Din sökning på "*" gav 528081 sökträffar
Musik- och kulturskolan i senmoderniteten: reservat eller marknad?
Title: The community school of music and art in late modernity: Reservation or market? This thesis focuses on the education at Swedish community school of music and art. The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers at those schools talk about their own activities, and thereby also to explore, describe and analyse how the teaching is manifested. In the study 27 teachers from six different
Konsult - och entreprenadrätt
Är "Singoalla" en apokalyps?
MOOCs utvecklar utbildningens kvalitet
Characteristics of the mean radiant temperature in high latitude cities—implications for sensitive climate planning applications
The translation and reception of French realism in Scandinavia 1830-1900
I will present some results from an international project on the introduction of French literature in Scandinavia during the 19th century. A point of departure will be the database BREFS (Bibliographie du Réalisme Français en Scandinavie), containing the translations of novels, short stories, poetic works and theatre plays that were published in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden in book
Robust synchronization of networks of heterogeneous double-integrators
Au-free epitaxial growth of InAs nanowires
Some paradoxes associated with a recent sum rule in scattering theory
Människan bakom varmare klimat
Are quality-adjusted patents more geographically clustered than raw patent counts? Evidence using Swedish data. Paper
Historien om Wanås
The Role of Open Space – Spatial Strategies for Integration.
The role of urban open space is multi-faceted. Looking at residential open space you will find that it has specific qualities compared to other types of urban space due to the proximity to home. This paper discusses residential open space as arena for integration, taking this topological property as a starting point. The paper is based on an ongoing study in the Swedish city Landskrona. The study
Targeted Killing and International Law: The Critique of Complicity and the Complicity of Critique
In Pursuit of Global Regulation: Changing Governance and Accountability Structures at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
Concealing or Revealing? Alternative Paths to Secondary Innovation
While scholars increasingly make a distinction between primary and secondary innovation, there is still little consensus about how secondary innovation is created. One line of research emphasizes knowledge concealing, concluding that a focal firm should strive to recycle knowledge within the company, but limit other actors’ to access firm-specific knowledge. Another line, however, provides the con
Integration of Non-synchronous Generation - Frequency Dynamics
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige och Norden har elproduktion traditionellt skett med huvudsakligen vattenkraft och kärnkraft. Detta håller dock på att förändras i takt med en allt större vindkraftsutbyggnad. Vindkraften skiljer sig i vissa avseenden från de traditionella produktionsslagen, ett av dessa är hur anslutningen till elnätet är utformad. Detta innebär att vindkraften, sedd från näteTraditionally the predominant generation has been large synchronous generators providing the system inertia. Nowadays when wind power and other non-synchronously connected units displaces this synchronous generation, the system inertia is reduced. Hence higher rate of change of frequency and larger frequency deviations are expected. This thesis deals with the impact on rate of change of frequency