

Din sökning på "*" gav 533322 sökträffar

Pressure Plate - för bestämning av kapillär stighöjd, porstorlek och kornstorlek hos porösa material

Med en s.k. Pressure Plate utrustning kan porstukturen hos porösa material undersökas. För grovporösa material, t.ex. olika jordarter, kan även kapillära stighöjden -”sugförmågan”- och kornstorleken bestämmas på ett enkelt sätt. Metoden går ut på att man gradvis pressar ut vatten ur ett vattenmättat prov genom att utsätta detta för stegvis ökat tryck. Det finns ett enkelt samband -Laplace´s lag- m

Review of Per Rönnegård & Samuel Rubenson, red. Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk: Den systematiska samlingen, vol II: Om nödvändigheten av att hängivet sträva efter stillheten. Sturefors: Silentium 2010; Britt Dahlman & Per Rönnegård, red. Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk: Den systematiska samlingen, vol III: Om botfärdigheten. Sturefors: Silentium 2011; Britt Dahlman & Per Rönnegård, red. Paradiset. Ökenfädernas tänkespråk: Den systematiska samlingen, vol IV: Om självbehärskningen, inte bara ifråga om mat utan även de andra böjelserna. Sturefors: Silentium 2012.

Effect of temperature difference between manikin and wet fabric skin surfaces on clothing evaporative resistance: how much error is there?

Clothing evaporative resistance is one of the inherent factors that impede heat exchange by sweating evaporation. It is widely used as a basic input in physiological heat strain models. Previous studies showed a large variability in clothing evaporative resistance both at intra-laboratory and inter-laboratory testing. The errors in evaporative resistance may cause severe problems in the determinat

Molecular Genetic Characterization of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with a Poor Prognosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Leukemi kännetecknas av en okontrollerad tillväxt av omogna vita blodkroppar och orsakas av förvärvade genetiska förändringar. Genetiska förändringar eller avvikelser, som är drivande i cancerutvecklingen, uppstår när normala celler delar sig. Identifiering av sådana förändringar på gen-och kromosomnivå är av stor klinisk betydelse. Behandling styrs av vilka genetiska aAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) affects individuals at all ages, with peak incidences in children 50 years. ALL is broadly categorized into B-cell precursor (BCP) and T-cell ALL with specific clinical features associated with outcome. In contrast to pediatric ALL, which has a favorable prognosis, adult ALL is associated with a much poorer outcome with less than 40% overall survival rates, decre

Decomposition of hydrogen iodide via wood-based activated carbon catalysts for hydrogen production

In this study, the catalytic activity of wood-based catalysts produced by different activation methods was evaluated for the decomposition of hydrogen iodide (HI) as part of the sulfur-iodine hydrogen production process. The wood-based activated carbon catalysts showed strong improvement in the HI conversion compared to a blank, especially for carbon catalysts activated using H3PO4. Proximate anal

Arkeologi och identitet

In this book several authors from the Nordic countries discuss the concept of identity as used within archaeology. Identity is as well part of the cultural heritage as an active component in today's political discussion. Ranging from present uses of identity today to the use of identity in the past, the 17 articles in the book show how identity works within archaeology.

Three-dimensional ultrasound studies of normal and abnormal ovaries

Popular Abstract in Swedish Äggstockarna genomgår förändringar under en normal menstruationscykel. I samband med tumörväxt i äggstockarna utvecklas nya blodkärl. Dessa förändringar kan upptäckas med både tvådimensionellt (2D) och tredimensionellt (3D) gråskale- och Doppler-ultraljud. Med Doppler-ultraljud kan man upptäcka blodkärl och uppskatta blodflödeshastigheterna i blodkärlen. Referensvärden The aims of this work were: 1) to estimate the number of follicles, ovarian volume and power Doppler vascular indices and their changes with age using three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal grey-scale and power Doppler ultrasound in asymptomatic women of fertile age either with natural menstrual cycles or using combined oral contraceptives, and 2) to determine whether tumour vascularity, assessed by

Cost-effectiveness of infliximab versus conventional combination treatment in methotrexate-refractory early rheumatoid arthritis: 2-year results of the register-enriched randomised controlled SWEFOT trial.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness of infliximab versus conventional combination treatment over 21 months in patients with methotrexate-refractory early rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: In this multicentre, two-arm, parallel, randomised, active-controlled, open-label trial, rheumatoid arthritis patients with

High-kinetic-energy photoemission spectroscopy of Ni at 1s: 6-eV satellite at 4 eV

Electron correlations are responsible for many profound phenomena in solid-state physics. A classical example is the 6-eV satellite in the photoelectron spectrum of Ni. Until now the satellite structure has only been investigated at the L shell and more shallow levels. Here we report a high-kinetic-energy photoemission spectroscopy (HIKE) investigation of Ni metal. We present 1s and 2p photoelectr

Identification of proteins involved in neural progenitor cell targeting of gliomas

Background: Glioblastoma are highly aggressive tumors with an average survival time of 12 months with currently available treatment. We have previously shown that specific embryonic neural progenitor cells (NPC) have the potential to target glioma growth in the CNS of rats. The neural progenitor cell treatment can cure approximately 40% of the animals with malignant gliomas with no trace of a tumo

The Role of Wind-Tunnel Studies in Integrative Research on Migration Biology

Wind tunnels allow researchers to investigate animals' flight under controlled conditions, and provide easy access to the animals during flight. These increasingly popular devices can benefit integrative migration biology by allowing us to explore the links between aerodynamic theory and migration as well as the links between flight behavior and physiology. Currently, wind tunnels are being used t

Functional expression of five Arabidopsis fatty acyl-CoA reductase genes in Escherichia coli

Very long chain primary alcohols are significant components in cuticle waxes of plants. Fatty acyl-CoA reductases (FARs) catalyze the formation of a fatty alcohol from an acyl-CoA. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome contains eight genes homologous to FAR genes from jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), silk moth, wheat and mouse. Expression of six Arabidopsis FAR homologs in Escherichia coli r

Housing reconstruction in disaster recovery: a study of fishing communities post-tsunami in chennai, India.

Disaster recovery after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 led to a number of challenges and raised issues concerning land rights and housing reconstruction in the affected countries. This paper discusses the resistance to relocation of fishing communities in Chennai, India. Qualitative research methods were used to describe complexities in the debate between the state and the community regarding re

Determination of the Thermal Load Distribution in Internal Traverse Grinding using a Geometric-Kinematic Simulation

During grinding processes, numerous grains interact with the workpiece material producing mechanical and thermal loads on the surface. In the field of thermal simulation of grinding processes, a widely used approach is to substitute numerous cutting edges by a single moving distributed heat source of a specific geometrical shape referring to the theory of Carslaw and Jaeger. This heat source is th

Risk for incident and fatal prostate cancer in men with a family history of any incident and fatal cancer

Background: Familial clustering of incident prostate cancer and some cancers at other discordant sites has been reported. Less is known about familial clustering of fatal prostate cancer with any fatal discordant cancers. Estimates on familial aggregation based on mortality are free from bias of overdiagnosis. Patients and methods: We used the nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database to calculate

Scale-up Analysis of Continuous Cross-flow Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor Designs

This paper presents the development of a non-dimensional model of a continuous cross-flow atomic layer deposition (ALD) reactor with temporally separated precursor pulsing and a structured model-based methodology for scaling up the substrate dimensions. The model incorporates an ALD gas–surface reaction kinetic mechanism for the deposition of thin ZnO films from Zn(C2H5)2 and H2O precursors that w