

Din sökning på "*" gav 531126 sökträffar

Att få ihop en berättelse Utveckling och bedömning av narrativ förmåga hos elever i årskurs 1

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida elevers berättande förändras under höstterminen i årskurs 1, och hur bedömningsstödet Nya Språket lyfter! (Skolverket, 2016a) bidrar till lärares bedömning av makronivå i muntliga narrativer. Metod: 46 elever deltog. Narrativer samlades in vid två tillfällen, i början och i slutet av höstterminen i årskurs 1. För bedömning användes Multilingual Asse

The roots of the green gold: A critical policy analysis of how the forest is represented in the Swedish forest policy shift of 1993.

In 2018, the strategy for Sweden’s National Forest Program emphasized the Swedish forests as green gold. A peculiar formulation that I in this study trace to the roots of the existing Forestry Act. Directly I deal with the question: how has the forest been represented in the Swedish forest policy shift of 1993? The overarching question is complemented by several questions included in the critical

Time Synchronization for Full-Duplex Communications

In-band full-duplex has emerged as an attractive solution for significantly enhancing the throughput of wireless communication systems by doubling the spectrum efficiency compared to conventional half-duplex systems. However, the existence of self-interference is a significant barrier to operate full-duplex systems. In order to cancel the self-interference by analog and digital solutions, time syn

Alien Octopodes: Öyvind Fahlström's Du gamla, Du fria, and the Institutional Practice of Swedish Experimental Feature Films

The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate the discursive networks and production contexts of the rare and insular phenomena of Swedish experimental features. As a point of departure, the tentative and limited filmography of Swedish artist Öyvind Fahlström is expanded upon, as the thesis present a unique case study on his first and only feature film Du gamla, Du fria (“Provocation”, 1972).


This industrial design project is focusing on the area of kitchen appliances and its relationship to the environmental issues of today. The reason why we started to work in this field was because we wanted to work towards sustainability in an area where it was not a common thing - and we immediately chose electronic devices. You rarely see an ecological X-box or a repairable computer. W

Decay of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation on some expanding cosmological spacetimes

The decay of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation is studied in two expanding cosmological spacetimes, namely (1) the de Sitter universe in flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) form, and (2) the cosmological region of the Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter (RNdS) model. Using energy methods, for initial data with finite higher order energies, bounds on the decay rates of the solution are obOne of the most profound realisations of physics of the twentieth century is that space and time should be considered as a single whole, a four-dimensional geometric object called spacetime, rather than two separate entities. Gravitation arising from matter manifests itself as curvature of spacetime, and the motion of matter is described by the straightest possible curves on this curved spacetime.

Social commerce - A user-centered design approach

I en tid då sociala medier tar upp allt mer av vår tid, hur ska e-handeln hantera att sociala medier nu även investerar i e-handel. Genom att investera i sociala medier såklart! Frågan är bara hur?Social commerce (s-commerce) is a new paradigm for electronic commerce (e- commerce) where sociability, such as reviews and forums, is introduced into the e-commerce context. Previous research point to s-commerce design as a topic that needs more research, and that creating user-centered s-commerce websites is cumbersome and a hindrance for s-commerce adoption. The main research objective of this

Om åtalsunderlåtelse för unga lagöverträdare – en utredning med fokus på åklagares diskretionära utrymme i modern rättsutveckling

Sedan efterkrigstiden har det skett en markant ökning av antalet anmälda brott. Detta har inneburit att arbetsbelastningen på de rättsvårdande myndigheterna ökat. En konsekvens av utvecklingen är att lagstiftaren försökt effektivisera processen samt hitta andra sätt att avgöra ansvarsfrågan på. Som följd av detta har bland annat åtalsunderlåtelseinstitutet fått en etablerad plats inom svensk strafSince the post-war era, there has been a significant increase in the number of crimes being reported. This has led to increased workloads for law enforcement authorities. As a direct consequence of this development, legislators have sought to streamline processes and to find alternative means of issuing determinations on matters of guilt and responsibility. As a result, the institute of abstention

Kvalitetssäkring av statlig utbildningsverksamhet - En fallstudie av företagsekonomiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet

Titel: Kvalitetssäkring av statlig utbildningsverksamhet Kurs: Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå (FEKH69), 15 HP Författare: Kawa Aspari, Rina Mulolli, Tony Tran Handledare: Gert Paulsson Nyckelord: Statliga universitet, Icke-finansiella mätsystem, SMART-kriterierna, Kvalitetssäkring, Ackreditering. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur utbildningsverksamheten i EHL arbetar

Malmö, En stad för alla? Även turister?

Problemområde: Hållbar turism har ett tydligt fokus på den miljömässiga hållbarheten, vilket har bidragit till att den sociala hållbarheten har blivit bortprioriterad. Det finns olika tolkningar av social hållbarhet vilket medför svårigheter för aktörers engagemang inom besöksnäringen. Detta tyder på att en större förståelse för social hållbarhet behövs. Syfte: Vårt syfte handlar om att bidra til

Essence - a dining experience inspired by space

This project is about food design. IKEA sent me on a mission to investigate the future of food and create useful products for that specific dish. I was told, that my main source of inspiration should be space. Space as in stars, moons, planets and astronauts. The result could potentially be part of a future space collection of IKEA. If, when and how was still not determined. Experiments, liter


Corruption is generally considered to affect firm innovation negatively. Yet recent scholarship is indicating that corruption may yield positive effects on innovation practices by removing certain barriers associated with starting up or operating businesses. The differing perspectives on the impact of corruption on firm innovation have engendered two contrasting hypotheses: the ‘sand-the-wheels’ a

Daylighting and Electric Lighting Integration in the Retail Sector

The retail sector represents 11% of the GDP and employs 15% of the workforce in the European Union. To tackle growth of e-commerce, physical retail stores need to be reviewed; both to decrease operating costs, increase productivity and to make the shopping experience more appealing. Energy use for lighting accounts for 50% of the total energy use in non-food retail stores, which is consumed primar

Hur klimatförändringskommunikationen påverkar individens vilja att engagera sig — en mediaanalys av tre framstående tal från opinionsbildare inom klimatförändringsdebatten

This paper aims to examine how the framing of climate change communication affects people’s will to change their behavior. Certain frames resonate with some audiences, and not with others. As such, they also mobilize some individuals to action, and rally others to opposition. Therefor, the purpose of this paper is to identify how representatives from three different political positions—Greta Thunb

Material characterization of 316L

At Tetra Pak, general knowledge of food and beverage processing is of great importance. This in turn, depends on the equipment used for the particular process. One of these equipment consists of deformed tubes made of stainless steel 316L. The aim of the present work is to get an understanding of the material 316L. To achieve this, physical tensile tests are performed to study the material behavio

Vad upplever patienter som hjälpsamt i KBT?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad patienter som genomgått kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) upplevde som hjälpsamt i sina terapier. Studien är gjord som en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer av fyra patienter. Intervjuerna spelades in på band, som sedan transkriberades. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av interpretativ fenomenologisk analys (IPA). Tre övergripande

HOW TO BE AUTHENTIC: a visual social semiotic approach to travel photography on Instagram

Due to their high level of authenticity, travel bloggers started to be an important part of the influencer strategies adopted by corporations in the travel industry and are becoming increasingly popular among social media users, especially on Instagram. However, their practices under this commercial pressure, on a platform known to present an idealized version of reality and by expressing themselv

Energy & redox fluxes in Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 on different sugars

Under anaerobic condition the specific growth rate of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 on different sugars, was analyzed using spectrophotometry. Electron acceptor (fructose) supported cells to cope with poor energy recovery by re-oxidising the NADH, thus enabling ATP formation thru acetate production, while fermenting glucose via the phosphoketolase pathway (PKP) and simultaneously operating via E

Rättspsykiatriska utlåtanden i domstolsprocessen – en analys ur ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Psykiskt störda lagöverträdare har sedan länge särbehandlats inom straffrätten. I Sverige aktualiseras numera särbehandlingen vid påföljdsvalet. För att påföljdsvalet överhuvudtaget ska komma på fråga krävs att gärningspersonen kan tillskrivas skuld; antingen genom uppsåt eller, vid vissa särreglerade brott, oaktsamhet. Eftersom uppsåt inte är objektivt iakttagbart är uppsåtsbedömningen vanligen eMentally disordered offenders have been specially treated in criminal law for a long time. In Sweden, the special treatment occurs when the choice of sanction is decided. The choice of sanction only becomes relevant when the perpetrator is attributed debt; either through criminal intent or, in certain regulations, negligence. Since criminal intent is not objectively observable, the intent assessme

A Coin for the Afterlife

Emgård Ryberg, H. 2018. A Coin for the Afterlife. Charon’s Obols in Viking Age Scandinavia? Lund University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. The Obolus tradition, the placing of a coin in the grave, appeared in the Germanic area during the Roman Iron Age. This tradition originated in the Greek mythology where it was meant as payment to Charon for the ferry transport across the river