

Din sökning på "*" gav 534685 sökträffar

From Vows to Misery: Unveiling the Legal Struggle and Human Rights Dimensions Against Child Marriage in Indonesia

This thesis, “From Vows to Misery: Unveiling the Legal Struggle and Human Rights Dimensions Against Child Marriage in Indonesia,” aims to investigate how international human rights law (IHRL) could contribute to the effective prevention and eradication of child marriage in Indonesia. This study will explore the underlying reasons and significant factors contributing to the prevalence of child marr

Impact of Different Lamellae Materials on Vibrations in CLT Panels - A numerical study of concrete, air or elastomer materials

Timber structures are increasingly growing in importance and utilization. A contributing factor to this trend is the introduction of cross-laminated timber (CLT). CLT is an engineered wood product comprising layers of wood made up of multiple boards, alternately referred to as "lamellae". Each layer is positioned perpendicular to the next and bonded together with adhesives. CLT is mostly

No More Bets: Labour Trafficking through Online Scams in Southeast Asia

This thesis examines an unconventional issue of human trafficking, which has arisen very recently in the Southeast Asia region. An increasing number of scam centres have been identified, wherein trafficking victims were recruited to operate online fraudulent schemes. This emerging trafficking phenomenon exhibits distinctive characteristics compared to the traditional one, including the flow of mig

Human Rights and Democratic Resilience: An Analysis of Regional Human Rights Instruments as Safeguards for Democracy

Demokratier nedmonteras i stater runtom i världen. För att undvika och återhämta sig från demokratisk nedmontering är det viktigt att stater kan bibehålla eller förbättra sina nivåer av demokrati. Detta koncept är känt som ’democratic resilience’ eller demokratins motståndskraft. Demokratiers nedmontering har en negativ inverkan på människors möjlighet att åtnjuta mänskliga rättigheter, varför säkDemocracy is declining in several states in all regions of the world. To avoid and recover from democratic backsliding, it is important that states can maintain or improve their levels of democracy. This concept is commonly referred to as ‘democratic resilience’. Democratic backsliding has a negative impact on the ability of people to enjoy their human rights, and therefore, there must be a safety

Breaking the Cycle of Child Trafficking - An Examination of Sweden’s Compliance with International and Regional Anti-Trafficking Legislation Protecting Children Against Re-Trafficking

Barnhandel är rekrytering, transport, överföring, inhysande eller mottagande av ett barn i syfte att exploatera hen. I Sverige, som i första hand är ett destinationsland för barnhandel, identifieras ett 50-tal barn per år som offer för människohandel. Antalet okända fall uppges dock vara betydligt högre. Med barn re-trafficking avses varje situation där ett barn som har brutit sig loss från en mänChild trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a child for the purpose of exploitation. In Sweden, which primarily is a country of destination for child trafficking, around 50 children per year are identified as child victims of human trafficking. However, the number of unknown cases is said to be significantly higher. Child re-trafficking means any situa

Beyond Bias - Exploring Gender Dynamics and Strategical Adaptations in Entrepreneurial Pitching

This thesis examines the gendered dynamics of entrepreneurial pitching, focusing on the experiences of female founders in Germany. Despite the continued growth of female entrepreneurship, there are still significant challenges, particularly in relation to fundraising. Therefore, this thesis focuses on pitching situations as a strategy to raise funding. A qualitative methodology is used, to explore

Moving beyond stereotypes in citizen participation: Exploring citizens’ and professionals’ expectations of participation

Conventional democratic institutions are unable to sufficiently incorporate citizens’ views in the context of a changing climate. The lack of a shared understanding of what citizen participation entails and what it should look like limits the potential for effective engagement. Postulating that citizen participation in policy-making processes could contribute to better decisions regarding flood ri

Newborn Screening for High-Risk Congenital Heart Disease by Dried Blood Spot Biomarker Analysis.

Importance Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common human organ malformation, affecting approximately 1 of 125 newborns globally.Objectives Assessing the performance of 2 diagnostic tests using minimal amounts of dried blood spots (DBS) to identify high-risk CHD compared with controls in a Swedish cohort of neonates.Design, Setting, and Participants This diagnostic study took place in Swe

Ménards metod : Rekonstruktion och inlevelse i bebyggelsehistorisk forskning

Ménards metod är en bok om bebyggelsehistoriska studier. Begreppen rekonstruktion och inlevelse står i centrum. Vad innebär det att rekonstruera? Och vad är egentligen en rekonstruktion? Hur kan inlevelse användas för att analysera och förstå det förflutna?Författarna introducerar, aktiverar och provar de två begreppen i olika undersökningssituationer. Här beskrivs och analyseras hur byggnader, fö

Global Service Level Targets and Stock Requirements in the Distribution System of a Manufacturer of Industrial Goods

Globala servicenivåmål och lagerkrav i distributionssystemet hos en tillverkare av industrigods Hur kan ett industriföretag se till att deras produkter finns tillgängliga när och där kunderna behöver dem? Tänk att en båttillverkare i Australien behöver en specifik båtmotor och de vill inte vänta i månader på att motorn ska levereras från Sverige. Det är då lageroptimering kommer in i bilden. GenoTitle: Global service level targets and stock requirements in the distribution system of a manufacturer of industrial goods Authors: Nils Holmqvist & Hugo Lundholm Supervisors: Johan Marklund, LTH | Lisa Thorsell, Volvo Penta Background: Volvo Penta is facing challenges in inventory management of marine engines in remote markets. Currently, a Make-To-Stock (MTS) strategy is used for specifi

Balancing Data Sharing Obligations and Trade Secret Protection: Navigating the Implications of the EU Data Act

The European Union has recognised the potential of data for its data economy, fostering innovation, driving competition and enhancing transparency. To fully utilise its potential, enabling access to data is crucial. The objective of the Regulation (EU) 2023/2854 on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Act) is to provide new possibilities for accessing and re-using information.

Assessment of green horizontal agreements between competitors under Article 101(3) TFEU: An unfair share for the environment under the European competition regime?

Increasing sustainability and combating climate change are one of the key objectives of the European Union’s policies. Adoption of the European Green Deal and commitment to different international treaties and programmes are affecting to various fields of EU law. In competition law, it has been established that the enhancement of environmental objectives must be considered also when assessing hori

Addressing Algorithmic Collusion in Competitive Markets: Article 101 TFEU Implications and Beyond

The increasing development of technology affects almost every part of the current economy. Now people can buy products online which was only possible at a brick-and-mortar store previously. With this in mind, algorithms have become important tools for businesses and have a crucial impact in competitive markets. As a result, we now may observe new forms of coordination that were not observed or pos

Universal design : visualising diversity, two low hanging fruits

To plan, design and build with diversity in mind is a complex process. While goals such as inclusion, participation and social sustainability may be present in the vision for a future product, service or environment, studies show that the initial vision isn’t always realized in the end result. There are still far too many products, services and environments that are hard to access or use for parts

The Power of Political Branding. A Qualitative Study of Swedish Voters' Perceptions of Political Branding and its Consequences

This thesis investigates Swedish voters’ perceptions of political branding and its consequences in a nation characterized by high institutional trust and low corruption. Political branding, a tool for shaping voter opinions, perceptions, and behavior, has gained significant traction in recent years. While traditionally viewed as beneficial for democracy, emerging critiques suggest it may hinder co

A Journey to Wellbeing: How do mental health platforms drive people’s decision to engage in online therapy?

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand how platforms of mental health influence people’s decision to engage in online therapy through their marketing strategies implemented throughout the customer journey. Theoretical perspective: This study is rooted in two theoretical models, the customer journey and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Specifically, the customer journey will ser