

Din sökning på "*" gav 533090 sökträffar

Association between flexibility activity and blood-pressure change among older adults in Japan : A 5-year longitudinal study

This longitudinal study examined the relationship between flexibility-activity and blood-pressure (BP) change among older adults in Japan. Our study included 452 older adults who took part in our survey in both 2012/2013 and 2017/2018. The seated systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) were measured both at baseline and at the 5 years follow-up. The frequencies of the different physic

Home-based postnatal midwifery care facilitated a smooth succession into motherhood : A Swedish interview study

INTRODUCTION If a family is discharged from a hospital earlier after birth, close supervision by a skilled midwife is essential. The aim was to describe mothers’ overall experience receiving postnatal care in a Swedish home-based midwifery care model. METHODS A descriptive qualitative study was conducted. Mothers meeting the inclusion criteria for a new home-based postnatal care model at a hospita

Human Rights in EU Free Trade Agreements with ASEAN States. Expectations and perspectives from Thailand

With an increasing number of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries as well as a greater EU focus on human rights in supply chains, analysis of recent and emerging agreements is a valuable gauge. This analysis is based on existing EU agreements with Singapore and Vietnam, as well as ongoing negotiations with Tha

Long-term Risks of Depression and Suicide Among Men with Prostate Cancer : A National Cohort Study

Background: A diagnosis of prostate cancer (PC) may cause psychosocial distress that worsens quality of life; however, long-term mental health outcomes are unclear. Objective: To determine the long-term risks of major depression and death by suicide in a large population-based cohort. Design, setting, and participants: This was a national cohort study of 180 189 men diagnosed with PC during 1998–2

Detection of Short Supraventricular Tachycardias in Single-lead ECGs Recorded Using a Handheld Device

Short supraventricular tachycardias (S-SVTs) have been associated with a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF). Hence, identification of participants with such arrhythmias may increase the yield of AF screening. However, the lower signal quality of ECGs recorded using handheld screening devices challenges the detection of S-SVT. In the present work, a new method for detection of S-SVT

Omvänd skattskyldighet - En ”quick fix” för mervärdesskattebedrägerier?

Varje år förlorar den Europeiska unionens medlemmar hundratals miljarder kronor i uteblivna mervärdesskatteintäkter. En stor del av dessa förluster beror på omfattande bedrägerier som utnyttjar de lagar och regler som gäller för unionsintern handel mel-lan EU:s medlemsstater. En särskild typ av sådana bedrägerier är Missing Trader Intra Community – fraud, MTIC-bedrägerier. Denna uppsats undersökerEvery year, the members of the European Union lose tens of billions of euros in VAT revenue. A large part of these losses are due to widespread fraud that exploits the laws and rules governing intra-EU trade between EU Member States. One such fraud is Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) fraud. This paper examines the causes of MTIC fraud and the legislative efforts in the EU and Sweden to counte

Energy systems in sustainability-profiled districts in Sweden : A literature review and a socio-technical ecology approach for future research

Over the past 30 years, several sustainability-profiled districts have been developed in Sweden with high ambitions for the energy systems, such as Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm and Western Harbor in Malmö. Research into energy systems in urban districts is interdisciplinary and therefore spread over different areas, which means that an overview of the current state of knowledge and lessons learne

Contextual shifts and gradable knowledge

Epistemological contextualism states that propositions about knowledge, expressed in sentences like “S knows that P,” are context-sensitive. Schaffer (2005) examines whether one of Lewis’ (1996), Cohen’s (1988) and DeRose’s (1995) influential contextualist accounts is preferable to the others. According to Schaffer, Lewis’ theory of relevant alternatives succeeds as a linguistic basis for contextu

Digitaliseringens påverkan på researrangörer - En kvalitativ studie om hur researrangörerna bidrar till konsumentens värdeskapande nu och i framtiden

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur svenska researrangörer som är verksamma i Alperna bidrar till kundens värdeskapande. Studien syftar fortsättningsvis till att undersöka hur researrangörer arbetar, och bör arbeta i framtiden, för att vara ett attraktivt alternativ på marknaden. Digitaliseringen har bidragit till uppkomsten av nya aktörer och tjänster på marknaden och därför befinner sig rese

Reconstruction of Raman spectra of two-layer diffusive media: model-based approach in time-domain

We propose a novel analytical time-domain model for migration of Raman scattered photons in inhomogeneous two-layer diffusive media. Based on this model, the methods for reconstruction of the Raman spectra of the two layers are developed, tested in simulations and validated on phantom measurements data.We propose a novel analytical time-domain model for migration of Raman scattered photons in inhomogeneous two-layer diffusive media. Based on this model, the methods for reconstruction of the Raman spectra of the two layers are developed, tested in simulations and validated on phantom measurements data.

Midnight salivary cortisol secretion associated with high systolic blood pressure in type 1 diabetes

Objective: To explore associations between high midnight salivary cortisol (MSC) secretion and high blood pressure (BP) in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods: Cross-sectional study of 196 adult patients with T1D (54% men). Associations between high MSC (≥9.3 nmol/L) and high systolic BP (>130 mmHg), and high diastolic BP (>80 mmHg) were explored for all patients, users and non-users of antihypertensiv

Does using public transport affect tourist subject well-being and behaviour relevant to sustainability? Value-attitude-behaviour theory and artificial intelligence benefits

Increasing tourist use of public transport is a potentially significant means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There are limited theoretically informed studies that focus on domestic tourist use of public transport, particularly in an Asian cultural context (e.g. South Korea). To bridge the research gap, this study applies and tests an extended value-attitude-behaviour (EVAB) theory, includin

INFERNO : Galactic winds in dwarf galaxies with star-by-star simulations including runaway stars

The formation and evolution of galaxies have proved sensitive to the inclusion of stellar feedback, which is therefore crucial to any successful galaxy model. We present INFERNO, a new model for hydrodynamic simulations of galaxies, which incorporates resolved stellar objects with star-by-star calculations of when and where the injection of enriched material, momentum, and energy takes place. INFE

Moving past neonicotinoids and honeybees : A systematic review of existing research on other insecticides and bees

Synthetic pesticides (e.g. herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) are used widely in agriculture to protect crops from pests, weeds and disease. However, their use also comes with a range of environmental concerns. One key concern is the effect of insecticides on non-target organisms such as bees, who provide pollination services for crops and wild plants. This systematic literature review quant

Invisible, Responsible Women in Sweden–Planning Pregnancies, Choosing Contraceptives

In this study I explore discourses of contraception and reproduction, which are drawn upon and reproduced in Swedish official online sources on contraceptive advice, through the theoretical frameworks of biomedicalization and reproductive justice. The analysis yielded three interwoven themes: 1) women in need of contraceptives have to balance discourses of exogenous hormones as both an “unnatural”

The Phylogenetic Placement of an Enigmatic Moth Egybolis Vaillantina Based on Museomics

Here, we present multi-locus sequencing results from the enigmatic Afrotropical monotypic genus Egybolis Boisduval (occurring in East- and South Africa—previously placed in the subfamily Catocalinae, Noctuidae). Model-based phylogenetic analysis places Egybolis within a strongly supported clade comprising four Old World Tropical genera Cocytia Boisduval, Avatha Walker, Anereuthina Hübner, and Serr

Development of thick GaN and AlGaN drift layers for vertical power devices

High-quality, thick III-nitride epitaxial drift layers with controlled doping are needed for next-generation highly efficient vertical power devices for a smart grid applications and electrification of mobility. Achieving desirable material properties, such as low background impurity concentrations and reduced dislocation densities in combination with high growth rates, necessary for practical app

Effect of implementing magnetic resonance imaging for patient-specific OpenSim models on lower-body kinematics and knee ligament lengths

Background: OpenSim models are typically based on cadaver findings that are generalized to represent a wide range of populations, which curbs their validity. Patient-specific modelling through incorporating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) improves the model's biofidelity with respect to joint alignment and articulations, muscle wrapping, and ligament insertions. The purpose of this study was to d

Knee joint kinematics and kinetics during the hop and cut after soft tissue artifact suppression : Time to reconsider ACL injury mechanisms?

The recent development of a soft tissue artifact (STA) suppression method allows us to re-evaluate the tibiofemoral kinematics currently linked to non-contact knee injuries. The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate knee joint kinematics and kinetics in six degrees of freedom (DoF) during the loading phases of a jump lunge and side cut using this in silico method. Thirty-five healthy adu

Gait training after stroke : A pilot study combining a gravity-balanced orthosis, functional lectrical stimulation, and visual feedback

RATIONALE: This case report describes the application of a novel gait retraining approach to an individual with poststroke hemiparesis. The rehabilitation protocol combined a specially designed leg orthosis (the gravity-balanced orthosis), treadmill walking, and functional electrical stimulation to the ankle muscles with the application of motor learning principles. CASE: The participant was a 58-