

Din sökning på "*" gav 534699 sökträffar

Copyright Protection towards Generative AI Artworks: The “Clash” between US v. China and the Implications for the European Union

While AI is evolving at an unprecedented pace, the legal frameworks of countries around the world still struggle to find the appropriate answer to uniformly deal with AI-related issues. This master thesis would like to discuss one of the legal perspectives that AI technology has drawn attention to recently - its relationship with copyright law. The main point of the thesis is to answer whether im

Camouflaging Controversy: Exploring Citizens’ Understanding of Public Branding through a Case Study of the German Armed Forces

This study aims to comprehend how German citizens’ understanding of public organizations’ branding, as exemplified by the Bundeswehr, shapes their conception of these organizations. Using a qualitative research methodology, semi-structured interviews supported by photo-elicitation were conducted with German citizens of different demographic groups to better understand public opinion. The study ide

Geophysical investigations for early detection of root rot - Applying ERT and GPR methods to explore the possibilities of detection of Heterobasidion spp. root rot in Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine)

Pinus sylvestris (tall) är en betydelsefull trädart i Sverige och Europa, både ekonomiskt och kulturellt sett. Trädet infekteras dock av den destruktiva rottickan (Heterobasidion spp.) vilket resulterar i stora ekonomiska förluster inom skogsindustrin, med en uppskattad monetär förlust på ca 800 miljoner EUR årligen i Europa. Det är svårt att upptäcka svampen i tidiga infektionsstadier eftersom inPinus sylvestris (Scots pine) is an important tree species in Sweden and Europe, both economically and culturally. However, the highly destructive root rot fungi Heterobasidion spp. infect P. sylvestris and cause major economic losses in the forest industry, estimated to about 800 million EUR annually in Europe alone. Detection of the fungus in early stages is hard, as the infection mainly stays i

The Unbreakable Bond: A Qualitative Study on the Relationship between Football Fans and Their Clubs

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to outline the relationship between football fans and their respective clubs. The seemingly unbreakable consumer loyalty a football team enjoys is arguably unique in the corporate world, and we aim to examine this loyalty and its influence on the brand-consumer relationship. Theory: The theory used in this thesis is centred around brand loyalty and con

Beyond the Word-of-Machine Effect - Does Social Influence Impact Preferences for AI Recommender Apps?

Abstract Purpose: This study investigates the impact of social influence on consumer preferences for product recommendations made by an AI or a human within the cosmetics industry, specifically in light of hedonic or utilitarian goals. Methodology: This quantitative research follows a deductive approach, using an online self-completion survey for data collection. A total of 659 valid responses w

Understanding consumer’s view on sustainable fashion and its influence on their consumption

This research explores how sustainable fashion fits into our social landscape, emphasizing its importance due the fashion industry's growing environmental concerns. With the fashion industry facing environmental challenges, the integration of fashion with sustainability becomes imperative for its evolution in the future. To address this, fashion brands have begun integrating sustainable practi

Emerging Norms on Disaster Displacement: Scrutinising Swedish Decision-Makers

In times of climate change, climate-related disaster displacement is becoming a growing issue. While the vast majority of disaster displaced people move within their country or to a neighbouring country (within a region), there are also people who move between regions and to Europe (interregional). However, there is currently no global legally binding framework that regulates the protection of the

Reproductive Violence: Call Me By My Name

This paper focuses on the issue of reproductive violence as an international crime. The central question is whether the current provisions of the Rome Statute are adequate for reflecting the severity and distinct nature of reproductive violence crimes and, thus, whether these provisions can effectively support their prosecution under the new 2023 OTP Policy on Gender-Based Crimes. The prevailing m

Situation in the Southern Frontier: An International Criminal Law Analysis on the Western Mediterranean and North African Migration Routes

This study focuses on irregular migratory movements, and the mistreatment suffered by migrants, at the Southern Frontier of Europe, specifically at the Spanish-Moroccan border, from an international criminal law approach. The main question is whether the conduct of the security forces against migrants can be considered crimes against humanity and should therefore be investigated. The “problem” of

Into the New World: A Case for A Right to Financial Inclusion

This thesis presents a case for the establishment of a human right to financial inclusion under the human rights framework, as well as argues for states to legitimize the right through legal protection in the form of a legislation in order to effectively guarantee the significant benefits of the right for everyone. The rationale for this research is that, despite its immense contribution in human

The Protection of Asylum-Seekers through the Prohibition of Collective Expulsion under the European Con-vention on Human Rights

Mass migrations are a phenomenon of all times. Notably, following the Second World War, there have been huge migration movements and decolonisation processes, particularly by the Germans and the Jews, but also by Roma and other groups. Parallel to that, in 1963, Protocol No. 4 to the Convention was signed, with Article 4 prohibiting the collective expulsion of aliens. In 2020, 3,6% of the populati

Gender Identity Equality before the European Court of Human Rights – Exploring the Court's Jurisprudence through Fredman's Four-Dimensional Approach to Substantive Equality

Denna uppsats undersöker Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheternas (Europadomstolen) praxis gällande rättigheter för trans- och intersexpersoner, inkluderat rätten till icke-diskriminering, mot bakgrund av Sandra Fredmans fyrdimensionella teori om reell jämlikhet (substantive equality). Även om domstolen historiskt sett har strävat efter att främja och skydda transpersoners rättigheter,This thesis examines the European Court of Human Rights’ jurisprudence on trans and intersex rights, including the right to non-discrimination, in the light of Sandra Fredman’s four-dimensional theoretical framework on substantive equality. While the Court historically has made some strives in promoting and protecting the rights of trans people, considerations of non-discrimination and equality ha

Investing in the UNGPs: Ensuring Policy Coherence in the EU’s External Investment Policy

Denna avhandling undersöker hur Europeiska unionens externa investeringspolitik överensstämmer med FN:s vägledande principer för företag och mänskliga rättigheters princip om samstämmiga riktlinjer. Rättsdogmatisk och rättsanalytisk metod ligger till grund för analysen av hur EU för sin politik för utländska direktinvesteringar, med fokus på genomförandet av EU-institutionernas riktlinjer, förordnThis thesis examines how the European Union's external investment policy aligns with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ principle on policy coherence. The doctrinal legal method and legal analytical method serve as the foundation for analysing how the EU conducts its policy on foreign direct investment, focusing on the implementation of the EU institutions’ pol

Transfer pricing of intangible assets: Is there a need for harmonization at the EU level?

Encouraging Innovation and Research and Development stands as a priority of the EU and it is considered a cornerstone of economic growth and prosperity, but can it be promoted at any price? Due to the increasing importance of intangible assets in international trade, multinational corporations have been setting the transfer prices for intra-group transactions of such assets resorting to tax plann

Digital Competition and Data Regulation in the EU: Analysing the Interplay between the DMA and the GDPR.

Sedan den offentliggjordes i december 2020 har Europeiska kommissionens förordning om digitala marknader (DMA) blivit en hörnsten i det europeiska regelverket, med syftet att adressera "Big Tech"-företagens dominans och främja rättvisa i Europas digitala plattformsekonomi. DMA riktar in sig på illojala metoder och svag konkurrens i den digitala ekonomin, med fokus på datadriven dominans Since its publication in December 2020, the European Commission's Digital Markets Act (DMA) has become a cornerstone of the European legislative framework, aiming to address the dominance of the ‘Big Tech’ companies and promote fairness in Europe's digital platform economy. The DMA targets unfair practices and weak competition in the digital economy, focusing on data-driven dominance by im

Abuse of the Freedom of Establishment of Companies in the Internal Market – Analyzing the Impacts of the Mobility Directive

The thesis discusses the abuse of the freedom of establishment of companies in the Internal Market and the change that the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2019/2121 of 27 November 2019 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions [2019] OJ L 321/1 (Mobility Directive) creates to that. The research question of this thesis


Embracing the concept of reusing waste materials, my project transforms discarded oyster shells into a versatile building material. The outcome is more than just a product; it’s a symbol of sustainable innovation. Utilizing discarded oyster shells, the project seeks to create functional and aesthetically pleasing items. My goal with this project was to create a material solely from natural substa