Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar
Airspace Dimension Test (ADT): a novel technique for diagnosis of the peripheral lung
Re-conceptualising Life Long Learning: Shifting the focus to learners' needs
As Rubenson has argued, "the main problem with life long learning is that it fails to critically assess how conditions for individual development, ethnic and social background, previous schooling and working life conditions create very different preconditions for life long learning" (Rubenson, 1996, p. 43). Using longitudinal data from the Malmö Longitudinal Study, the paper clarifies how differen
Application-Specific Control for Industrial Robots
Fraser och frasstruktur
Mixing Engineering, Business and Design Students in an International Cross-Disciplinary Course on Innovation
International Market Driven engineering (iMDE) is an international course on innovation where Swedish and Chinese engineering students are mixed with business and design students. The course is run on a yearly basis, it is six weeks long and takes place in China. Both the development and the execution of the course is made as a joint project between the Swedish and Chinese instructors. The course
Statistical assessment of the prestress level based on in-service inspections of unbonded tendons.
The Order of Any Stabilizing Regulator is Sufficient Information for Adaptive Stabilization
Jurister förstår inte barn
No title
Uncertainties in predicting tourist travel flows: common ground and research needs
A survey of isoperimetric limitations on antennas
Varning för krislösningar på bekostnad av äganderätten
Immune intervention for prevention of type 1 diabetes
Image quality and safety after iodixanol in intravenous urography; a comparison with iohexol.
A Study of Parton Dynamics from Deep Inelastic Scattering Events Containing a Jet in the Forward Direction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Protonen, neutronen och elektronen utgör de grundläggande byggstenarna för materian i vårt universum. Emedan elektronen, som tillhör den grupp av partiklar som kallas leptoner, är "odelbar", är protonen och neutronen, som tillhör gruppen hadroner, i sin tur uppbyggda av mindre partiklar, kvarkar och gluoner (partoner). En elektron växelverkar med andra partiklar genom sThe DIS ep-scattering parton dynamics at low-x is characterised by an initial state cascade in which the virtualities of the propagator gluons are expected to take any kinematically allowed value, in contrast to the leading log behaviour. These dynamics might be enhanced by selecting events in which an energetic jet is found in the forward angular region at HERA, 1.735 < etajet3.5 GeV) are found i