

Din sökning på "*" gav 533178 sökträffar

”Alltså, klienter är ju arga och kan säga saker som de inte menar” En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uttalanden kring hot på sin arbetsplats

Abstract Authors: Filippa Daugbjerg & Kerstin Månsson Title: “So, clients are angry and say things they do not mean” – A qualitative study of the social worker’s statements about threats in the workplace Supervisor: Karin Kullberg The aim of this study was to examine what social workers in social services, working with economical support found as risk factors when a threatful situation arises

"Det är som många beskriver, en känsla av att inte passa in" - En kvalitativ studie av ett internetforum för sociala fobiker

The aim of this study was to examine how individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) describe their phobia and what techniques they have to manage this in their everyday lives. The material was gathered from a Swedish online support community for people with SAD and panic disorder, posts clearly pertaining to panic disorder were disregarded. We also wanted to examine if this support community c

Sexuella behov - en arbetsuppgift? - En kvalitativ studie om personliga assistenters relation till brukares sexuella behov

Author: Emelie Lindberg & Sofia Minör Title: Sexual needs – a professional task?: A qualitative study on the relationship between personal assitants and the sexual needs of their clients [translated title] Supervisor: Malinda Andersson Assessor: Anna Angelin The aim of this study was to examine the professional relationship between personal assistants and their clients with a focus on sexualit

Modets makt på gatan - en studie av Hypebeast och Refinery29

Denna studie analyserar två Internetbaserade livsstilsmagasin som bland annat porträtterar streetmode; mode på och från gatan. Placerat i en konsumtionssamhällelig kontext fokuserar jag på hur det estetiskt tilltalande, så som mode, blir ett sätt att positionera sig socialt. Inspirerad av Pierre Bourdieus teorier om smaken som distinktion diskuterar jag kring hur insikt om hur man bör komponera si

Dalbypapporna: Föräldralediga mäns konstruktion av faderskap och maskulinitet.

Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur män som valt att ta ut minst 40% av föräldraledigheten och som deltagit i en separatistisk föräldraledighetsgrupp resonerar kring faderskap och föräldraledighet. Studien visar ett faderskap och en maskulinitet i förändring och försöker ge en förståelse för den funktion den separatistiska föräldraledighetsgruppen Dalbypapporna fyller. Jämställdhetsidealet har

Offerberättelsen i Genesis 22 – i jämförelse med rabbinska utläggningar av Aqedah

The purpose of this essay is to compare the sacrifice story in Gen 22 with rabbinical commentaries on the binding of Isaac (Aqedah). More specifically, I want to examine what it is in the text of Gen 22 that may have influenced and inspired the early rabbinic tradition of Aqedah; that all subsequent animal sacrifices received its force and validity from the profits that Isaac won by his sacrifice.

”Det är inte alldeles lätt att göra en anmälan för man vet ju inte riktigt hur reaktionen ska bli” -En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares syn på anmälningsplikten

Governmental employees in Sweden are bound by law to report to the Social Services if they suspect child maltreatment. Studies have found that pre-schoolteachers to a lesser extent report suspected child maltreatment than other agencies working with children. The aim of this study is to examine pre-schoolteachers’ view of the law governing teachers responsibility to report suspected child maltreat

The role of emotion and aesthetics in workplace learning : a case study of introductory courses at Tetra Pak

In today’s globalized and complex world there is a need for openness to the kind of learning which is incorporated with the individual’s process of change. There is an increased awareness to the importance of engaging the whole person with cognitive, affective and experiential elements rather than one part in learning situations. This qualitative study from an ethnographic approach explores and pr

Den manliga blicken är alltid närvarande – En semiotisk granskning av hur könsroller och livsstil framställs i Coca-cola Lights och Coca-cola Zeros reklamfilmer

Då individer dagligen tar del av reklam som framställer stereotypa och könsmässiga ideal som är historisk och kulturellt betingade är det inte något individer reflekterar över. Reklam som fenomen tillsammans med de utvalda Coca-cola Light och Zero reklamerna presenterar hur den perfekta kvinnan, mannen eller livsstilen ska se ut. Sex stycken aktuella reklamfilmer har analyserats, varav tre är från

The Analysis of Social- and Labor Market Policies’ Impact on NEETs in China

This thesis addresses the impact of social- and labor market policies on youth unemployment in China; particularly on NEETs. The acronym NEET stands for the youths aged 15-34 that are “Not in Education, Employment or Training”. This group of individuals is experiencing a bad time with less job opportunities and more competitive labor market which are led by the recession. NEETs and their families

En lönsammare projektering

Abstract Work titel A more efficient planning within the building process Course VBV615 Writers Martin Karlsson & Oscar Hoolmé Examiner Anders Ekholm Instructor Olle Bergman Aim: Jacob Lindh AB, who is a general contractor of steel buildings to agriculture, commerce and industry, operating in a tough industry where competition is intensifying. They constantly have to be at the forefront by app

Tillgänglighet med cykel - Studie av tre cykelstråk i Helsingborg

An accessible bicycle-network is a prerequisite to get people start cycling. Increased cycling conduces to a sustainable society with better environment, human health and a more pleasant street environment with reduced congestion. Prioritisation of cycle-routes must be widespread. Just one high quality cycling-line is not enough; the whole bicycle-network needs to carry out high standards. To incr

Medarbetarsamtal i teori och praktik : en intervjustudie

Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur chefer och medarbetare uppfattar medarbetarsamtalen i den egna organisationen. Vi vill tolka och förstå hur medarbetare och chefer upplever medarbetarsamtalet samt då vi har en förförståelse av detta samtal har vi försökt att hålla oss till den hermeneutiska forskningsinriktningen i denna studie. Vi ville att de personer som ingick i studien skulle få stor

The European Union and Russian Federation Energy Relations: Petrification or Revival?

This thesis is devoted to understand the relationships between the European Union (EU) and Russian Federation (RF). The study is concentrated on the fields of energy (Oil and Gas) in their strategic partnership. The events during the last century in the global energy markets have put the European Union face to face with new challenges. Obviously, it is claimed that growth dependency on Russian ene

Institutioners inverkan på det ekonomiska läget i Grekland

ABSTRACT Greece is generally known in recent years for a difficult financial situation. We show that institutions and corruption play a big role in how society is structured. Measuring institutions is a difficult thing to do when there is no precise data that says "this is it." We have used a measure of Transparency International which is an organization that assesses countries corruptio

"The change is coming!" En studie av tankar och berättelser kring begreppet jämställdhet i byn Enkokidongoi i södra Kenya.

This paper is a discourse analysis of the concept of equality between men and women in the village Enkokidongoi in southern Kenya. Through interviews with persons connected to the village it explores how thoughts and opinions about equality between men and women are formulated, but also whether equality between men and women is seen as a goal in the community. These thoughts and opinions are analy

Barnfattigdom, en relativ fråga? En studie av hur sociala problem konstrueras i ett medialt sammanhang

The media debate about child poverty in Sweden reached a new form of intensity in the spring of 2011. Various claims were made about whether or not child poverty was to be considered a matter of importance, due to its relative nature. My interest in how social problems are constructed made me choose to focus on this debate in my essay. The aim of this study was to, with a social constructionist ap