Ordre de la Resemblance: ett bidrag till Nordenflychtforskningen
The article investigates the potential existence of an order founded by Hedvig Nordenflycht.
The article investigates the potential existence of an order founded by Hedvig Nordenflycht.
AIM: Proximal fixation is often limiting for thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) and the stent graft may need to cover the origin of the arch branch vessels. Chimney grafts have been proposed to preserve flow into over stented branches during urgent TEVAR. The aim of this report is to share our initial experience of this technique. METHODS: Eleven patients underwent urgent TEVAR combined w
It is inferred from a model calculation that, to a very good approximation, the XPS spectra from core electrons in simple metals should follow the edge power law up to the first plasmon satellite. The power law indices obtained are in good agreement with recent experimental XPS values for Na, Mg and Al.(9 refs)
I projektet Kroppen som vara: organhandel och organtrafficking har jag mött de skuggområden där människors kroppar utgör handelsvarorna. Där t.ex. ”svarta” njurar från fattiga köps eller stjäls för att i form av ”vita” organ transplanteras till sjuka men välbeställda människor. Den krigshärjade situation som sedan länge har rått i t.ex. Pakistan, är bara ett av flera exempel på hur krig skapar rub
Nasal speech sounds occur in most of the languages of the world. Two goals concerning nasalisation in speech were pursued in the studies presented in this volume. One deals with the development and testing of a method for recording nasal vibration with an accelerometer microphone attached to the outer part of the nose, and analysing the signal with the help of a wide band spectrogram. The other ai
A new detector is presented which finds changes in the repolarization phase (ST-T complex) of the cardiac cycle. It operates by applying a detection algorithm to the filtered root mean square (rms) series of differences between the beat segment (ST segment or ST-T complex) and an average pattern segment. The detector has been validated using the European ST-T database, which contains ST-T complex
Canteen Takeaway is a novel concept, which entails workplace canteens to utilise existing production capacity to supply packaged meals for employees to bring home. The concept has a potential to raise the average nutritional quality of employees' diets. The purpose of the study is to assess the economic net gains for users, and for society as a whole, of promoting healthy canteen takeaway meals, u
Denna fjärde studie behandlar Supply chain incentive alignment (SCIA), d.v.s. hur man samordnar incitament både med andra viktiga externa aktörer i försörjningskedjan och även internt mellan företagets avdelningar/funktioner. Analysen bygger på svar från 48 panelmedlemmar, varav 43 besvarade alla frågor.