

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Erotics as resistance : the work of Conny Karlsson Lundgren

In the 1920s and 30s, a criminal investigation followed by a trial against a group of allegedly homosexual men was launched in Gothenburg, Sweden. Almost a century later, Swedish artist Conny Karlsson Lundgren engages with these events in a multifaceted two-part installation and performative work that borrows the title from the investigation, The Gothenburg Affair (Göteborgsaffären). In this artic

But You Are Not an Immigrant! On Nordic Immigration in a Cultural Perspective

The migration between Sweden and Norway, Denmark and Finland has a long history and has been on a large scale since 1954, when intra-Nordic migrants gained access to the Swedish welfare system. Yet the issues related to Nordic migration are rarely, if ever, discussed, either in research or in the media. In this chapter we will present an analysis of novels portraying the fate of Nordic immigrants

A systematic review of ventilation solutions for hospital wards : Addressing cross-infection and patient safety

Despite various preventive interventions, nosocomial cross-infection remains a significant challenge in healthcare facilities worldwide. Consequently, prolonged hospitalization, elevated healthcare costs, and mortality rates are major concerns. Proper ventilation has been identified as one of the possible interventions for reducing the risk of cross-infection between patients and healthcare worker

α-Synuclein induces deficiency in clathrin-mediated endocytosis through inhibiting synaptojanin1 expression

Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age-related chronic neurological disorder, mainly characterized by the pathological feature of α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregation, with the exact disease pathogenesis unclear. During the onset and progression of PD, synaptic dysfunction, including dysregulation of axonal transport, impaired exocytosis, and endocytosis are identified as crucial events of PD pathogenesis.

Three new species of the subfamily Nossidiinae (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) from South Korea

The subfamily Nossidiinae was established in 2019 and is comprised of five genera including one fossil genus. Among them, Nossidium Erichson and Sindosium Johnson share many morphological similarities. To this point, two extant Nossidium-species, N. flachi Ganglbauer and N. pilosellum (Marsham) have been recorded in the Palaearctic realm. In this paper, we describe three new species, Nossidium kor

Rescaling creatinine makes GFR estimation equations generally applicable across populations - Validation results for the Lund-Malmö equation in a French cohort of sub-Saharan ancestry

To make glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimating equations applicable across populations with different creatinine generation by using rescaled serum creatinine (sCr/Q) where sCr represents the individual creatinine level and Q the average creatinine value in healthy persons of the same population. GFR measurements (mGFR, plasma clearance of 51Cr-EDTA) were conducted in 964 adult Black European

Catastrophizing and acceptance are mediators between insomnia and pain intensity—an SQRP study of more than 6,400 patients with non-malignant chronic pain conditions

Background: Sleep problems (insomnia) and chronic pain are associated. Chronic pain and insomnia/insufficient sleep quality share similar symptoms and features. Although they have a bidirectional relationship, more research is needed to understand how they interact via mediators and how moderators influence this relationship. Aims: In this large clinical registry-based cohort study (N = 6,497), we

Radiological features of brain hemorrhage through automated segmentation from computed tomography in stroke and traumatic brain injury

Introduction: Radiological assessment is necessary to diagnose spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and traumatic brain injury intracranial hemorrhage (TBI-bleed). Artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning tools provide a means for decision support. This study evaluates the hemorrhage segmentations produced from three-dimensional deep learning AI model that was developed using non-contrast

Electrostatic control of quasiparticle poisoning in a hybrid semiconductor-superconductor island

The performance of superconducting devices is often degraded by the uncontrolled appearance and disappearance of quasiparticles, a process known as poisoning. We demonstrate the electrostatic control of quasiparticle poisoning in the form of single-charge tunneling across a fixed barrier onto a Coulomb island in an InAs/Al hybrid nanowire. High-bandwidth charge sensing was used to monitor the char

Property Rights Control in the Data-Driven Economy : The Media Ecology of Blockchain Registries

The data-driven economy is fueled by massive amounts of information and other “intangible” expressions such as new technologies, photographic images, moving images, artworks, and texts. The materialities of the intangible economy reach far beyond cultural or technological inventions. For this reason, it is crucial to develop theories that manage to visualize the extent of property control over int

A S/He story of Western improvisation

I have come to notice that the outcomes of the dialogue with the audience is crucial for the improvisational communication between me and the pianist in Impromans, Conny Antonov. This has very much to do with the room of the performance, and its implicated expectations and discourses. As improvisation is very dependent on the context of the room, Antonov and I decided to explore performing in a mo

The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding systems

Males and females often exhibit different behaviours during mate acquisition, pair-bonding and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The diverse roles that male and female shorebirds (plovers, sandpipers and allies) exhibit in mating and parenting have played a key role in advancing mainstream theories in avian ecology and behavioural biology including sex

Ultrasound-guided subclavian vein catheterisation with a needle guide (ELUSIVE) : protocol for a randomised controlled study

INTRODUCTION: Central venous catheters are indispensable in modern healthcare. Unfortunately, they are accompanied by minor as well as major complications, leading to increased morbidity, mortality and costs. Immediate insertion-related complications (mechanical complications) have decreased due to the implementation of real-time ultrasound guidance, but they still occur and additional efforts to

What Makes Tourists Use Public Transport? Value-Belief-Norm Theory, Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors, and the Sustainable Development Goals

Fifty percent of emissions must be cut by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 to keep global warming below 1.5°C. Transport is a major component of tourism’s contribution to climate change. Therefore, encouraging tourists to use less energy intensive public transport is an important strategy in reducing tourism emissions. Despite the crucial role of public transport for sustainable tourism, the ar

Bakomliggande faktorer till ambulanspersonalens beslutsfattande vid situationer med hjärtstopp vid vuxna patienter

Bakgrund Varje år drabbas cirka 6000 människor av hjärtstopp i Sverige där cirka 10% överlever. Det ställs stora krav på ambulanspersonalen vid ett prehospitalt hjärtstopp där ambulanspersonalen beslutar om att påbörja, avstå eller avsluta hjärt- och lungräddning (HLR). Syfte Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa de bakomliggande faktorerna till ambulanspersonalens beslutsfattande vid vuxna

Mitigating heat effects in the workplace with a ventilation jacket : simulations of the whole-body and local human thermophysiological response with a sweating thermal manikin in a warm-dry environment

Climate change is increasingly affecting human well-being and will inevitably impact on occupational sectors in terms of costs, productivity, workers' health and injuries. Among the cooling garment developed to reduce heat strain, the ventilation jacket could be considered for possible use in workplaces, as it is wearable without limiting the user's mobility and autonomy. In this study, simulation