

Din sökning på "*" gav 531764 sökträffar

Alltings mått: frågan om Protagoras' humanism

Förhärskande tolkningstraditioner betraktar sofisten Protagoras som företrädare för en antropocentrisk humanism, som gör allt relativt till en värdeskapande och meningsgivande mänsklighet eller mänsklig individ, och därmed en centralgestalt (vid sidan av Sokrates) i den grekiska vändningen från natur till kultur under 400-talet f.Kr. Det är dessa betydelser som brukar ges hans välkända maxim: ”MänIn opposition to the traditional interpretation of Protagoras's Homo Mensura-Satz ("Man is the measure of all things") as a founding tenet of Western humanism, this essay challenges the notion of an inherent anthropocentrism of the dictum (that all things are relative to man as species or individual). In a reading of the most important sources of antiquity, namely Plato, Aristotle and Sextus Empir

Tobit Maximum-likelihood estimation of Censored Pathloss Data

Pathloss is typically modeled using a log-distance power law with a large-scale fading term that is log-normal. However, the received signal is affected by the dynamic range and noise floor of the measurement system used to sound the channel, which can cause measurement samples to be truncated or censored. If the information about the censored samples are not included in the estimation method, as

Neuron-specific enolase correlates with other prognostic markers after cardiac arrest.

OBJECTIVE: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is a recommended treatment for survivors of cardiac arrest. Prognostication is complicated since sedation and muscle relaxation are used and established indicators of a poor prognosis are lacking. This prospective, observational study describes the pattern of commonly used prognostic markers in a hypothermia-treated cohort of cardiac arrest patients with pro

Virtual talk as a communicative resource. Explorations in the field of gene technology.

In face-to-face conversation, participants often give the floor, or the voice, to non-present participants - virtual participants. These are made present in the conversation by actual speakers quoting them, voicing them or referring to their opinions. In this paper, we examine instances of such virtual talk. Data are drawn from focus group discussions and public meetings about genetically modified

Procedural Reasonableness and Normativity of Argumentation : Pragma-Dialectical Responses to Epistemologist Objections

Pragma-dialectical argumentation theory has received criticism from epistemological argumentation theorists. While the former emphasizes argumentation as aimed at resolving differences of opinion through adequate procedures, the latter emphasizes that argumentation is aimed at reaching a justified conclusion of the argumentation. In this paper pragma-dialectics is analyzed and two objections consi

IdeS: A Bacterial Proteolytic Enzyme with Therapeutic Potential.

BACKGROUND: IdeS, a proteinase from Streptococcus pyogenes, cleaves immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibodies with a unique degree of specificity. Pathogenic IgG antibodies constitute an important clinical problem contributing to the pathogenesis of a number of autoimmune conditions and acute transplant rejection. To be able to effectively remove such antibodies is therefore an important clinical challenge.

Pancreatic Cancer, Healthcare Cost, and Loss of Productivity: A Register-based Approach.

BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death, there is little empirical evidence on its direct healthcare costs and, especially, its indirect costs due to loss of production. METHODS: The present study is a retrospective analysis of all patients with pancreatic cancer (excluding endocrine cancer) in the primary catchment area of Lund Unive