

Din sökning på "*" gav 530172 sökträffar

Hur sannolikt är ”sannolikt”? - Ett kvasi-experiment om kognitiva bias i underrättelsetjänsten

Studies on cognitive psychology have shown that estimates of probability are influenced by the way in which semantic and numeric information is presented to us – so called framing bias. Further, studies on intelligence populations have indicated that bias is present in the analytic work. The aim of this study was to explore how framing bias can manifest in estimates of probability in intelligenc

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av avancerad sjukvård i hemmet för barn med cancer - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Vård i hemmet är ett komplement till sjukhusvård och ett sätt att främja familjeliv hos familjer med ett barn med cancer. Tidigare studier visar att sjuksköterskor är positiva till att vårda barn i hemmet men upplever det som en svår och komplex vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att ge avancerad sjukvård i hemmet till barn med cancer. Metod: Elv

Optical characterisation of AAO/CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocomposites

Direct bandgap metal lead halide perovskites offer promising optoelectronic properties desirable in a wide range of applications including photodetection. However, the incomplete and poor understanding of the photophysical processes taking place in these materials, along with their poor stability, is the bottleneck for optimisation and further development of metal halide perovskite devices. In thi

Pandemiberedskap ur ett RSA-perspektiv – Förändras fokus i länsstyrelsers RSA:er efter att en större händelse inträffat?

Hur förändras fokus hos svenska myndigheter efter att en större händelse inträffat? I detta nu har covid-19 ett hårt grepp om Sverige där svenska myndigheter har en svår uppgift att bistå alla delar av samhället som har påverkats på ett eller annat sätt. Ingen människa hade med säkerhet kunnat förutspå när en pandemi skulle slå mot världen, men flera har varnat och menat att man borde förberett sIn crisis management, risk and vulnerability analysis (RVA’s) should be used as a first step in a risk management chain that aims to reduce risks, reduce vulnerabilities in the society and to improve our ability to prevent, resist and manage crises and extraordinary events. Organisations obliged to conduct RVA´s have the freedom to adapt the work to their own needs. For example, this means that th

Folket och hemmet - En ideanalytisk studie av Per Albin Hanssons och Jimmie Åkessons användning av begreppet folkhemmet

In this thesis, it is investigated whether Per Albin Hansson and Jimmie Åkesson's concepts of “Folkhemmet” (Peoples Home) are comparable. This is done with a method that combines idea analysis and concept analysis. In concrete terms, this analysis is done in two ways. First with the help of specific analysis tools, which when applied to the selected material highlight interesting aspects. Then

EU ETS och RGGI: En jämförande studie av effektiviteten i två handelssystem med utsläppsrätter

Denna uppsats är en komparativ analys av två handelssystem med utsläppsrätter; EU ETS i Europeiska unionen och RGGI i USA. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka huruvida något av systemen är mer effektivt än det andra i syftet att pressa ned koldioxidutsläpp. Systemen kommer att jämföras baserat på både deras utsläppstak för 2020 och på deras procentuella minskning över hela tiden som de

When shit hits the fan

The corona pandemic is the worst pandemic in Sweden's modern history. At the same time, the Swedish crisis management of the pandemic differs from other countries. In this case study, Swedish crisis management is examined according to two theoretical approaches: crisis management theory and institutional logic. The approach is theory- testing and the purpose of this study is to comprehend whet

Being temporary employed : an in-depth study of four social workers in Germany

Labour markets in Europe are changing from permanent employment to more flexible structures. Atypical work such as temporary work become more prevalent. In Germany, there is a high share of temporary work contracts within social work. The aim of this study was to understand what temporary employment means for the employees and which effect it has on the lives of the employees. The chosen method fo

Skull Reconstruction Using Statistical Shape Models

In case of a head injury or trauma a surgeon opens up the skull by removing a bone piece of the skull to either relieve pressure or get access to brain tissue. The first option is to follow up with putting back the same skull piece. In the circumstances this is not possible however, a surgeon must open up the skull and form a piece using bone cement that fits the whole during the surgery, which is

Changes in amyloid precursor protein and Tau pathology after diffuse traumatic brain injury in the mouse

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in young individuals. Following TBI, the initial injury caused by the head impact is exacerbated by a complex cascade of secondary injury factors leading to increased tissue loss. TBI is an established risk factor for neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimer disease (AD). In long-term survivors of TBI, increased aggre

Användningen av Lean för hållbart arbete

Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur hållbarhet kan kan främjas och utvecklas i kombination med Lean och dess metoder av ständiga förbättringar. Det empiriska materialet som samlats in och presenteras i studien har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av individer som arbetar med Lean och/eller hållbarhet i olika verksamheter, men främst inom transportbranschen. Hållbarhet syftar i denna s

Influence of Agglomerations in the Service Sector in Economic Growth: Mexico, 2005-2018.

This thesis analyses the relationship between the presence of economic agglomerations and regional economic growth in Mexico during the period 2005- 2018. The focus is mainly toward understanding the influence of clusters in the service sector due to its increasing potential for driving the economy. The study also examines the effect of agglomerations on regional income inequality. To estimate the


This study aims to contribute towards the existing literature of volunteer tourism by evaluating the impacts that volunteering has on career progression. There exists a plethora of research on volunteer tourism, focusing on the various motivations to volunteer and the diverse positive and negative impacts that volunteering has on host communities. However, there is less research on the impact it h

Exploring a Model of Modern Prejudice

The present study aimed to explore a proposed model of modern prejudice through the selected variables. Self-compassion, compassion towards others, psychological flexibility, and social dominance orientation were selected as intra-psychological variables (Dimension I) to explore, while ethnic and gender identity were selected as the inter-group relationship variables (Dimension II). 242 participan

Invandring och den bruna vågen: Hur den växande mångkulturella invandringen påverkat högerpopulismen.

I denna studie försöker vi besvara frågan leder en ökad etnisk och kulturell mångfald till följd av invandring till ett ökat stöd för högerpopulistiska partier? Studien samlar in data på populationsförändringen samt förändringen i röster på Sverigedemokraterna inom Sveriges samtliga kommuner mellan åren 2014 och 2018. Variablerna analyseras deskriptivt samt i en regressionsanalys. Vi finner en sta

President Trump’s Operational Code A Political Psychological Approach to Foreign Policy Decision-Making

This thesis aims to investigate if there is a correlation between Donald Trump’s political beliefs and his foreign policy behaviour towards North Korea during 2016-2019. By applying the theoretical framework Operational Code redesigned by Alexander George, Trump’s political beliefs are visible through ten questions. These political beliefs which are divided into philosophical and instrumental beli

TaxSeedo: An energy-saving ANI alternative for rapid classification of bacteria

An energy-saving tool for rapid classification of bacteria When attempting to describe the characteristics of specific bacteria, it is important to know what species is under investigation. The 16S rRNA marker gene is generally used to classify bacteria into existing taxonomical hierarchies. However, a large percentage of the bacterial genome is left unconsidered as the ~1,500 bp of the 16S rRNA

AI in Public Service: Stakeholder Framing of Implementing Robotized Process Automation in Financial Aid in Swedish Municipalities.

Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic as improvements in available technologies previously considered science fiction, like image recognition, language processing, and self-driving vehicles, are becoming financially viable. Further, several studies point to how automation of processes will increase efficiency in a variety of white-collar sectors. The public sector is no exception, and the