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ABC om förmaksflimmer på akuten
Förmaksflimmer drabbar mer än 3 procent av Sveriges vuxna befolkning. Detta gör förmaksflimmer till ett vanligt tillstånd på akutmottagningen, dit patienterna kommer med olika symtom som andfåddhet, hjärtklappning, trötthet, bröstsmärta eller oroskänsla. Vid tromboembolisering till hjärnan kan patienten drabbas av stroke, synkope eller sänkt medvetandegrad. Det är därför viktigt att uppmärksamma oAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common tachyarrhythmia. When handling patients with AF at the emergency care department it is of utmost importance to take a structural approach, make the right diagnosis, take care of the risk and/or trigger factors, treat and make sure there is an adequate follow-up.
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Electrocardiographic Decision Support – Myocardial Ischaemia (EDS-MI) Algorithm in Detection of Acute Coronary Occlusion
Electrocardiographic Decision Support - Myocardial Ischaemia (EDS-MI) is a graphical decision support for detection and localization of acute transmural ischaemia. A recent study indicated that EDS-MI performs well for detection of acute transmural ischaemia. However, its performance has not been tested in patients with non-ischaemic ST-deviation. We aimed to optimize the diagnostic accuracy of ED
Altering Consciousness: Setting up the Stage : [reprint from Altering Consciousness: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Volume I. History, Culture, and the Humanities (Santa Barbara, CA:Praeger, 2011), pp. 1-21]
May Measurement Month 2017 : an analysis of blood pressure screening results worldwide
Background: Increased blood pressure is the biggest contributor to the global burden of disease and mortality. Data suggest that less than half of the population with hypertension is aware of it. May Measurement Month was initiated to raise awareness of the importance of blood pressure and as a pragmatic interim solution to the shortfall in screening programmes. Methods: This cross-sectional surve
High resolution modelling of elemental carbon for Denmark
Elemental Carbon (EC) has been in focus for a long time due to its importance for climate effects and human health (WHO / IPCC). The pollutant is released by incomplete combustion of carbon fuels, making road traffic, off-road machinery, and wood stove burning the largest sources of EC emissions. In this work, we investigate the distribution of EC over Denmark using a combination of three models w
Quizar, guider och filmer − exempel på digitala lärobjekt och samarbetsmöjligheter kring e-lärande
I Lunds universitets handlingsplan för utveckling av e-lärande vid Lunds universitet 2016-18 beskrivs det som ett universitetsgemensamt mål att ”verka för en ökad användning av e-lärandeoch digitalt stöd för undervisning och examination [...]”.Under våren 2016 tillsattes en arbetsgrupp1 vid Lunds universitets bibliotek som hade tilluppgift att bland annat inventera bibliotekens arbete i digitala l
Transgender and gender diverse people's experience of non-transition-related health care in Sweden
Introduction: The transgender population is a marginalized group in society and research suggests that they experience significant barriers when accessing health care. However, little is known about transgender and gender-diverse people and their experiences of encounters with healthcare professionals in Sweden. Aim: To explore transgender and gender-diverse people's experiences of accessing healt
Proneurotensin Predicts Cardiovascular Disease in an Elderly Population
Context: The gut hormone neurotensin promotes fat absorption, diet-induced weight gain, and liver steatosis. Its stable precursor-hormone fragment "proneurotensin" predicts cardiometabolic disease in middle-aged populations, especially in women. Objective: To test if proneurotensin predicts cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes development in an elderly population and whether there are gender
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Interview with fiction writer Mai Jia about his novel Decoded
Toward more realistic projections of soil carbon dynamics by Earth system models
Soil carbon (C) is a critical component of Earth system models (ESMs), and its diverse representations are a major source of the large spread across models in the terrestrial C sink from the third to fifth assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Improving soil C projections is of a high priority for Earth system modeling in the future IPCC and other assessments.
Safety Issues and Infra Red Light
Infrared light is the most common choice for illumination of the eye in current eye trackers, usually produced via IR light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This chapter provides an overview of the potential hazards of over-exposure to infrared light, the safety standards currently in place, configurations and lighting conditions employed by various eye tracking systems, the basics of measurement of IR lig
Det skjutvapenrelaterade våldet ökar
Debatten om brottsstatistik och vilka brott som ökar och inte är ofta infekterad. Diskussionen gagnas varken av under- eller överdrifter, utan borde hållas saklig. Sanningen är att ja, en del brott minskar och Sverige är internationellt sett mycket tryggt. Men det finns också mörka moln, exempelvis när det gäller skjutvapenrelaterat våld och explosionsvåld – områden där Sverige har mycket stora prThe debate on crime statistics and which crimes that are increasing and which that are decreasing, is often infected. The discussion is neither benefited from understatements nor exaggerations, but should be kept factual. The truth is that yes, some crimes are decreasing and Sweden is very safe internationally. But there are also dark clouds, such as firearm-related violence and explosive violence
Genetic variation of acquired structural chromosomal aberrations
Human malignancies are often hallmarked with genomic instability, which itself is also considered a causative event in malignant transformation. Genomic instability may manifest itself as genetic changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA, or as structural or numerical changes of chromosomes. Unrepaired or insufficiently repaired DNA double-strand breaks, as well as telomere shortening, are importa
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Review of the Danish translation of Mai Jia's novel Decoded (Afkodet)
Revisiting Eyetracker Noise Estimators
Eye data quality and event detection: A comparison of algorithm performance across spectral noise characteristics
Sveriges Riksbank: 350 Years in the Making
Acoustic manipulation of cells and microbeads in droplet microfluidics
Droplet microfluidics has emerged as a promising platform for miniaturisation of biological assays on-chip. In droplet microfluidics small water droplets (nL-pL) surrounded by an immiscible carrier oil are generated at high throughput. In these droplets particles such as cells or microbeads can be encapsulated, and the idea is that each of these droplets can be used as small reaction chambers for
Prolonged Activation of the Htr2b Serotonin Receptor Impairs Glucose Stimulated Insulin Secretion and Mitochondrial Function in MIN6 Cells
Aims Pancreatic β-cells synthesize and release serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine, 5HT); however, the role of 5HT receptors on glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and the mechanisms mediating this function is not fully understood. The aims of this study were to determine the expression profile of 5HT receptors in murine MIN6 β-cells and to examine the effects of pharmacological activation of 5