

Din sökning på "*" gav 539873 sökträffar

Shiny happy people : a governmentality analysis of climate adaptation planning in Skt. Kjelds Neighborhood in Copenhagen

This thesis explores the urban planning strategy for climate change adaptation in Skt. Kjelds Neighborhood, Copenhagen, Denmark. The aim is to understand the power relations between citizens and municipality through a Foucauldian governmentality analysis. Urban planning today is more than just creating a plan for the city's physical environment, including buildings, roads, parks, etc. It is pl

Chromogenic silk films - application to pH and glucose detection

Five consecutive experiments were conducted with the goal to produce a chromogenic silk film, namely a film that is optically responsive to pH and glucose, made of regenerated silk fibroin, laponite, organic dye and glucose oxidase enzyme. The goal also included that the film should be produced with simple methods, such as adsorption and mixing in water. 2 dyes well suited for adsorbing onto lapon

History with Some Evidence: Inequality Levels of Argentina and Australia at the Turn of the 20th Century

Institutional theory of economic growth argues that the long-term development of a country is greatly influenced by quality of its institutions. On its turn, good institutions would form more naturally in countries with better income distributions than more unequal countries. One of the main references used to support this idea used by researchers is the case of Latin America, especially Argentina

Development of a project planning support tool with user centered design

Idag är planering en essentiell komponent i både den offentliga och den privata sektorn. Ett bra planerad projekt har en högre sannolikhet för att lyckas än ett inte så välplanerad projekt. Men ju större ett projekt är, desto mer tidskrävande är planeringsprocessen. I detta examensarbete utvecklades ett planeringsverktyg för att hitta en tillräcklig bra konfiguration mellan personer och deluppgifToday, planning is an essential part in most lines of business. A good planned project has a higher chance of succeeding than a not so well planned project. However, the bigger a project is, the more time consuming the planning phase becomes. This master thesis has been aimed at designing and developing a planning support tool for finding a good match between persons and tasks based on their ski

Iterative Design of a User Interface Adapted for People with Dementia

In today society people live longer and along with the rising life expectancy chronic diseases, like dementia, will become more common. The demand on more and better assistive technology, technology that ease the everyday life for the persons with dementia, will increase. The assistive technology currently recommended by occupational therapists are mainly low-technological solutions. There exist

Management of Large Crowds in Underground Metro Stations

This report focuses on the issues associated with large occupant loads and counter-flows in underground metro stations. A basic case study is performed by simulating different countermeasures scenarios to investigate the implication that the countermeasures may have on the occupant load on the platform. The countermeasures investigated were modifications to the flow through ticket gates or escalat

Projektledaren, ledarskapet och mentorskapet

Syftet med studien är att kartlägga vilka egenskaper och färdigheter en byggprojektledare bör utveckla för att säkerställa ett projekts framgång. Studien ämnar även undersöka projektledarnas nuvarande ledarkompetenser och val av tillvägagångssätt i projekten. Detta för att bilda en uppfattning av mentorskapets effekter som kompetensutvecklingsmetod, och få en djupare förståelse för hur mentorskapeThe purpose of the study is to identify the leader characteristics and skills a construction project manager should develop in order to ensure a project's success. The aim is also to examine the project manager's current competencies and approaches. The purpose is furthermore to identify how to design a mentoring program to improve the manager’s possibilities to achieve successful projects

New technique for energy efficient CO2-separation through absorption with a sterically hindered amine

Ny, energieffektiv metod för uppgradering av biogas Arbetet som beskrivs i denna artikel handlar om en ny, lovande metod för koldioxidavskiljning från rå biogas för att tillverka ren biogas som kan användas som bland annat fordonsbränsle. Den rena biogasen är ett miljövänligt alternativ som kan ersätta de nuvarande fossila bränslen som har en negativ påverkan på vår miljö. Den nya metoden testadeThe degree project described in this report also acts as a deliverable for a research project. The research project focuses on a new technique for the upgrading of biogas. This new technology uses a sterically hindered amine to absorb carbon dioxide from the biogas to raise its energy value. The amine used for this method is 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol or AMP. When absorb-ing carbon dioxide with t

Absorb it!

Titel: Absorb it! - An investigation of the four underlying capabilities of the absorptive capacity Seminariedatum: 2016-06-02 Kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå̊, 15 HP Författare: Astrid Lilja, Denise Sandberg, Viktoria Enhager Handledare: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Nyckelord: Dynamiska kapabiliteter, absorptionsförmåga, öppen innovation, kunskapsanskaffning, kunsSummary Title: Absorb it! - An investigation of the four underlying capabilities of the absorptive capacity Seminar date: 2016-06-02 Course: FEKH19, Degree Project in Strategic Management, Undergraduate Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Astrid Lilja, Denise Sandberg, Viktoria Enhager Advisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Key words: Dynamic capabilities, absorptive capacity, open innovation, knowledge acqui

Implementation of platooning concept from business perspective.

Platooning is a way of how different transport companies could reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency and safety. Concept implies that group of vehicles is driving in a convoy or string on the highway with close distance at particular speed with a help of driving assistance technologies, such as adaptive cruise control or cooperative cruise control. Several projects describe how platoonin

Integration of powdered activated carbon in tertiary disc filtration of wastewater

Mikroföroreningar är små molekyler som är restprodukter från t.ex. läkemedel, hormoner, kosmetika samt mikroplaster. Då majoriteten av dessa inte renas i våra avloppsreningsverk har mikroföroreningarna börjat ackumuleras i vattendrag och dess negativa inverkan på vattenlevande djur har börjat uppmärksammas. En av metoderna för att ta hand om och avskilja mikroföroreningarna i reningsprocessen är This thesis investigates the feasibility of integrating Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) in to chemical treatment in combination with disc filtration of tertiary wastewater. Jar and tube tests have been performed, where the suspension was filtered through a 10 μm disc filter from Hydrotech Veolia Water Technologies. The effluent has been analyzed for total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (T

Kan en slogan få ett flygbolag att lyfta?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för hur konsumenter uppfattar slogans. Studien undersöker vidare hur en slogan påverkar ett varumärkes Brand Equity i en bransch med hård konkurrens där företagen erbjuder snarlika tjänster. Metod: En kvalitativ studie har med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt samt en konstruktionistisk ontologisk ståndpunkt genomförts. Vidare har en abduktiv tePurpose: The purpose of this thesis is to reach an understanding of how consumers perceive slogans. The study examines how a slogan affect Brand Equity in an industry categorised by tough competition and where the companies offer similar services. Methodology: A qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach and a constructivist ontological perspective has been implemented. The thesis scientific ap

Energy-efficient renovation and thermal comfort assessment of two Swedish single-family residential buildings from the Million Program

The energy use in the building sector is increasing rapidly which contributes to the rise in global greenhouse gas concentration. Energy-efficient buildings are considered as healthy buildings due to the improved air quality and comfortable indoor environment. One million residential buildings were built in Sweden during 1965 and 1975 to minimize the acute housing shortage. This initiative was tak

Motståndets litterära estetik : en studie av Arbetarens litterära värdeförhandlingar 2015–2016

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how the syndicalist newspaper Arbetaren (1922–) create literary value, as a deviated institution on the literary field in Sweden 2015–2016. Arbetaren is owned by the labour union Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (SAC) and is a newspaper that historically has worked to help proletarian writers to establish themselves in the literay field. The analysis

The Puzzle of China’s Leftover Women

The aim of this thesis is to identify the roots of the leftover women phenomenon in order to understand why it has appeared. In particular, we examine why the leftover women are having difficulties in finding a husband in the Chinese marriage market. Additionally, we establish whether the leftover women phenomenon may be a consequence of the increasing patriarchal norms in China. Through an in-dep

Sambandet mellan företagsledningens aktieinnehav och utdelningspolicy – En studie av den svenska marknaden

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om svenska börsnoterade företags utdelningspolicy har ett samband med företagslednings aktieinnehav samt jämföra om någon bransch eller cap visar ett större eller mindre samband. Metoden som används i uppsatsen är en kvantitativ studie. Variabler skapas och introduceras för att undersöka om ett samband finns mellan styrelseägande och utdelningsandel. Denna u

Automatic Identification of Poorly Performing Substations and Meter Devices. The Future of District Heating Analysis

Den svenska fjärrvärmesektorn står idag inför många utmaningar på grund av konkurrens från andra uppvärmingsalternativ kombinerat med ett minskande värmebehov i byggnader. För att öka dess konkurrenskraft måste fjärrvärmebolagen utveckla sätt att hålla produktionskostnaden för fjärrvärme på en mer eller mindre konstant nivå. Ett sätt att göra detta är att öka fjärrvärmesystemens effektivitet. För The district heating sector in Sweden is today facing several challenges due to competition from other heating alternatives as well as decreasing heat demand in buildings. To increase its competitiveness, the district heating companies have to find ways to keep their production costs at a more or less constant level. One way of doing this is to increase the efficiency of the district heating syste

Design process of an Android application for measuring and displaying road conditions

The status of our roads and the possibility to monitor the conditions of them are becoming more and more important due to the steady increase of vehicles populating them. This thesis aims to improve a system for which purpose is to gather data about the status of roads, which the Swedish company Klimator develops. With more frequently measured roads saltand plowing efforts could be optimized and i

Det Våras För Indien

Investeringar till stängningskursen under första handelsdagen i börsintroduktioner på Bombay Stock Exchange genererar en negativ anormal avkastning på kort såväl som lång sikt. Endast en av de undersökta variablerna, branschen Healthcare, har ett statistiskt säkerställt samband med den långsiktiga prestationen.Investments in IPOs on the Bombay Stock Exchange at the closing price on the first day of trading generates a negative abnormal return in both the short and the long run. Only one of the independent variables, the industry Healthcare, has a statistically proven connection to the long run performance.