

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Does attention move or spread during mental curve tracing?

There are two theories that attempt to explain how attention is deployed when lines are traced. Initially, it was believed that a covert zoom lens moved along the line. Recent evidence has, however, suggested that attention spreads along the line, rather than moving along it, perhaps as part of an effortful object-parsing process. Three experiments tested the spreading and moving accounts of line

Is the university model an organizational necessity? Scale and agglomeration effects in science

In this paper we argue that the emergence of the dominant model of university organization, which is characterized by a large agglomeration of many (often loosely affiliated) small research groups, might have an economic explanation that relates to the features of the scientific production process. In particular, we argue that there are decreasing returns to scale on the level of the individual re

Is it simply getting worse? Agriculture and Swedish greenhouse gas emissions over 200 years

This paper challenges the idea that emissions of greenhouse gases simply increase over time with income. It adopts a 200-year perspective and includes the important flows of greenhouse gases related to agriculture, not just the CO2 from fossil fuels. The result is that the pattern of Swedish total greenhouse gas emissions over time resembles an N. In contrast, when only emissions from fossil fuels

Identification of conformational epitopes for human IgG on chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus

Background The Chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus (CHIPS) blocks the Complement fragment C5a receptor (C5aR) and formylated peptide receptor (FPR) and is thereby a potent inhibitor of neutrophil chemotaxis and activation of inflammatory responses. The majority of the healthy human population has antibodies against CHIPS that have been shown to interfere with its function in vit

Clamour for Glamour? Place marketing and city competition for hosting the Swedish tryouts to the Eurovision Song Contest

For some time it has been argued that cities all over the world have become more entrepreneurial and increasingly competitive. Most research has focused on spectacular events in well-known metropolises, but far less is known about how smaller cities engage in competitive activities. This paper focuses on how, why and what Swedish cities hope to achieve by engaging themselves in hosting the tryouts

The Logic of the Exception

Abstract in Danish Som regel forstår vi demokrati og diktatur som to adskilte regeringsformer. Faktisk er de sammenflettede grundet undtagelsestilstanden og dens uundgåelighed i den politiske forfatning. Denne indrømmelse befrier os fra normativ forudindtagethed om det politiske og leder os til den hypotese at hvis vi studerer det politiske hinsides ideologiske spilfægterier og narrative konstruktNormally, we understand democracy and dictatorship as two separate forms of government. Actually, they are intertwined due to the state of exception and its inevitability for the political constitution. This concession frees of normative pre-conceptions of the political and leads us to the hypothesis that if we study the political beyond ideological skirmishes and narrative constructions we can co

Centerpartiet – samling efter den ideologiska stormen

The Centre party weathered what amounted to an almost existential mid-term public opinion crisis, to end up outperforming its coalition partners in the 2014 general election. Although it too fell back, it shed a notable proportion of tactical support voters, and actually increased its share of genuine, first-preference, voters. The Centre party has revisited and refreshed its ideological foundatio

Compton scattering from C-12 using tagged photons in the energy range 65-115 MeV

Elastic scattering of photons from C-12 has been investigated using quasimonoenergetic tagged photons with energies in the range 65-115 MeV at laboratory angles of 60 degrees, 120 degrees, and 150 degrees. at the Tagged-Photon Facility at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. A phenomenological model was employed to provide an estimate of the sensitivity of the C-12(gamma,gamma)C-12 cross section

How to misuse echo contrast

Background: Primary intracardiac tumours are rare, there are however several entities that can mimic tumours. Contrast echocardiography has been suggested to aid the differentiation of various suspected masses. We present a case where transthoracic echocardiography completely misdiagnosed a left atrial mass, partly due to use of echo contrast. Case presentation: An 80 year-old woman was referred f

Measurement of inclusive and dijet D* meson cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

The inclusive photoproduction of D* mesons and of D*-tagged dijets is investigated with the H1 detector at the ep collider HERA. The kinematic region covers small photon virtualities Q(2) < 2 GeV2 and photon-proton centre-of-mass energies of 100< W-gamma p < 285 GeV. Inclusive D* meson differential cross sections are measured for central rapidities vertical bar eta(D*)vertical bar < 1.5 and transv

Azurophil Granule Proteins Constitute the Major Mycobactericidal Proteins in Human Neutrophils and Enhance the Killing of Mycobacteria in Macrophages

Pathogenic mycobacteria reside in, and are in turn controlled by, macrophages. However, emerging data suggest that neutrophils also play a critical role in innate immunity to tuberculosis, presumably by their different antibacterial granule proteins. In this study, we purified neutrophil azurophil and specific granules and systematically analyzed the antimycobacterial activity of some purified azu

Vitamin K-dependent protein S - studies of synthesis, structure and function

This thesis is based on four projects with the overall aim to investigate vitamin K-dependent protein S functions in relation to its structure. The anticoagulant functions of protein S can be divided in three: 1) cofactor for activated protein C (APC), 2) cofactor for tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and 3) APC and TFPI-independent anticoagulant functions. Microparticles might be shed from

Uncertainty regarding waste handling in everyday life

According to our study, based on interviews with households in a residential area in Sweden, uncertainty is a cultural barrier to improved recycling. Four causes of uncertainty are identified. Firstly, professional categories not matching cultural categories—people easily discriminate between certain categories (e.g., materials such as plastic and paper) but not between others (e.g., packaging and

Fatty fish consumption and risk of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults.

It has been suggested that intake of fatty fish may protect against both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Hypotheses rest on the high marine omega-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid+docosahexaenoic acid (EPA+DHA) and vitamin D contents, with possible beneficial effects on immune function and glucose metabolism. Our aim was to investigate, for the first time, fatty fish consumption in relation to the ri

Multi-Scale Characterization of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Using 2H and Diffusion MRI with Spatial Resolution in Three Dimensions.

The ability of lyotropic liquid crystals to form intricate structures on a range of length scales can be utilized for the synthesis of structurally complex inorganic materials, as well as in devices for controlled drug delivery. Here we employ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for non-invasive characterization of nano-, micro-, and millimeter scale structures in liquid crystals. The structure is mi

Differential Capacitance of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: The Role of Dispersion Forces

We investigate theoretical models of room temperature ionic liquids, and find that the experimentally observed camel-shape of the differential capacitance is strongly related to dispersion interactions in these systems. At low surface charge densities, the loss of dispersion interactions in the vicinity of the electrodes generates depleted densities, with a concomitant drop of the differential cap

Lighting control systems in individual offices at high latitude: measurements of electricity savings and users preferences

Abstract in UndeterminedAn efficient lighting control systems (LCS) should take advantage of the natural light available, but this presents some technical challenges as well as user related issues. So far, the assessment of lighting energy consumption of LCS has been based on technical features rather than the occupants’ acceptance.This article presents the results of a monitoring study providing

Individual resiliency factors from a genetic perspective: results from a twin study.

This article is part of the Twin Mother's Study, a study that examines influences on maternal adjustment. A number of studies have investigated the importance of genetic factors for mental health, but few of these examine how genes and the environment influence resiliency/salutogenic factors. This article investigates the relative importance of genetic and environmental influences on resiliency/sa

Sämre läkarkontinuitet efter vårdvalet för patienter med diabetes - En jämförelse före och efter införande av hälsoval Skåne i Malmö.

Continuity of care is one of the core values of family medicine and both patients and doctors consider it a vital aspect of the care of patients with chronic diseases. In 2009 a national health care reform was implemented in primary care in Sweden. This study compared the longitudinal continuity of care in primary care before and after this reform in 7121 adult diabetes patients living in Malmö. O