

Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar

Makt och människor : europeisk statsbildning från medeltiden till franska revolutionen

State formation in Europe and, more precisely, the nature and development of the early modern type of state, is the focus of this book. The study of state formation has, in recent years, been heavily influenced by the works of Charles Tilly and his followers, who stress international military competition as the driving force in the development of the European states and state system, creating stro

On the binding of growth-promoting polyamines to proteoglycans: Implications for growth-regulation and polycation-mediated gene transfer

Initial investigations were directed at studying the interaction between polyamines and various glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The polyamine spermine displayed binding to dermatan sulphate (DS) and heparan sulphate (HS) with similar (Kd, 3.9 x 10-4 M) and higher (Kd, 0.37 x 10-6 M) affinity, respectively, than to DNA. Antiproliferative spermine-binding DS fragments (tetra- to decasaccharides), and aff

Knowledge Sharing Across Borders - A Study in the IKEA World

To enter new markets is not easy. The most obvious challenge, at least judging from the majority of literature on internationalization, is to understand the new market thus taking a market(ing) perspective. External aspects of internationalization are often stressed, while internal aspects, focusing on why organizations fail, are less developed or examined. In order to better understand the intern

B2B-Marketplace Value Creation, Conceptual Predictions and Empirical Findings

Information technology is a vital driver in today’s business environment. Recent developments of IT have facilitated for the relatively easy creation of markets on the Internet, so called B2B-marketplaces. However, judging from the survival rate of B2B-marketplaces (5 to 10 per cent), it seems like B2B-marketplaces are doing something wrong. This paper scrutinises several theoretical frameworks re

Bilder av Förintelsen. Mening, minne, kompromettering

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vår egen tid kännetecknas av ett mycket stort intresse för Förintelsen, det vill säga nazisternas folkmord på Europas judar. Denna bok försöker skissera några viktiga aspekter av den kulturella förståelsen av Förintelsen, genom att studera hur den avbildats i visuell kultur. Med "visuell kultur" förstås ett brett spektrum av kulturella uttryck, från dokumentär- och presThis thesis examines the representation in visual culture of the Holocaust, the Nazi genocide of European Jewry. It is divided into three main parts, each one focusing on a particular aspect of Holocaust representation. Part 1, "Meaning" (chapter 1-3), begins by considering the important role played by documentary photographs from the concentration camps for the public knowledge and conception of

Counterworking Male Takeover during Class Room Activities in Superior Technical Education

An increase in student activity is the goal of various pedagogic approaches and highly valued in most teaching situations. The benefits of student activation are widely discussed in literature (Fox, 1983), but possible drawbacks of such techniques need to be identified and compensations need to be found. This paper discusses a case study concerning one particular course moment, a seminar, held ove

Real-Time Shadowing Techniques

Shadows heighten realism and provide important visual cues about the spatial relationships between objects. But integration of robust shadow shadowing techniques in real-time rendering is not an easy task. In this course on how shadows are incorporated in real-time rendering, attendees learn basic shadowing techniques and more advanced techniques that exploit new features of graphics hardware.The

A qualitative look at the coherence between EU energy security and climate change policies

Energy security has become a key priority in EU policy but climate change mitigation commitments live on in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the extent to which EU climate change mitigation policies and energy security policies are coherent – a relationship that is far from clear cut since both areas are both complex and wide ranging. We use a simple policy-analytical framework fo

Atmospheric Turbulence and Dynamics of an Adaptive Optics Telescope. Modelling and Analysis

To a large extent, the thesis deals with a future solar telescope, the Large Earth-based Solar Telescope (LEST). The dynamical properties of the telescope, in particular its live optics system, have been investigated through implementation of a computer model, which has been used for simulations. The model includes the various parts of the telescope, as well as various image degrading effects. Of