

Din sökning på "*" gav 527010 sökträffar

Does revolution change risk attitudes? Evidence from Burkina Faso

A popular uprising in 2014, led to a revolution that overthrew the sitting President of Burkina Faso. We investigate if individuals' risk attitudes changed due to this revolution. We examine this impact by the main determinants of risk attitudes: gender, age and level of education. The analysis is based on unique panel survey data, allowing us to track the changes in the risk attitudes of the sameA popular uprising in 2014, led to a revolution that overthrew the sitting President of Burkina Faso. We investigate if individuals' risk attitudes changed due to this revolution. We examine this impact by the main determinants of risk attitudes: gender, age and level of education. The analysis is based on unique panel survey data, allowing us to track the changes in the risk attitudes of the same

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals biomarkers of stroke recovery in a mouse model of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes

Obesity and Type 2 diabetes (T2D) are known to exacerbate cerebral injury caused by stroke. Metabolomics can provide signatures of metabolic disease, and now we explored whether the analysis of plasma metabolites carries biomarkers of how obesity and T2D impact post-stroke recovery. Male mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 10 months leading to development of obesity with T2D or a standard diet

Decoding the Rights of Companies in the Technocene

Companies — for profit commercial corporations — shape our world, and our world is shaped to the service of companies. The superhuman capabilities of companies and the enormous resources at their disposal has allowed them to massively transform our natural and social environment. Some argue that we are not living in the Anthropocene, but rather in the Technocene—a geological era brought about not

Procedurally Justifiable Strategies : Integrating Context Effects into Multistage Decision Making

This paper proposes a simple framework to model contextual influences on procedural decision making. In terms of utility, we differentiate between monetary payoffs and contextual psychological ones, e.g. deriving from the subjects’ normative frame of reference. Monetary payoffs are treated as common knowledge while psychological payoffs are treated as partly unforeseeable. Regarding behaviour, we

Distributed attitude synchronization using Backstepping and sliding mode control

We consider the problem of attitude synchronization for systems of rigid body agents with directed topologies. Two different scenarios for the rotation matrices of the agents are considered. In the first scenario, the rotations are contained in a convex subset of SO(3), which is a ball of radius less than π/2, whereas in the second scenario the agents are contained in a subset of SO(3), which is a

Five-flavour scheme predictions for tt¯bb¯ at next-to-leading order accuracy

We compute top quark pair production in association with a bottom quark pair at the LHC within the five-flavour scheme, matched to a parton shower, employing the FxFx merging scheme for tt¯+jets production with up to 2 jets at NLO accuracy. To enhance the selection efficiency for the events with b-jets within the inclusive five-flavour sample, we augment the generation probability of bottom quark

Utmaningar och vägen framåt – ekonomisk och social utveckling i Afrika och dess Sahelområde

När det internationella samfundet under ”superutvecklingsåret” 2015 åtog sig uppgiften att utrota fattigdom och hunger var det under löftet ”Leave no one behind”, dvs att alla överallt ska inkluderas och få ta del av utvecklingens framsteg. Hur kan ett sådant löfte bli verklighet och vilka utmaningar ligger framför oss? Denna översiktsartikel syftar till att ta itu med dessa frågor genom att fokus

Higher HIV-1 evolutionary rate is associated with cytotoxic T lymphocyte escape mutations in infants

Escape from cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses toward HIV-1 Gag and Nef has been associated with reduced control of HIV-1 replication in adults. However, less is known about CTL-driven immune selection in infants as longitudinal studies of infants are limited. Here, 1,210 gag and 1,264 nef sequences longitudinally collected within 15 months after birth from 14 HIV-1 perinatally infected infant

Epipolar visual servoing for multirobot distributed consensus

In this paper, we give a distributed solution to the problem of making a team of nonholonomic robots reach consensus about their orientations using monocular cameras. We consider a scheme where the motions of the robots are decided using nearest-neighbor rules. Each robot is equipped with a camera and can only exchange visual information with a subset of the other robots. The main contribution of

Temporal dynamics of woolly mammoth genome erosion prior to extinction

A number of species have recently recovered from near-extinction. Although these species have avoided the immediate extinction threat, their long-term viability remains precarious due to the potential genetic consequences of population declines, which are poorly understood on a timescale beyond a few generations. Woolly mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) became isolated on Wrangel Island around 10,0

Analytical solutions to feedback systems on the special orthogonal group SO(n)

This paper provides analytical solutions to the closed-loop kinematics of two almost globally exponentially stabilizing attitude control laws on the special orthogonal group SO(n). By studying the general case we give a uniform treatment to the cases of SO(2) and SO(3), which are the most interesting dimensions for application purposes. Working directly with rotation matrices in the case of SO(3)

A transformation of the position based visual servoing problem into a convex optimization problem

Here we address the problem of moving a camera from an initial pose to a final pose. The trajectory between the two poses is subject to constraints on the camera motion and the visibility, where we have bounds on the allowed velocities and accelerations of the camera and require that a set of point features are visible for the camera. We assume that the pose is possible to retrieve from the observ

Distributed attitude synchronization control of multi-agent systems with time-varying topologies

This paper addresses the attitude synchronization problem of multiple rigid body agents in SO(3) with directed and switching interconnection topologies. Using the axis-angle representation of the orientation, a distributed controller based on differences between the orientations of agents in a global frame is proposed. In the case of the balanced interconnection graph, the attitude synchronization

Distributed attitude synchronization control of multi-agent systems with directed topologies

In the present paper we consider the problem of attitude synchronization for a system of rigid body agents. We provide distributed kinematic control laws for two different synchronization problems. In the two problems the objective is the same, i.e., to synchronize the orientations of the agents, but what is assumed to be measurable by the agents differs. In problem 1 the agents measure their own