

Din sökning på "*" gav 527127 sökträffar

Det logiska möter det (o)logiska : en analys av Gudspartikeln

År 2012 formulerade fysikern Peter W. Higgs en teori om elementarpartiklar som kan skapas ur tomma intet. Om dessa partiklar utsätts för extremt höga hastigheter uppstår det friktion som tvingar fram en ny partikel, en så kallad Higgsboson. Utifrån två elementarpartiklar kan man skapa en ny massa, materia, som inte fanns där från början. Higgsbosonsteorin fick inom media och populärkulturen smeknaIn 2012 physicist Peter W. Higgins formulated a theory about elementary particles that can be created out of nothing. If these particles are exposed to extremely high speeds, friction arises which forces a new particle to form, a so-called Higgs boson. Based on two elementary particles, you can create a new mass; matter which was not there from the beginning. In the media, the Higgs boson was nick

40 - En analys av sakral text i språkfilosofiskt ljust

Religion är en del av många människors liv. En högst personlig och på vissa sätt en oföränderlig tradition med budskap från en högre makt som omöjligt kan förändras eller omtolkas. Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att skapa en diskussion om hur och i så fall på vilket sätt en religiös text övergår till att betraktas som profan. Jag är inte ute efter att skapa ett nytt normativ utan min uppsats bör

What is in the learner’s mind when trying to verbalize grammatical rules? : English third-person singular -s in two settings, Sweden and Vietnam.

The present study examines the outcome of teaching second language English (L2 English) third-person singular present tense -s for declarative knowledge in two different settings, namely Sweden and Vietnam. Third person -s is one of the most studied grammatical structures in second language acquisition research. Data are collected in two classroom contexts with different teaching traditions. Parti

Language or rating scales based classifications of emotions : computational analysis of language and alexithymia

Rating scales are the dominating tool for the quantitative assessment of mental health. They are often believed to have a higher validity than language-based responses, which are the natural way of communicating mental states. Furthermore, it is unclear how difficulties articulating emotions-alexithymia-affect the accuracy of language-based communication of emotions. We investigated whether narrat

Question-based computational language approach outperforms rating scales in quantifying emotional states

Psychological constructs are commonly quantified with closed-ended rating scales. However, recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP) enable the quantification of open-ended language responses. Here we demonstrate that descriptive word responses analyzed using NLP show higher accuracy in categorizing emotional states compared to traditional rating scales. One group of participants (N

Hedvig Eleonora och hennes tid

Hedvig Eleonora (1636-1715), drottning och änkedrottning av Sverige 1654-1715. G.m. Karl X Gustav, mor till Karl XI, farmor till Karl XII. Satt i två förmyndarregeringar, var djupt engagerad i konst och kultur, lät bygga nuv. Drottningholms slott, Strömsholms slott, och bygga om flera.

Deep Generative Models in Brain MRI Synthesis for Alzheimer's Disease Research

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive cognitive decline. Early and precise diagnosis is crucial for effective prophylaxis and treatment. However, the scarcity of annotated medical imaging data, compounded by privacy restrictions and the high cost of acquiring detailed scans like brain Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which have proven

A Model for the Coordination Between Gender Expression and Intelligibility Grounded in Trans Experiences

This study explored the diverse experiences of five transgender individuals during medical gender-affirmation, and captured their active and dynamic strategies for the avoidance of discrimination. The Coordination between Expression and Intelligibility Demands model was developed through informed grounded theory analysis of the data generated in semi-structured interviews. The model reflects the e

No title

Abstract in FrenchCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de teCet article interroge la nature spontanée de la politisation des ouvrier·ère·s habitant une région russophone ukrainienne. Leur mobilisation face à l’invasion russe récente est d’autant plus paradoxale que la ville en question a toujours été considérée comme « pro-russe », et que la population locale n’a pas ressenti d’intérêt pour la politique. En s’appuyant sur un travail de terrain mené entre 2

Gender discrimination in Swedish family courts : A quantitative vignette study

Background Gender discrimination of women is often emphasized in work contexts, whereas less focus is on how men are discriminated against in social relationships. Gender discrimination in decisions of family relations, is essential to study as the contact between parent and child is commonly viewed as the most important relationship in people’s life, as well as being the most important aspect of

Activist Learning for Sustainability : A Pedagogy for Change

This chapter explores the concept of “activist learning for sustainability” and the role of activism and related pedagogies and the relationship to education for sustainable development (ESD). The chapter will reflect on a case study of student-led activism: the initiation of a “sustainable student house” devised and developed by students to allow them to “live what they are learning” and educate

How a landscape is seen and heard

This is a thesis exploring and comparing four different GIS-based viewscape analysis methods, as well as delving into GIS-based soundscape both in practice and theory. The use of these methods leads to a discussion about their utility for gaining new knowledge about past landscapes and possibilities to create phenomenological studies using GIS-based software. The case study is the old Bosebo churc

The Fjörður Midden, A Volumetric approach to a 10th to 11th century midden

This thesis explores a method of volumetric modelling through 3D Geographic Information system (GIS), as a part of post-excavation research in a rescue archaeology project. The process is based on data generated through the combination of photogrammetry and more traditional documentation methods. The subject of research is a 10th to11th century midden feature at the Fjörður site in East Iceland. T

Sammanställning av dokumentationen över de arkeologiska undersökningarna av Ale stenar

Syftet med denna publikation är dels att på ett mer utförligt sätt presentera den information som framkom angående undersökningarna vid Ale stenar i samband med Märta Strömbergs bortgång, dels att sätta denna i relation till Strömbergs arbete med Kåsebergaåsen samt Bengt Söderbergs fortsatta arbete med platsen.Ytterligare ett syfte är att lyfta det fyndmaterial som påträffades i och runtom skeppss