Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar
Ethnic Composition of Couples and Mutual Health Benefit Receipt: Register-Based Evidence from Finland
The literature on health dependencies among partners typically ignores diversity of partnership characteristics. One salient example is the ethnic composition. We extend prior work on partnerships and health by investigating how married and cohabiting partners mutually influence each other’s receipt of health-related benefits, focusing on how such correlations vary with the couple’s ethnic composi
SARS-CoV-2 in hospital air during medical procedures
A common model for the breathlessness experience across cardiorespiratory disease
Chronic breathlessness occurs across many different conditions, often independently of disease severity. Yet, despite being strongly linked to adverse outcomes, the consideration of chronic breathlessness as a stand-alone therapeutic target remains limited. Here we use data-driven techniques to identify and confirm the stability of underlying features (factors) driving breathlessness across differ
Size-induced amorphous structure in tungsten oxide nanoparticles
The properties of functional materials are intrinsically linked to their atomic structure. When going to the nanoscale, size-induced structural changes in atomic structure often occur, however these are rarely well-understood. Here, we systematically investigate the atomic structure of tungsten oxide nanoparticles as a function of the nanoparticle size and observe drastic changes when the particle
Memories of Bob Sim-Genius Complementologist and Cheerful Travel Companion
Collaborative Aspects of Open Data in Software Engineering
Engineers require high-quality data for the design and implementation of today’s software, especially in the context of machine learning (ML). This puts an emphasis on the need for the publication and sharing of data from and between organizations, public as well as private. Following the paradigm of open innovation, open data provide a mechanism to increase the availability of information, offeri
Kvasir-Capsule, a video capsule endoscopy dataset
Artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to have profound effects on the future of video capsule endoscopy (VCE) technology. The potential lies in improving anomaly detection while reducing manual labour. Existing work demonstrates the promising benefits of AI-based computer-assisted diagnosis systems for VCE. They also show great potential for improvements to achieve even better results. Also, m
Effect of storage and preconditioning of healing rat Achilles tendon on structural and mechanical properties
Tendon tissue storage and preconditioning are often used in biomechanical experiments and whether this generates alterations in tissue properties is essential to know. The effect of storage and preconditioning on dense connective tissues, like tendons, is fairly understood. However, healing tendons are unlike and contain a loose connective tissue. Therefore, we investigated if storage of healing t
Telomeres in ecology and evolution : A review and classification of hypotheses
Research on telomeres in the fields of ecology and evolution has been rapidly expanding over the last two decades. This has resulted in the formulation of a multitude of, often name-given, hypotheses related to the associations between telomeres and life-history traits or fitness-facilitating processes (and the mechanisms underlying them). However, the differences (or similarities) between the var
Disentangling Spectral Phases of Interfering Autoionizing States from Attosecond Interferometric Measurements
We have determined spectral phases of Ne autoionizing states from extreme ultraviolet and midinfrared attosecond interferometric measurements and ab initio full-electron time-dependent theoretical calculations in an energy interval where several of these states are coherently populated. The retrieved phases exhibit a complex behavior as a function of photon energy, which is the consequence of the
Peridynamic modelling of harmonic structured materials under high strain rate deformation
This paper applies the peridynamic continuum mechanics theory on a new type of material known as harmonic-structured materials. Using the Peridigm software, rapid uniaxial elongation is simulated on a peridynamic model of a thin bimodal harmonic-structured metal sheet. Mechanical wave initiation, propagation, and reflection, as well as fracture initiation and propagation are successfully simulated
Review of ecotoxicological studies of widely used polystyrene nanoparticles
With polystyrene nanoparticles being widely used in various applications, there is a great need for deeper knowledge on the safety, fate and biological effects of these particles on both individual living organisms and the whole ecosystems. Due to this, there is a growing interest in performing ecotoxicological studies using model plastic nanoparticles, and consequently it generates an increasing
Competing risks methods are recommended for estimating the cumulative incidence of revision arthroplasty for health care planning purposes
Cumulative incidence of revision provides a measure of the failure rate of joint replacements and can be used to project demand for revisions. The most commonly applied survival analysis method (Kaplan-Meier [KM]) does not account for competing risks (eg, death). The authors compared the cumulative incidence function (CIF), a competing risks method, with the KM method through application to popula
The APOGEE Data Release 16 Spectral Line List
The updated H-band spectral-line list (from λ15000-17000) adopted by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) for the SDSS-IV Data Release 16 (DR16) is presented in this work. The APOGEE line list is a combination of atomic and molecular lines, with data drawn from laboratory, theoretical, and astrophysical sources. Oscillator strengths and damping constants are adjusted
Starvation to Glucose Reprograms Development of Neurovascular Unit in Embryonic Retinal Cells
Perinatal exposure to starvation is a risk factor for development of severe retinopathy in adult patients with diabetes. However, the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. In the present study, we shed light on molecular consequences of exposure to short-time glucose starvation on the transcriptome profile of mouse embryonic retinal cells. We found a profound downregulation of genes
Mapping the cord blood transcriptome of pregnancies affected by early maternal anemia to identify signatures of fetal programming
OBJECTIVE: Anemia during early pregnancy (EP) is common in developing countries and is associated with adverse health consequences for both mother and children. Offspring of women with EP anemia often have low birth-weight, the latter being a risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D) later in life. Mechanisms underlying developmental programming of adult cardiometabo
Tuberculosis screening among ambulatory people living with HIV: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
Background: The WHO-recommended tuberculosis screening and diagnostic algorithm in ambulatory people living with HIV is a four-symptom screen (known as the WHO-recommended four symptom screen [W4SS]) followed by a WHO-recommended molecular rapid diagnostic test (eg Xpert MTB/RIF [hereafter referred to as Xpert]) if W4SS is positive. To inform updated WHO guidelines, we aimed to assess the diagnost
Highlights of the ers lung science conference and sleep and breathing conference 2021 and the new ecmc members
Influences of accelerating states on supercritical n-decane heat transfer in a horizontal tube applied for scramjet engine cooling
Supercritical n-decane is applied in the regenerative cooling system of scramjet engines while scramjets are always in various irregular movements. With the desire to explore heat transfer performance of supercritical n-decane under actual flight conditions, numerical simulations and analysis of different states during the accelerated flight process are carried out under three different heat fluxe