

Din sökning på "*" gav 533191 sökträffar

”Följer han inte reglerna så klipper du honom!” Unga mäns tankar kring våldsproblematiken i Malmö

The aim of this essay is to examine young men's stories and thoughts about the violence and the street shootings that have been committed in Malmö in recent years. The stories and thoughts are thus aimed to identify some forcings behind the violence in the city. By listening to the young men's stories, the purpose is to portray norms and factors that contribute to criminal activities among

Testing of CLT-Concrete Composite decks

När massiva träbjälklag används i byggnader är dimensioneringen ofta styrd av krav på utböjningen. För att minska utböjningen för ett bjälklag måste böjstyvheten ökas. Ökning av böjstyvheten för ett bjälklag kan antingen ske genom en ökad höjd eller genom användning av material med högre styvhet. Den vanligaste metoden för att öka böjstyvheten är genom att öka höjden på bjälklaget. I denna rapportWhen massive timber decks are used in buildings the design is often regulated by serviceability limit state (SLS), mainly the vibration criteria. To decrease the risk for vibrations of a deck the bending stiffness needs to be increased. To increase the bending stiffness of the deck either the depth of the deck can be increased or the stiffness of the used material. The most common way to increase

Value Creation with Lean Accounting

The study adapts on the cybernetic controls part of the framework of Malmi and Brown (2008) elaborating the discussion to resolve the limitations of traditional accounting practices with the combination of modern accounting techniques. Since some conventional practices of accounting are no longer commensurate to the contemporary lean manufacturing environment, the emerging techniques come in place

Grönytefaktor i praktiken

Dagens stadsbyggnadsprojekt är komplexa och många funktioner ska trängas på en liten yta i våra städer. I ett försök att ge grönstruktur i städer större plats har flera kommuner runt om i landet börjat ställa krav kring grönytefaktor; ett sätt att mäta mängden grönska på tomter i staden. I denna studie undersöktes vilken effekt detta krav har på samhällsbyggandet och hur det fungerar i samspelet mAbstract Title: Green Area Factor in affect – How does the implementation of Green Area Factor requirements work in Sweden today? Author: Johanna Hallberg Supervisors: Anne Landin – Professor, Department of Construction Management, Lund University Dagmar Gormsen – Social development leader at Sustainable Business Development at Skanska Sweden AB Examiner: Stefan Olander – Docent, Department of C

Branteknisk riskvärdering av Stockholmsmässan

The main purpose of this report is to evaluate whether the person safety is adequate in case of a fire at Stockholmsmässan. Stockholmsmässan is an exhibition hall in Älvsjö that covers 220 000 m2. It has a lot of different arrangements such as exhibitions, recordings for TV-shows and conferences. By showing that it is possible to evacuate everyone in the building without a risk of serious injuries

Probabilistic study of number of doors open simultaneously to fire-isolated stairs in basement carparks

This thesis investigates occupant evacuation in basement carparks. The thesis aims to develop a calculation model to determine the probability of different number of doors to fire-isolated stairs being open simultaneously during an evacuation scenario. Research is done on previous studies of occupant evacuation, including the pre-evacuation and evacuation phase, which is the base for a conceptual

U N / S E E N

The starting point of this project was to find a way to transfer Chinese traditional culture into modern product. After pre-stage research about combining Chinese elements with products, I found a very interesting phenomenon of Latticed window, which brought me to another perception. I found out that people always ignore the subtle changes in daily life. These changes influence the relationship am

Geometry and faulting history of the Long Spur fault zone, Castle Hill Basin, New Zealand

Strike-slip faults pose significant earthquake hazards in many populated areas and therefore information about their general behavior is needed in order to attempt to predict future earthquakes. Much of this information is acquired using paleoseismic techniques, which focus on analyzing past earthquakes. These include measurement of displacements of either geomorphic features or beds across faults

Demographic and socio-economic determinants of contraceptive use in Poland and Romania in 2005: a cross-sectional study

The fall of state socialism brought major social and political changes in all the countries that belonged to the Eastern Bloc. The most significant demographic transformations during the transition period were the decreasing fertility rates, the decline in marriages, the rise in cohabitation and the shift from traditional birth control methods towards effective contraception. This thesis tries to

Daylighting in environmentally certified buildings. Subjective and objective assessment of MKB Greenhouse, Malmö, Sweden

What could be considered an adequate level of daylight in buildings has become a debated question in the Swedish building industry. The current daylight requirements are often found difficult to meet in practice, especially in combination with other requirements regarding energy use. Outdated daylight requirements in the national building code combined with limited knowledge about the subjective i

”Poppa upp och poppa bort” - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om att arbeta förebyggande mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

Projektformen som länge varit en utbredd verksamhetsform inom exempelvis byggindustrin har kommit att bli allt vanligare även i arbetet med sociala frågor. Resursteam Heder är ett ettårigt projekt som arbetar förebyggande mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Projektets syfte är både att vara ett metodstöd till yrkesverksamma som i sitt yrke möter ungdomar i en hederskontext samt att utgöra en fl

Swimming against the current : the journey of Canadian Transition initiatives in their quest for transformative change

Humanity's current resource use patterns are unsustainable, and corrective action is required at all levels. Grassroots social innovation groups have great potential to contribute to solutions. The Transition movement has taken hold in Canada, but little is known about its successes and challenges in creating conditions for transformative change. Aimed at social innovation practitioners as w

Understanding Information Based Processes in Traffic Modeling

This thesis covers the automatic update of the model parameters in traffic modelling using two mathematical tools, the Relative Entropy Rate and the path-wise Fisher Information Matrix. The traffic model used is based on a lattice of cells, representing the road, that can be either occupied or empty that is updated with a kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm. Because of fluctuating traffic density during

The Impact of Public Policy on Fertility Rates in OECD Countries: A Comparative Study

Since the 1980s, fertility rates in OECD countries stayed almost stable at levels below replacement (2.1 children on average per woman), which can have significant feedback effects on the social welfare system. While females still have the desire to form a family, this wish competes with career ambitions, leading to persistently low fertility rates due to the potential incompatibility of family an

Reforestation of Alpine Grasslands in South Tyrol : assessing spatial changes based on Landsat data 1986-2016

The Alps are undergoing constant landscape changes due to modern socio economic changes. Especially grassland ecosystems of alpine meadows and pastures are threatened by the slow abandonment of the alpine transhumance traditions. This influences not only biodiversity but also the important cultural landscape seen as a valuable heritage in the Alps. The landscape in the North Italian alpine provinc

Rethinking Individual Customer Journeys: Exploration Across Age Groups In A Digitised Retail Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to rethink the meaningfulness of abstract customer journey concepts, which are employed as a means of explaining consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour however becomes more and more diverse. This study thus aimed to create knowledge about the individuality of actual customer journeys from the viewpoints of individual customers of different age groups. Theore

Ägarstrukturens påverkan på börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation - En jämförande studie av familjeägda vs Private Equity-backade börsnoteringar genomförda under åren 2011-2013

TITEL: Ägarstrukturens påverkan på börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation - En jämförande studie av familjeägda vs Private Equity-backade börsnoteringar under åren 2011-2013 SEMINARIEDATUM: 2017-06-01 KURS: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 HP FÖRFATTARE: Erik Will Johansson, Oscar Will Johansson, Kajsa Öström HANDLEDARE: Tore Eriksson NYCKELORD: Börsintroduktion, långsiTITLE: The effect of ownership on IPO’s long-run performance - A comparing study of family-owned vs Private Equity-backed IPO’s issued during the period 2011-2013 SEMINAR DATE: 2017-06-01 COURSE: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS AUTHORS: Erik Will Johansson, Oscar Will Johansson, Kajsa Öström ADVISOR: Tore Eriksson KEY WORDS: IPO, l