

Din sökning på "*" gav 540032 sökträffar

Differentiated limits for knowability

The article is based on the string-hypothesis, which has important scientific consequences. Science has meant to associate the notion of number with the strict operation of counting. However, recent account of string-theoretical approaches is sharply distinguishing ”number” from ”magnitude”. In studying ”spinning” strings in the context of language, it is shown that rotation is a valid concept. Fo

Regionaltågssatsningars effekt på fastighetsvärden - en studie av Västkustbanan i Skåne

I samband med byggandet av den nya järnvägssträckningen mellan Landskrona och Helsingborg byggdes kring år 2000 flera nya pågatågsstationer både längs den nya järnvägssträckningen men även längs med den tidigare järnvägen. Dessa nya stationer som placerades på orter som tidigare helt saknat tågtrafik ger en möjlighet att jämföra utvecklingen på dessa orter med utvecklingen på andra liknande orter.

Topographical organization of the cerebellar cortical projection to nucleus interpositus anterior in the cat

1. A new methodological approach for detailed study of the organization of the cerebellar corticonuclear projection was evaluated in barbiturate-anaesthetized cats. Extracellular field potentials were simultaneously recorded in nucleus interpositus anterior and in the forelimb area of the C3 zone, at the cerebellar surface. On electrical and natural stimulation of the forelimb skin, the evoked pos

Metabolic impact of a family history of Type 2 diabetes. Results from a European multicentre study (EGIR)

BACKGROUND: Insulin resistance was found in some but not in all previous studies of non-diabetic first degree relatives of Type 2 diabetic patients. Small study groups, ethnic differences and/or non-optimal techniques may explain the conflicting results. AIM: To study the impact of a family history of Type 2 diabetes on insulin action in a large group of non-diabetic Europeans using the 'gold stan

Revisiting the Past : Israeli identity, thick recognition and conflict transformation

Intractable conflicts are by definition difficult to resolve. This study ventures into the identity dynamics of those conflicts and argues that those identity aspects must be addressed in order to locate constituencies for change. Through the employment o theories of conflict transformation, identity and narrative, the dissertation forwards thoughts regarding the importance of inside actors formul

Highly efficient generation of induced neurons from human fibroblasts that survive transplantation into the adult rat brain.

Induced neurons (iNs) offer a novel source of human neurons that can be explored for applications of disease modelling, diagnostics, drug screening and cell replacement therapy. Here we present a protocol for highly efficient generation of functional iNs from fetal human fibroblasts, and also demonstrate the ability of these converted human iNs (hiNs) to survive transplantation and maintain their

VEGF receptor-2 (flk-1) overexpression in mice counteracts focal epileptic seizures.

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was first described as an angiogenic agent, but has recently also been shown to exert various neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects in the nervous system. These effects of VEGF are mainly mediated by its receptor, VEGFR-2, which is also referred to as the fetal liver kinase receptor 1 (Flk-1). VEGF is up-regulated in neurons and glial cells after epilep

Knee function, Physical Activity and Perceived Health after Meniscectomy in the Middle-aged

The aim of this thesis was to explore the impact of meniscal injury and meniscectomy on joint and muscle function, physical activity and perceived health in middle-age subjects and to evaluate the effect of a functional exercise program. Male and female post meniscectomy patients participated in Studies I-IV (n=45 in Studies I-III, n=99 in Study IV) and Study IV also included 94 controls. Outcome


ABSTRACT Learning and other forms of phenotypic plasticity have been suggested to enhance population divergence. Mate preferences can develop by learning, and species recognition might not be entirely genetic. We present data on female mate preferences of the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) that suggest a role for learning in population divergence and species recognition. Populations of t

Parallel and Distributed Graph Cuts by Dual Decomposition

Graph cuts methods are at the core of many state-of-the-art algorithms in computer vision due to their efficiency in computing globally optimal solutions. In this paper, we solve the maximum flow/minimum cut problem in parallel by splitting the graph into multiple parts and hence, further increase the computational efficacy of graph cuts. Optimality of the solution is guaranteed by dual decomposit

Apoptosis and tumor cell death pathways in response to HAMLET

Popular Abstract in Swedish Celldöd är en lika viktig process som celldelning. Under hela ens liv måste vävnadens storlek regleras och gamla eller skadade celler förnyas. Detta styrs av en process som kallas programmerad cell död. Denna process är noggrant reglerad så att enbart oönskade celler tas bort. Om regleringen sätts ur funktion leder detta till ohämmad celldelning och cancer. Ett problem HAMLET (Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells) is a molecular complex of alpha-lactalbumin and oleic acid, that induces programmed cells death in tumor cells but leaves healthy differentiated cells unaffected. It has a broad anti-tumor activity as more than 40 cell lines from different origin are sensitive. The cell death activity of HAMLET is retained in vivo. HAMLET limits the progr

Transmission of BSA during Cross-flow Microfiltration: Influence of pH and Salt Concentration

In many downstream processes microfiltration (MF) is used as the first step to separate the micro-organisms from the product-containing broth. The transmission of proteins through these MF membranes is of great importance, especially when a protein is the desired product. Usually, the largest fraction of the proteins retained in the membrane during the separation of micro-organisms is retained in