

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Analys av geoenergisystem

Studiens syfte är att studera hur Malmberg Borrning AB samlar in och dokumenterar mätdata från driften av geoenergianläggningarna som företaget bygger. Geoenergi är en förnybar energikälla med stor utvecklingspotential i Sverige och det är intressant att studera insamling och dokumentation av mätdata eftersom det är vad som ligger till grund för driftuppföljning och i sin tur teknikutveckling av n

Methane flux measurements with low-cost solid state sensors in Kobbefjord, West Greenland

Vad spelar Arktis för roll i klimatförändringarna? Denna avlägsna, och glest befolkade, del av världen utgör faktiskt en viktig del av klimatsystemet. Arktis spelar en betydande roll i kolets kretslopp; vilket innefattar såväl koldioxid och metan, två av de viktigaste växthusgaserna. Förändringar i koncentrationer av växthusgaser påverkar hur mycket värme som hålls kvar i jordens atmosfär. VåtmarkMethane is one of the most important greenhouse gases, and the Arctic region plays an important role in its dynamics. Due to limited observations in this remote and often harsh environments, large uncertainties surround the role of the Arctic region in a warming climate. In this thesis, I examine the performance of the three low-cost solid state sensors, Figaro sensors TGS2600-B00, TGS2611-C00 an

Alternative Packaging Insulation Material Solutions for a Meal Kit Subscription Box Industry Leader

This thesis serves as participatory action research with a case study to investigate and test packaging solutions for last mile delivery of food sold online, specifically via the meal kit subscription box industry. The study is done within the context of the case study subject’s product, production, and logistics’ requirements. Identified materials and packaging systems applicable to the immediate

Universals in the usage of and attitudes to onomatopoeia

This study compares the usage of- and attitudes towards sound imitating expressions, onomatopoeia, in English and Japanese. It looks at previous research on onomatopoeia conducted on English and Japanese to establish a working definition for onomatopoeia and a categorization of the types of meanings each expression can have. With the help of indications provided by previous research two questionna

Vilar ansvaret på chefens axlar? En kvalitativ studie för att få en ökad förståelse för de sociala interaktionerna mellan chefen och medarbetarna utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv

Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för de sociala interaktionerna mellan chefen och medarbetarna utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. För att besvara syftet valde vi att utgå från följande frågeställning: hur kan chefens beteende och ledarskap påverka hur medarbetarna upplever sin trivsel på arbetsplatsen? Den teoretiska referensramen har haft fokus på företagskultur, ledarskap och triv

Brännbarhet – En studie om brännbarhetstester med konkalorimeter

The purpose of this work was to find a scientific and comparable way to measure the heat release of materials with low heat release rate. The work focused on ISO 5660 and the cone calorimeter and how to improve this method and equipment. By conducting a series of tests in the cone calorimeter and vary the size of the cone calorimeter and the test specimen and the distance between the test specimen

Blockbyggande medborgardialog i planeringen

This paper is a study of how actors have chosen to utilize the videogame Minecraft, as a way of getting citizen involved in the planning of spaces. This is done by interviews with people in charged for leading the projects, in aim for answering if citizen participation is increased. But also what the method requires and who it speaks to, and what effectiveness that is achieved in the process. The

Re-evaluating Money: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries

Since the financial crisis of 2008, actors from a wide variety of backgrounds have stressed the necessity to enhance understanding of basic economic concepts. One core concept – money - has strong implications on issues such as equality, justice, democracy and the environment, performing an essential part in the way societies are constituted around the world. While it should be clear that the chan

Den "gode" diakonen: En intervjustudie i diakoners självmedvetenhet utifrån maktrelationer i den profetiska diakonins tid

This essay aims to examine the deacons, that is working at the Church of Sweden, understanding of them self according to power, impotent, duties, exposure and reparation. The main questions for this essay where, how do the deacon perceive the balance of power towards their clients, in what extent do the deacons feel impotent in their work, what do they se as their most important task as a deacon a

In-store driving forces behind the purchase decision-making process for high-end designed tableware products

This thesis intends to investigate what are the driving forces behind the shopper's decision-making process in high-end designed tableware products and what is the role of the in-store marketing in the process. The authors of the research have found that there is a lack of knowledge about the consumer’s buying behavior in that segment and therefore it was decided the empirical part of the rese

Neocortex information processing after stroke induction

Hjärnans informationsbearbetning efter stroke Du drar ditt finger över mobilskärmen, lägger kort märke till glasytans känsla och sedan förflyttas ditt fokus till skärmen. Men hur möjliggör hjärnan denna känselupplevelse? Och vad händer när hjärnan inte längre fungerar som den ska? Hur hjärnan bearbetar den stora mängd information den konstant mottar är fortfarande till stora delar okänt. Att veta How the brain processes all the incoming information it receives is still an unanswered question, and many different theories about how it is done exist. This thesis expands on one of these theories which views the brain's information processing as a widely distributed network phenomena, which contradicts the currently most popular hierarchical theory consisting of areas dedicated to processin

Analys av olycksutredningsmetoder tillämpade på anlagda bränder i skolor

There are several accident investigation methods and they are used in a wide range of fields. However, the methods have not been used so much in the fire accident area. In the present thesis, the methods’ capability to investigate fires and what they result in are explored. In addition, answers are given concerning how important the background information is for their applicability. First, a selec

The effect of BITs, a two-sided story

Bilateral Investment Treaty is an agreement designed to increase FDI between signatories. Historically the treaty is concluded between a developed country and a developing country, as a risk-lowering instrument. In recent years agreements carried out between developed countries has put more focus on investments and adopted contents of a BIT, examples of this is TTIP, TPP and CETA. Yet there is lit

R.C.A.S. Rescue Communication at Sea

The Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) currently does not have a convenient and intuitive solution for the at sea communication. Today there are several helmets and radio devices tried to fulfill their needs but neither of them has succeeded to work well as a system. Through both primary research (Interviewing coastguards and other SSRS staff, field trips to rescue stations, trying out existing ge

Green Wave for Zabrze - A Sustainable Mobility Strategy

We are a team of Environmental Management and Policy Master’s students at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University, Sweden. As part of our Strategic Environmental Development course we were invited by Madam Mayor of Zabrze, Ms. Małgorzata Mańka-Szulik, to develop a framework for a sustainable mobility strategy for the city of Zabrze. Zabrze is loc

A Post-Mortem Analysis of China’s Township Elections

Since the late 1990s county party committees in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have experimented with semi-competitive township elections. The central government in Beijing encouraged such initiatives, hoping to use township elections to restrict the power of the county party secretary in appointing township leaders. However, these experimental elections were never institutionalized, and as

Back to the roots - The pursuit of a childhood dream

There are few objects in this world which has true spiritual value and that possesses its own soul. The motorcycle has inspired generations through their iconic and rebellious nature. We have created a new future from an old motorcycle in order to inspire people to reuse and repurpose what exists instead of falling into the hamster wheel of consumption.

Hur avkodar barn med språkstörning i årskurs 4 och 5 jämfört med barn med typisk utveckling i motsvarande årskurser?

Syfte: Studien undersöker hur svenska barn med språkstörning i årskurs 4 och 5 avkodar ord och nonord jämfört med svenska barn med typisk utveckling i motsvarande årskurser. Studien undersöker även huruvida det finns en skillnad mellan ord- och nonordsavkodning, inom och mellan årskurserna, för barnen med typisk utveckling. Metod: 21 barn med språkstörning, 11 i årskurs 4 och 10 i årskurs 5, har j

Har barn på lågstadiet svårare att förstå en virtuell talare jämfört med en videoinspelad talare i bullrig miljö?

Syfte: Virtuella agenter är ett fenomen som det forskas mycket om, framför allt inom utbildning och språkförståelse. Barn i lågstadiet gynnas av att se sin lärare tala. Det förbättrar taluppfattningen, speciellt om klassrummets akustik är påverkat av stökigt bakgrundsbuller. Virtuella talare kan göra det möjligt att studera hur barns audiovisuella integration påverkas om talaren de ser på är virtu

Finns det plats för alla? En kvalitativ studie kring kommunal platsmarknadsföring

Denna studie undersöker medborgarnas involvering i kommunala platsvarumärken. Platsvarumärkesarbetet är en stark trend som fått kritik från akademiskt håll för att inte ta tillräcklig hänsyn till platsen med dess medborgare. Med målet att utreda hur professionellt anställda ser på problematiken har intervjuer med disciplinens praktiker genomförts för att komma åt deras föreställ-ningar och konstrThis study examines the involvement and visibility of the citizens in municipal place branding, a trending phenomenon which has been criticized for not taking the diversity of a place, and its citizens, into consideration. The aim of this study is to elucidate how this problem is perceived by pro-fessionals. Therefore interviews with practitioners of place branding have been conducted to illumina