

Din sökning på "*" gav 526761 sökträffar

Evaluating the Impact of BITs and Preferential Trade and Investment Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment between Developed Countries

This paper focuses on the effect of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements on outwards FDI stocks of developed countries (proxied by OECD countries) in one another in the period of 1985-2013. Estimations are obtained with use of the gravity equation in a large panel based on OECD FDI positions data, where the “knowledge-and-physical-capital model” of interna

Beslutsstödsystem inom svensk elitfotboll: användningsområden och beslutsnivåer

Beslutsstödsystem (BSS) är inom IT-branschen ett väletablerat ämne och har använts i beslutfattningsprocesser för att lösa komplexa problem och frågor. Denna problematik fanns emellertid inte enbart i företag utan även i andra verksamheter som ställts inför komplicerade och svåra beslut. Därför har uppsatsen behandlat BSS inom svensk elitfotboll. En pilotstudie har gjorts med två fotbollsklubbar i

Parallelization of the SDIRK and Newton’s method and analysis of a weighted norm for error estimations

Execution time is an important issue in the field of numerical analysis. Simulations are getting more and more complex and the execution times are rapidly increasing. In the scope of this thesis a time integration library is used to solve initial value problems. The aim of the thesis is to implement and investigate two different approaches to decrease the execution time for the library. The main f

Applying the Maxout Model to Increase the Performance of the Multilayer Perceptron in Shallow Networks

Den mänskliga hjärnan är kanske det mest avancerade och komplexa system som vi känner till. Den är kapabel både till att skapa kreativa tankar och idéer och också till att skapa och minnas erfarenheter och lära sig från dem. Vetenskapen har kommit långt i utforskningen av hjärnans struktur, och idéer om hur vi kan ta till oss och använda den kunskapen är många. I hjärnan finns ett nätverk av nervcThe Maxout network is an alternative to artificial neural networks that use fixed activation functions. By adding extra layers of linear nodes the Maxout network is able to learn both the relationship between the hidden nodes and the activation function that they use. The idea was presented as a natural companion to the dropout technique when training large convolutional networks, showing state-of

The Economic Cycle’s Effect on IPOs

Title: The Economic Cycle’s Effect on IPOs Seminar date: 2016-06-02 Course: BUSN89 Degree Project in Corporate and Financial Management – Master Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Niklas Lindh and Viktor Pennsäter Supervisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: IPO, initial public offering, economic cycle, market timing and IPO waves. Purpose: Investigate how the economic cycle influences IPO initial return

Immobilization of a Molecular Pd Catalyst

In the past decade the term Green Chemistry has steered the direction of chemical indus- try and research. Green Chemistry is the idea of reducing environmental impacts of chemical reactions by lowering the energy consumption and reducing the amount of by-products. Nearly all industrial chemical processes use a catalyst in order to make their reaction more effecient. This study examines two differ

Dual Band Circular Polarization Selective Structures for Space Applications

Satellites are key components in today's modern world, but they are expensive to launch and the orbits are crowded. With use of a dual band circular polarization selective structure (CPSS) the satellites can be improved and the number of reflectors needed to carry out a certain task can be reduced. A dual band CPSS reflects one handedness of circular polarization and transmits the other, over

Merging customer relationship management data

Många företag använder ett kundhanteringssystem för att registrera interaktioner med sina kunder. I en allt mer mobil värld vill användarna av dessa system kunna använda systemen var de än befinner sig men oförändrad prestanda och funktionalitet.Working distributed is increasingly important today with technology being more and more portable while connectivity is still lacking in some areas. Cellphones and laptops are increasingly in use outside the office with connectivity to internal office services being unreliable, either due to lacking speed or inability to have a connection. Different solutions exist. One is a client-server setup wh

High Speed Internet Access and Voting Behaviour

The expansion of the internet has increased steadily since its introduction in the early 1990’s. Whilst having many positive effects on many different areas of society, one area that has not been thoroughly analysed is the political. Being a source for information and communication the potential for the internet to have political implications is large. This essay analyses the possible effects high

Towards a Feasible Production Strategy: The Development of a Lead-Time Practice at a Chemical Producer

ChemCo is a high quality producer in the speciality chemical market, a market characterised by complex production and high variability. With limited system-support and limited data quality, delivery accuracy suffered, and so did production efficiency. ChemCo believed that this was due to poor lead-time performance, why they wished to research the problem. Research on setting lead-times has focused

The Impact of Pre-Primary Enrolment on Maternal Labour Supply in South Africa

I provide evidence on the impact of pre-primary school expansion on maternal labour supply in the context of South Africa. I draw on administrative data from the South African National Census in 2001 and 2011, and a Community Survey in 2007, to extract household information. My identification strategy exploits the staggered timing and intensity in the expansion of pre-primary school facilities acr

Clustering of back-end failures in automated testing

Automated Software testing is becoming increasingly popular, which in turn creates more information that has to be analyzed. At the software company Qlik a tool called NIOCAT is used to create clusters of failed test cases thought to originate from the same code defect. The clustering is done in order to decrease the ever increasing amount of manual analysis needed to be done with regards to softw

Retoriskt självförsvar : valduell 2002 mellan Göran Persson och Bo Lundgren

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Socialdemokraternas partiledare och statsminister Göran Persson och Moderaternas partiledare Bo Lundgren hanterar en debatt inför det stundande riksdagsvalet. För att uppfylla syftet analyseras valduellen ur ett retoriskt perspektiv med tre teorier. Dessa är retorisk situationsanalys för att klargöra Perssons och Lundgrens retoriska situation och hur de fö

What perioperative situations are concerning to an anaesthesiologist, and what are some of the related joint cognitive system adaptations?

Bridging the gap between understanding work-as-imagined and work-as-done in the perioperative work context represents an important aim of cognitive systems engineering research. Researching this context using a joint cognitive systems theoretical approach can reveal patterns of adaptation that have important implications for system design. Traditional research approaches by non-domain investigator

Water Crisis Risk and the EU - A Quantitative Analysis of Global Water Crisis Risk and an Assessment of its Implications for EU Water Management Policy

Water is arguably the world’s most valuable endangered resource, the management of which has been subject of contentious debate that in recent years has gained growing political, economic and media attention. This study intends to make use of that momentum by constructing a framework for quantifying global water crisis risk that is applied to assess both the EU’s share of such risk and the success

Åldersdiskriminering - Berättigad särbehandling på grund av ålder enlig 2 kap. 2 § 4 DiskL och dess förenlighet med principen om likabehandling och icke-diskriminering

I DiskL regleras arbetsgivares möjligheter att beakta ålder i förhållande till arbetstagare och arbetssökande. Regleringen av arbetsgivarens handlingsutrymme har praktisk betydelse eftersom de flesta någon gång är aktiva på arbetsmarknaden och att ålder är universellt. Förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering beskär arbetsgivarens handlingsutrymme genom skyldigheten att inte beakta ålder vid beslut. SkylDiskL regulates the possibility for an employer to consider age in relation to workers and job seekers. The regulation of the employer's discretion has a practical importance because of the fact that everyone has an age, and that most people at some point participates in the labor market. The prohibition of age discrimination limits employer's discretion by restricting the use of the consi

Myndigheten och medborgaren

I mötet mellan myndighet och medborgare tillskrivs medborgare en roll utifrån de diskurser som återfinns inom myndigheter. Denna studie kartlägger diskurser kring medborgarroller inom Försäkringskassan som återfinns i fyra av myndighetens interna publikationer, vilka berör mötet mellan myndigheten och medborgare. Syftet är dels att kartlägga dessa samt att undersöka vilka medborgarroller som konst