

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

A Decade of Dialogue: the Journey to Consensus in Negotiations for a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights

Denna uppsats undersöker den fortsatta utvecklingen av ett potentiellt FN-fördrag om företag och mänskliga rättigheter. I år är det ett decennium sedan rådet för mänskliga rättigheter antog resolution 26/9, vilken inrättade en arbetsgrupp för att utarbeta ett potentiellt rättsligt bindande instrument inom mänskliga rättigheter, med målet att reglera transnationella företag och andra affärsverksamhThis thesis examines the continuing development of a potential UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. This year marks a decade since the Human Rights Council passed resolution 26/9, establishing a working group to elaborate a potential legally binding instrument in international human rights law, with the objective to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterp

Återbruk av byggmaterial i trä

För närvarande står byggnadsindustrin för en betydande del av de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige. Resurseffektiviteten är låg och de råmaterial som används i dagsläget utnyttjas inte på ett effektivt sätt. Det råder ingen tvekan om att konsumtionen av naturresurser är ett problem, något som kan förbättras genom exempelvis en ökad grad av återanvändning i materialflödet och genom att vidAt present, the construction industry accounts for a significant part of the total greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden. Resource efficiency is low and the raw materials currently used are not utilized in an efficient manner. There is no doubt that the consumption of natural resources is a problem, something that can be improved by, for example, increasing the degree of reuse in the material flow an

Using DCIP and TEM to investigate the geology of the Alnarp Valley in southwestern Scania, Sweden

In southwestern Scania there is a paleovalley, the Alnarp Valley, which holds a confined aquifer called Alnarpsströmmen. Its geology consists mainly of sand and gravel and it is generally confined by one or more layers of clayey till above, and the limestone bedrock below. In collaboration with Region Skåne and SGU, this thesis aims to gather information about Alnarpsströmmen using two geophysical

Workshop on Data Ecosystems and Spatial Data Infrastructure - Facilitators for Data Value Creation : Joint workshop of Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure, KU Leuven, TU Delft, IGN France, DAFAGO and EuroSDR - December 12th-13th 2023 - Copenhagen, Denmark

The world is becoming more and more data driven. There are many ways to collect, analyse and disseminate data, and data ecosystems are among the most important environments that we have for facilitating this. Spatial data is one of the data types in data ecosystems, and data ecosystems play a key role in further value creation of the spatial data created, maintained and shared in the SDI. The work

arkitekten: Skolgårdarna är en nyckel till hållbar framtid

En grön skolgård med många olika träd, buskar och blommor ger stora pedagogiska möjligheter, stärker den biologiska mångfalden, motverkar klimatförändringar och bidrar till barns hälsa och utveckling. Ändå är det idag få kommuner i landet som aktivt satsar på att utveckla skolgårdar med dessa kvaliteter. Finansiering av gröna skolgårdsprojekt behöver öka som en grund för en hållbar framtid!

Novel diagnostic methods and potential treatments in cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction

General Aim: To investigate novel diagnostic tools and treatment options for cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction (CVAD) patients, focusing on syncope, orthostatic intolerance, and heart failure (HF).Background: CVAD includes common clinical entities such as vasovagal syncope (VVS) postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and orthostatic hypotension (OH). Also, CVAD plays an important role

From grassroots commons in crisis to urban, public places? The Swedish People's parks in the long downturn of organized labor

Seemingly neglected post-industrial spaces have often become crucial assets for movements seeking to inscribe new commons and public places in the urban fabric. Appropriating abandoned "Brachen" landscape or older factory complexes has allowed movements a foothold to build an urban world that is theirs. However, also movements clearly connected to industrialization, most notably the labor movement

Marx and Capital Vol II, Harvey and circuits of capital

This paper critically engages with one of Harvey's central conceptual frameworksin his model for capitalist urbanization (and its central mechanism, capitalswitching), i.e., his three circuits of capital. Harvey names Capital Vol II as hismain source of inspiration and characterizes his conceptual framework as anelaboration of Marx's original intentions in the text. I have two objectives in mycrit

Cognitive microfoundations and social interaction dynamics. : The implications of complexity for institutional theory.

This paper investigates the intersection of cognitive sciences and social network theory and its counterpart, the complexity sciences, aiming to shed light on the compatibility and potential integration of these frameworks into institutional theory. Institutional scholars have for long selectively adopted notions linked with the cognitive sciences and complexity sciences, such as the notion of pat

Physical Meteorology

A salient aspect of the tropics is the prevalence of deep convection. It spans much of the depth of the troposphere, due to the positive buoyancy of cloudy updrafts warmed by latent heating from condensation. Cells of deep convection transfer heat, moisture and momentum to upper levels. They are crucial for the large-scale atmospheric circulation.Most precipitation from tropical systems is from de

Assessing the potential of energy sharing through a shallow geothermal heating and cooling network

Shallow geothermal offers great potential to supply emission-free heating and cooling and has therefore a pivotal role in the transition of heating and cooling networks. This paper presents a novel heating and cooling network with possible geothermal energy sharing between decentralized borefields located at each building level. The system consolidates the benefits of both standalone and centraliz

Image post-processing for SILMAS : structured illumination light sheet microscopy with axial sweeping

In this article, we propose a post-processing scheme for the novel volumetric microscopy technique SILMAS. We demonstrate this scheme on data from an alpha-synuclein transgenic mouse brain. By combining structured illumination and axial sweeping, a SILMAS measurement provides a prerequisite for quantitative data extraction through improved contrast and optical sectioning. However, due to the techn

Evaluation of piezoelectric speaker drivers for loudspeaker and array speaker design

Abstract This thesis is an evaluation of piezoelectric speaker drivers for loudspeaker design. It goes through the electrical and sound generating properties of the speaker drivers and general theory of piezoelectric speaker drivers. A prototype single speaker driver loudspeaker has been realized and evaluated by measuring the frequency response and sound pressure level (SPL), total harmonic disto

Automatic Search Algorithm using Signal Enhancement, Flex Sensors and exploration of Machine learning Features to improve Multiple Channel Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) systems

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) is a method to stimulate the body's muscles using bursts of electricity on the skin that can strengthen the muscles, increase coordination, and simulate human muscle movement to prevent the formation of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DTV). Electrically sensitive skin areas, called Motor Points (MP), must be stimulated to achieve a robust muscular response and

To block or not : why the British ruling elite enabled the Industrial Revolution during the 18th century

This study explores why the ruling elite in 18th-century Britain not only allowed but actively supported industrialization. Economic rents, political power, and international competition are commonly cited as the reasons, but these explanations lack empirical evidence. By conducting a text analysis of parliamentary legislation and debates on the cotton industry, this study demonstrates that the ru

Jingle-Jangle Fallacies in L2 Motivational Self System Research : A Response to Al-Hoorie et al. (2024)

In a systematic examination of scales commonly used in L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) research, Al-Hoorie et al. (2024) found discriminant validity problems. Raising jangle fallacy concerns, they argue that substantive research should be paused until validity issues are ironed out. However, validity at the measurement level is dependent on validity at the construct level. Replication attempts

Consequences of partially recessive deleterious genetic variation for the evolution of inversions suppressing recombination between sex chromosomes

The evolution of suppressed recombination between sex chromosomes is widely hypothesized to be driven by sexually antagonistic selection (SA), where tighter linkage between the sex-determining gene(s) and nearby SA loci is favored when it couples male-beneficial alleles to the proto-Y chromosome, and female-beneficial alleles to the proto-X. Although difficult to test empirically, the SA selection

Testing Quantitative and Qualitative Sex Effects in a National Swedish Twin-Sibling Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

OBJECTIVE: Twin studies have demonstrated that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is moderately heritable, and the pattern of findings across studies suggests higher heritability in females compared with males. Formal testing of sex differences has yet to be done in twin studies of PTSD. The authors sought to estimate the genetic and environmental contributions to PTSD, and to formally test for