligheter det finns att skapa ett flexibelt databassystem där hantering så som lagring, uppdatering och addering av data är möjlig genom FME-skript. I och med den snabba teknikutvecklingen som skett det senaste årtiondet fanns tekniken för komThe interest in the production of 3D geo data has in recent years greatly increased, and many performers are interested in making use of 3D geo data for including urban design, planning, analysis, city models and web services. The use of 3D geo data can lead to an increased communication with the citizens thought interactive web maps. For example the user can slide around in a planned district or

Strandskydd i Svedala kommun Markanvändning idag, ianspråktagande av mark sedan 1940-talet och behovet av utvidgat strandskydd

Strandskydd i Svedala kommun Strandskyddet är, tillsammans med det generella biotopskyddet, det enda direkt gällande skyddet för stränder i Sverige. Generellt strandskydd har funnits i Sverige sedan 1975, och i många kommuner är strandskyddet utvidgat. Svedala kommun har utvidgat strandskydd runt sju av sjöarna i kommunen. Syftet med strandskyddet är att säkerställa allmänhetens tillgång till strShoreline protection is, along with general habitat protection, the only directly applicable conservation act for shorelines in Sweden. The purpose of shoreline protection is to safeguard the public’s recreational access to shoreline areas and protect flora and fauna. Sweden has had general shoreline protection since 1975, and in many municipalities the shoreline protection is extended. Svedala mu

Monitoring of denitrifying activities in moving bed biofilm reactors with an ex-situ manometric batch test

Utsläpp av kväve i naturen är ett stort problem eftersom det till exempel kan bidra till övergödning och så kallade döda bottnar i sjöar i akvatiska och marina miljöer. Förmågan att kunna avlägsna kväve från avloppsvatten har därför blivit ett viktigt medel för att bevara och skydda miljön. Kväveavskiljning från kommunala avloppsvatten sker vanligtvis med hjälp av nitrifikation och denitrifikationEmissions of reactive nitrogen to the environment is of major concern, e.g. since it is known to contribute to eutrophication and dead sea floors in water bodies. The capability to remove nitrogen from wastewater has therefore become a critical means of preserving and protecting the environment. Conventional nitrogen removal from municipal wastewaters usually includes nitrification together with d

Industriell produktion av bostäder - En studie om möjligheter till en högre miljöprestanda som möter önskemålen vid marktilldelning i svenska kommuner

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning ”Byggnader och anläggningar ska lokaliseras och utformas på ett miljöanpassat sätt…”, så lyder riksdagens defintion av miljökvalitetsmålet God bebyggd miljö (Miljömål, 2016a). Företag som Boklok är en viktig del av utvecklingen mot en god bebyggd miljö i Sverige. En god vardagsmiljö utgör en av delarna i miljökvalitetsmålet vilket bland annat innefattar ett variHousing today stands for 40 % of Swedens total energy use and therefore the industry has a big environmental impact (Miljömål, 2016a). This is not only an important issue due to the environmental impact, it also has a high importance for the society due to the current housing shortage that is prevailing in Sweden. It is important to find a way to be able to industrialize house building with the lo

Willingness to pay for fair trade coffee - the impact of conformity on ethical consumption

In this study the willingness to pay and conformity-seeking behaviour of Swedish consumers when purchasing fair trade coffee were examined. It was conducted through a conjoint analysis on data collected from two different questionnaires; one that presented objective information on fair trade, and one that linked fair trade to aspirational cues. The results indicated that ethical claims of fair tra

Packaging solutions to reduce discolouration in spices due to light exposure

Study of 5 spice varieties with different Packaging Materials and Light Sources. Santa Maria Co. has encountered issues in their spices assortment; light causes color bleaching in some spices due to light exposure. This phenomenon often happens when the spices are displayed in the retailer’s facilities and after the products leave the manufacturing facilities, meaning the Company has no longer th

Control and properties of processes with recycle dynamics

This project discusses the effects of recycle streams on the dynamics and performance of chemical plants. The questions addressed are: can the current industry standard tuning methods still be applied to systems with recycle, and if not, how can they be modified? This is approached by analysing the arrest time tuning method when applied to an integrating process with and without recycle. The resul

Regional development in post 1997 Indonesia

This thesis uses three indicators of development (Human Development Index, human capital and infrastructure) to analyze regional development in post 1997 Indonesia. The main conclusion is that the Asia crisis had on the short-term an equalizing effect on the different growth paths of the Indonesian regions. These equalizing effects, however, stagnated and the capital, Jakarta started to diverge ag

Contesting Closures: Deconstructing the Political Economy within Degrowth

This study explores the analytical and conceptual closures within political economy and degrowth literature. In order to explore these closures, poststructural theories of postcolonial and queer have been used. Derridian deconstruction has been applied to the degrowth literature to illuminate the silences and contradictions present within the texts. A deconstructive reading of the degrowth literat