

Din sökning på "*" gav 533461 sökträffar

Nämndemännens representation - En studie av nämndemannasystemets dimensioner av representation

One of the core purposes of the Swedish “nämndemannasystem” is to act as representatives of the public in the court systems. The representation aspect of the “nämndemannasystem” has though been declared non-existent or too weak by previous research and the general debate in society, on the ground of its pictorial composition. However, the concept of representation is not that simple as depicted by

What goes into Criminal-Organisations Countering Intelligence?

As intelligence-led law enforcement becomes more common, criminal networks have adapted and used various methods to disrupt law enforcement’s collection of intelligence. This dynamic has led to non-state actors’ use of counterintelligence as an emerging research field as it's critical to understand how criminal organizations can try to disrupt or neutralize the intelligence cycle This study ai

Professionalism och alienation – En kvalitativ studie om organisationsstyrning och professionella förutsättningar inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Swedish public management, including the management of social work organizations, has undergone radical changes. In the areas where the changes have been studied, these have been shown to have a direct impact on the social worker’s professionalism and working conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study has been to understand how social workers reason about the conditions for conducting profession

"Man väljer ett svarsalternativ som man inte tagit så många gånger"

As inhabitants of one of the most literate countries in the world, the Swedes encounter a variety of different texts throughout their days and lives. When many of these texts contain difficult words, one begins to wonder whether a glossary or similar would benefit the readers, or if the given context is enough for the readers to understand the text. For this essay, I created an experiment in the

Yrkesrollens ideal & praktikens verklighet - en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares emotioner och emotionshantering

The Swedish social services have undergone major changes in recent decades and the contemporary work context has shown to complicate for social workers to provide services that are in line with their professional ideals, which has been reported to relate to health impairment and high turnover among social workers. An extensive amount of research has examined factors relating to the work environmen

”Vi blippar in och blippar ut” Hur digital tidsmätning formar hemtjänstpersonalens syn på sitt arbete

In recent years, mobile phones and GPS have become increasingly common tools for people working in elderly care. In the home care service, the mobile phone is now completely central to planning who will do what and when. The aim of the study was to investigate how home care staff shape their view of care work in the light of the mobile phones they use. The method chosen for this study was qualitiv

Leda lagom stressad - En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers kontrollspann

The aim of this study was to explore first line managers experiences with their span of control and how this affected their working environment. The method used for this study was qualitative interviews with five first line managers within service housing. Hans Selyes definition of stress was used to analyze the empirical data and Peter Währborgs more developed and modern definition helped making

Ideologies and Imaginaries in Blockchain Communities : a case study on Bitcoin & Ethereum

Blockchain technologies with its promise of transparency and security have during the last decade created quite the political stir. There exists an abundance of information, hype and research regarding blockchains 'disruptive and ‘transformative’ potential concerning every industry from finance to food production. However, there is an absence of scholarly attention given to identifying and ana

Svårare än väntat. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om heterosexuella kvinnors upplevelser av att lämna en våldsam relation, med fokus på barn och utomståendes påverkan

The aim of this study was to explore how women, during the process of leaving an intimate violent partner, experienced having children and contact with people outside of the relationship became a hindrance. The chosen method was to examine five autobiographies written by women who had left a violent relationship, lived in Sweden and had one or more children with the perpetrator or from a prior rel


With the solemn reality of modern society, where increasing demand for high achievements and performance in every aspect of life causes people to crumble under the pressure. The negative mental health effects on the public have been called an epidemic and are especially apparent for the youth and children. With this project I wanted to research and promote leisure, relaxation and having fun fo

''Även om jag sneglar mot döden, vill jag inte dö. Bara ibland'' En kvalitativ studie om att vara anhörig till närstående med missbruksproblematik.

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur anhöriga upplever att leva bredvid en närstående med missbruksproblem. Samt vilket stöd de anhöriga fått från olika instanser som de har kommit i kontakt med i samband med deras närstående missbruk. Med studiens syfte som utgångspunkt valdes en kvalitativ forskningsansats och med självbiografier som empiriskt material. Jag har sedan valt två olika teoreThe purpose of this study is to investigate how relatives experience living next to close relative with substance abuse problems. And what the support the relatives have received from various agencies that they have come into contact with in connection with their related abuse. With the purpose of the study as a starting point, a qualitative research approach was chosen and with autobiographies as

Stäng av-vi ska äta!! En studie om det sociala arbetet med ungdomars datorspel och familjerelationer

Computer games are taking up much time and space in many youth´s young people’s everyday daily life. A lack of knowledge about consequences from such activities, can cause concern and worry within families. The purpose of this study was to investigate how family therapist reason about the effects of video computer games on the social relations within families and hence on their work with the famil

Efficient High-level Synthesis Implementation of massive MIMO Processing on RFSoC

Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) refers to a wireless access technology that equips base station (BS) with hundreds to thousands of antennas to serve tens of user equipment (UE) in the same time-frequency resource. These extensive antennas improve spectral and energy efficiency, but the detection algorithms tend to be more complex with operations, multiplications, and inversions on la

Study of Thrombin-Derived C-Terminal Peptide with aggregation propensity

Ett nytt lovande alternativ för antibiotika Hudsår är alltid med risk för bakteriell angrepp. När en infektion uppstår står immunförsvaret inför en stor utmaning, då inte sällan motståndaren övervinner flera strider. En av kroppens strategier för kampen med patogener är inflammation. Den i sin tur när blir okontrollerad, kan leda till överdriven reaktion i hela kroppen. Sådant scenario kan leda

Avian Malaria - How the infection frequency of Avian Malaria has changed over the past 20 years

We all live with Malaria - We just don’t know it Malaria is one of the world's biggest healthcare obstacles, taking the lives of millions and costing us millions. But what is Malaria? Malaria is an organism, more precisely a parasite, living at the expense of another organism. Even though the majority of humans have never had it, we have probably only been a few hundred meters away from indiv

Marknadsetablering med affärsmodell och värdekedja för innovatörer inom byggbranschen

För att etablera sig eller avancera på en viss marknad är affärsmodeller och värdekedjor två verktyg till hjälp. Framförallt inom innovationsfattiga och resistenta branscher blir vikten av dessa verktyg tyngre. Ett innovativt företag inom byggbranschen studerades för att erhålla information om nuvarande läge som sedan med hjälp av teoretiskt ramverk kunde operationaliseras och undersökas. Detta gj

Exploring gender-related stereotypical challenges: The influence of these challenges on the founding female entrepreneur during her entrepreneurial trajectory

The fastest rising group of entrepreneurs is represented by females, yet entrepreneurship is still considered a male-dominated industry. Female entrepreneurs have to deal with gender-stereotypical challenges, due to the overrepresentation of men in entrepreneurship. Contemporarily, the concept of female entrepreneurship is understudied and scarce, specifically the entrepreneurial identity. This t

Assessing executive difficulties in daily life among individuals with a previous cardiac event: A study using the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX)

Dysexecutive Questionniare (DEX) är ett av de mest vanligt förekommande skattningsformulären som mäter exekutivt fungerande i vardagen, och administreras oftast till patienter med förvärvad hjärnskada. Eftersom individer med förvärvad hjärnskada riskerar att lida av nedsatt självmedvetenhet av brister i exekutiva funktioner, är skalan tillgänglig både som självskattning och informantskattning. DenThe Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) is one of the most commonly used rating scales of executive functioning in daily life and is most frequently administered to patients with acquired brain injury (ABI). Because individuals with ABI are at risk of suffering from impaired self-awareness of executive function deficits, the scale is available both as a self-assessment and in an independent-rating ve