

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Challenges and opportunities for reuse of products and materials with fire safety requirements – A Swedish perspective

The construction sector is of great importance to the Swedish economy, but its impact on the climate is significant and the sector accounts for about 40% of Sweden's total energy consumption. The sector also generates a significant share of the total material flows and waste quantities in the society. Thus, due to the large impact of the construction sector, there are great opportunities to contri

Balancing Nature and Wealth

Kärt barn har många värden, eller vad är det man brukar säga? Skogen är älskad och brukad av oss året om och i alla delar av landet. Det är förståeligt att det framkallar stora debatter och delade åsikter. Likaså gör EU om man kollar på vilken nyhetskälla som helst. Hur blir det då när EU ska komma in och bestämma över Sveriges skog. Kaos antagligen. En av EU:s förordningar är den så kallade ’LandThe forest contributes multiple services, among others renewable materials, carbon sequestration, and recreational value. This thesis studied the effects on forestry stemming from the revised Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry regulation. The question is how reduced logging, which is in line with the new regulation, affects social welfare when incorporating the benefits of ecosystem services.

'It Has a Lot of Potential!': : Use of Blockchain Technology for Education Records

The paper explores the perceptions of university students and their desired features on the use of blockchain technology for the management of education records. A literature review forms the theoretical basis of the research allowing to explore how education records are managed nowadays and the potential for the use of blockchain technology in this area. The theoretical framework is then used to

Molecular Mobility in Keratin-Rich Materials Monitored by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance : A Tool for the Evaluation of Structure-Giving Properties

Keratins are structural proteins that are abundant in human skin, nails, and hair, where they provide mechanical strength. In the present study, we investigate the molecular mobilities and structures of three keratin-rich materials with clearly different mechanical properties: nails, stratum corneum (upper layer of epidermis), and keratinocytes (from lower layer of epidermis). We use solid-state N

European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) guidelines on the management of axillary lymphadenopathy after COVID-19 vaccination : 2023 revision

Axillary lymphadenopathy is a common side effect of COVID-19 vaccination, leading to increased imaging-detected asymptomatic and symptomatic unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. This has threatened to negatively impact the workflow of breast imaging services, leading to the release of ten recommendations by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) in August 2021. Considering the rapidly cha

Avtalsslutande vid internationella köp av varor

I FN-konventionen om internationella köp - CISG - ges bestämmelser om ingående av avtal om internationella köp av varor, köparens och säljarens respektive skyldigheter, påföljder vid kontraktsbrott och andra aspekter rörande sådana köp. I samband med sitt tillträde till konventionen förklarade Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige i enlighet med artikel 92(1) bl.a. att de inte skulle vara bundna av

Project managers' Knowledge Sharing Supported by Technology: : The Case of Microsoft Teams

Contemporary organizations frequently employ projects to leverage work across organizational units, utilizing specialized knowledge from different areas of the organization to meet specific quality criteria in a defined time period, at a set cost. Project managers act as hubs of knowledge in directing projects and driving their success, often using technology for this purpose. To date, little is k

‘State Bureaucrats’ and ‘Those NGO People’ : Promoting the idea of civil society, hindering the state

One of the characteristics of Polish foreign aid is its focus on the ‘transition experience’ and civil society. This specific celebration of the ‘Polish success story’ contrasts sharply with public debates that frequently criticise the weaknesses of Polish civil society and the difficulties in state – non-state relations. The Polish Aid apparatus itself is not immune to these problems, often exhib

Meningsskapande och våld: En antropologisk studie om svenska frivilliga soldater i Ukraina

This study examines the process of meaning-making among Swedish volunteer soldiers who engage in the conflict in Ukraine, exploring the role of violence in their decision and experience. The research is grounded in an existentialist perspective, focusing on individual reasoning and worldview. Through qualitative content analysis of interviews with four Swedish volunteers, the study reveals that th

Potential Rebound Effects of 1.5° Lifestyles

Understanding how lifestyles should and could change to meet the terms of the Paris Agreement is the aim of the project ‘EU 1.5° Lifestyles’. It focuses on lifestyle options compatible with a 1.5°C target and explores the structural barriers and enablers to implementing these. Many of these lifestyle options relate to circular strategies such as sharing, reusing and repairing products.However, eve

Adjuvant therapy in invasive intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas: a systematic review

Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the pancreas is a cystic tumor with a disease spectrum ranging from low-grade dysplasia to invasive carcinoma. The evidence for adjuvant treatment in invasive IPMN is limited and mostly derived from studies in conventional pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). We performed a systematic review focusing on all clinical studies concerning the effic

"Och det är detta det hela handlar om; varje människas rätt att leva": en kritisk diskursanalys av abortfrågan i Dagen 1991-1996.

In countries such as the U.S and Poland abortion laws have recently been made more restrictive, however this has not been the case in Sweden. The debate around abortion in Sweden quietened down after the law allowing abortion “on demand” was passed in 1974, but resurged during the 1990s with for example the group “Yes to life” (“Ja till livet”) organizing demonstrations. “Yes to life” mainly sprun

Fighting for equal rights in Brazil under Bolsonaro: Feminist activism in countries governed by the "new" right

Situated in the context of the global rise of the right and growing anti-feminist and anti-gender mobilization, this thesis explores the impacts of Jair Bolsonaro's right-wing populist government (2019-2022) on feminist activism in Brazil from an activist's perspective. It investigates the shifts and disruptions this government has entailed on three levels: in the realms of social public p