

Din sökning på "*" gav 534692 sökträffar

Generating pairs of projective special linear groups that fail to lift

The following problem was originally posed by B. H. Neumann and H. Neumann.Suppose that a group can be generated by elements and that is a homomor-phic image of . Does there exist, for every generating -tuple (ℎ1, … , ℎ ) of ,a homomorphism ∶ → and a generating -tuple (1, … , ) of such that( 1 , … , ) = (ℎ1, … , ℎ )?M. J. Dunwoody gave a negative answer to this question, by means of a carefullyeng

Challenges of wealth-based sustainability metrics : A critical appraisal

There has been widespread debate about whether the way in which we measure economic activity is fit for purpose in the twenty-first century. One aspect of this debate is to move away from measuring a nation's income (GDP) towards monitoring a nation's assets (their inclusive wealth), as a better indicator of sustainable economic development. We provide the first critical comparison of the approach

Word problems for finite nilpotent groups

Let w be a word in k variables. For a finite nilpotent group G, a conjecture of Amit states that Nw(1) ≥ | G| k-1, where for g∈ G, the quantity Nw(g) is the number of k-tuples (g1, … , gk) ∈ G(k) such that w(g1, … , gk) = g. Currently, this conjecture is known to be true for groups of nilpotency class 2. Here we consider a generalized version of Amit’s conjecture, which states that Nw(g) ≥ | G| k-

Hausdorff dimensions in p-adic analytic groups

Let G be a finitely generated pro-p group, equipped with the p-power series P:Gi=GPi, i ∈ ℕ0. The associated metric and Hausdorff dimension function hdimGP:{X|X⊆G}→[0,1] give rise to hspecP(G)={hdimGP(H)|H≤G}⊆[0,1], the Hausdorff spectrum of closed subgroups of G. In the case where G is p-adic analytic, the Hausdorff dimension function is well understood; in particular, hspecP(G) consists of finit

Analysis of starch molecular structure, molar mass, and size

Starch, a vital food ingredient from diverse sources, possesses a complex molecular structure with amylopectin and amylose polymers. The polymers vary greatly in size, molar mass, and branching, often displaying very polydisperse size distributions and considerable among ultra-high molar mass polymers. This renders the analysis and characterization of starch polymers a challenging task. This chapt

Do green deals attract higher premiums? A study of the potential effect of ESG score on acquisition premium during times of uncertainty

Purpose: The study aims to investigate whether the ESG score of the target influences the premium paid in M&A transactions. It seeks to contribute to the existing literature by shedding light on the intricate relationship between ESG scores and M&A premiums, especially amid economic uncertainties caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Furthermore, it aims to examine the potential contributions o

Cardioneuroablation for the treatment of reflex syncope and functional bradyarrhythmias. A Scientific Statement of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the ESC, the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) and the Latin American Heart Rhythm Society (LAHRS)

Cardioneuroablation has emerged as a potential alternative to cardiac pacing in selected cases with vasovagal reflex syncope, extrinsic vagally induced sinus bradycardia-arrest or atrioventricular block. The technique was first introduced decades ago, and its use has risen over the past decade. However, as with any intervention, proper patient selection and technique are a prerequisite for a safe

Reimagining a circular building sector 2035 – Futures with zero new construction

The building sector is the single largest consumer of natural resources, accounting for a staggering half of global material use and over a third of energy use and carbon emissions. As a response, the circular transition in the building sector has been focused on strategies such as extracting material from demolished buildings, and design-for-disassembly in new construction projects. Sadly, signif

Escaping the Loop of Unsustainability: Why and How Business Ethics Matters for Earth System Justice

Contemporary society operates beyond safe boundaries of the Earth system. Returning to a safe operating space for humanity within Earth system boundaries is a question of justice. The relevance of the economy—and thus of business—for bringing society back to a safe and just operating space highlights the importance of business ethics research for understanding the role of business in Earth system

The history and status of dopamine cell therapies for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the loss of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway which has led to the successful development of drug therapies that replace or stimulate this network pharmacologically. Although these drugs work well in the early stages of the disease, over time they produce side effects along with less consistent clinical benefits to the person with Parkinson's (PwP)

Ett kundperspektiv på varumärkens digitala kompetenser – Hur varumärken kan bygga varumärkeskapital och kundlojalitet genom digital kompetens

The primary objective of this study is to explore and define digital competence from a customer perspective and to examine its impact on an organization's customer-based brand equity. This involves understanding how digital competence influences customer perceptions and contributes to the value of a brand in the digital realm.Design/methodology/approach100 qualitative surveys were conducted to gat

Electrifying Chicago: the emergence of an ‘electric car city’ in the early 20th century

This paper explores the emergence and disappearance of electric car clusters in the early 20th century US. Although we know that the electric vehicle lost its share of the market by the 1920s, more successful electric vehicle clusters survived longer in specific areas, for example in Chicago. This research paper delves into what made Chicago stand out in terms of electric vehicle adoption as compa

The Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion

This chapter presents and discusses the main findings and conclusions of the volume and puts them into a broader perspective. Taken together, the different chapters contribute to closing the gap between historical studies based on parish records and contemporary research based on full-count registers or detailed surveys. The volume thereby fleshes out the narrative of twentieth-century demographic

Adopting automated bug assignment in practice — a longitudinal case study at Ericsson

[Context] The continuous inflow of bug reports is a considerable challenge in large development projects. Inspired by contemporary work on mining software repositories, we designed a prototype bug assignment solution based on machine learning in 2011-2016. The prototype evolved into an internal Ericsson product, TRR, in 2017-2018. TRR’s first bug assignment without human intervention happened in A

Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro‐)tribes?

Many claims have been made in the past that Management and Organization Studies (MOS) is becoming increasingly fragmented, and that this fragmentation is causing it to drift into self-reference and irrelevance. Despite the weight of this claim, it has not yet been subjected to a systematic empirical test. This paper addresses this research gap using the tribalization approach and diachronic co-cit

On the urban bias of patents and the scaling of innovation

While recent studies have heralded large cities as “innovation machines”, the majority of regional studies of innovation are based on patent indicators. In this paper, we compare regional patent and innovation counts in Sweden (1970-2014) and document the presence of a sizeable urban bias in patent indicators, which is primarily explained by higher patent filing propensity in urban areas. We also

Prefrontal neurotransmitter abnormalities in post-traumatic stress disorder with and without comorbidity to major depression

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic psychiatric condition that follows exposure to a traumatic stressor. Though previous in vivo proton (1H) MRS) research conducted at 4 T or lower has identified alterations in glutamate metabolism associated with PTSD predisposition and/or progression, no prior investigations have been conducted at higher field strength. In addition, earlier studies


Marknadsanalys handlar i fastighetssammanhang i grunden om att undersöka fastighetsmarknaden i syfte att förstå hur fastigheter prissätts på marknaden. Det i sin tur handlar både om att förstå hur fastigheter i allmänhet prissätts och hur specifika fastigheter prissätts. Det förstnämnda handlar om prisnivån på fastighetsmarknaden och det andra om priset på en specifik fastighet. Det här kapitlet h

Hausdorff dimension of the second Grigorchuk group

We show that the Hausdorff dimension of the closure of the second Grigorchuk group is 43/128. Furthermore, we establish that the second Grigorchuk group is super strongly fractal and that its automorphism group equals its normalizer in the full automorphism group of the tree.