

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

A Cost Benefit Analysis of Continuous Cover Forestry in Djurholmen, Skåne

Har du någonsin funderat på vad något är värt för dig? När du går i affären har du kanske jämfört kilopriser på olika livsmedel, visst är det hjälpsamt att kunna jämföra vilket som är ett bättre val för dig. Detta är vad en miljöekonomisk analys försöker göra med två olika skogsbruksmetoder. I den här kostnadsnyttoanalysen så jämförs hyggesfritt skogsbruk med det vanligare systemet, trakthyggesbruForests and forest products are important, not just for timber production, the forest ecosystem plays several important roles, such as water purification, carbon sequestration for climate mitigation and recreational values. How the forests are managed varies throughout the globe, in Sweden the most used system is the clearcutting system (CF), however continuous cover forestry (CCF) is gaining popu

Enskilda skogsägares syn på kontinuitetsskogsbruk

Skogen är en viktig resurs för den svenska ekonomin, men även en viktig del av naturen och ekosystem. Skogen har den viktiga förmågan att kunna binda kol och ges därav även egenskaper som kan påverka klimatförändringar som vi står inför. Hur vi väljer att bruka den svenska skogen är idag ett ämne som diskuteras mycket och många olika åsikter finns om vilken metod som är den bästa. Implementering aIt is important to look more deeply into how forest owners choose to manage their forests. If Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) can be a suitable way for some forest owners to work with nature conservation management, and if it could work as a tool in their forest production today. This is because silvicultural methods can have a significant impact on the climate and the country's economy. In th

Nostalgia and tourism

For most of the past 300 years, the concept of nostalgia has been regarded as a medical condition. However, since the 1980s, it has become heavily associated with the ‘heritage industry’ and the creation of consumer experiences, especially in a tourism and leisure context. This special issue on nostalgia and tourism aims to encourage and advance the scholarly conversation about the relationship be

Strength Properties of Wood and Wood-Based Materials

Knowledge of the strength of wood and wood-based materials is an important basis for the calculation and dimensioning of wooden products. This chapter describes the basics of the strength properties, test methods, important influencing parameters (e.g., moisture content, load direction, type of load, duration of load, speed of loading). Phenomenological aspects of failure on various structural lev

Localized Bound Multiexcitons in Engineered Quasi-2D Perovskites Grains at Room Temperature for Efficient Lasers

Reducing the excitation threshold to minimize the Joule heating is critical for the realization of perovskite laser diodes. Although bound excitons are promising for low threshold laser, how to generate them at room temperature for laser applications is still unclear in quasi-2D perovskite-based devices. In this work, via engineering quasi-2D perovskite PEA2(CH3NH3)n-1PbnBr3n+1 microscopic grains

Combining target enrichment and Sanger sequencing data to clarify the systematics of the diverse Neotropical butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae)

The diverse, largely Neotropical subtribe Euptychiina is widely regarded as one of the most taxonomically challenging groups among all butterflies. Over the last two decades, morphological and molecular studies have revealed widespread paraphyly and polyphyly among genera, and a comprehensive, robust phylogenetic hypothesis is needed to build a firm generic classification to support ongoing taxono

Arterial stiffness and subclinical atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries at different stages of dysglycaemia

Aim: Our aim was to investigate in a large population-based cohort study whether increased arterial stiffness and subclinical atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries differ at different stages of dysglycaemia. Methods: Data were obtained from SCAPIS, a population-based cohort of participants 50–64 years. The study population of 9379 participants was categorised according to glycaemic status: norm

Thermal energy storage characteristics of finned tubes with different gradients of fin heights

Adding fins is considered to be a promising method to enhance heat transfer. As for the vertical latent thermal storage tube, it can be observed that the phase change materials in the upper part have much shorter charging time than in the lower part. To further enhance the heat transfer to boost the overall energy storage efficiency and reduce the apparent inhomogeneity of melting characteristics,

The effect of short pin fin aspect ratio on thermal characteristics of intermittent impinging jet; An experimental and numerical study

Background: Pin fins are secondary surfaces extending from an object to enhance the heat transfer rate. Pin fin is one of the most effective practical techniques used in many industrial applications and thermal treatments especially for cooling electronic devices. Also, Pulsating flow is extremely used in the machinery industry and it can improve the heat transfer. Therefore, pulsating flow is com

Body descriptions in biohacking and their overlaps and origins : a Swedish case study

This article researches what body descriptions are present within Swedish biohacking, what roots they have, and what overlaps they create between biohacking and other philosophical, political, and scientific discourses. As biohacking has become an increasingly popular subcultural influence in contemporary culture, not least when it comes to individual responsibility for ones health, the aim of theThis article researches what body descriptions are present within Swedish biohacking, what roots they have, and what overlaps they create between biohacking and other philosophical, political, and scientific discourses. As biohacking has become an increasingly popular subcultural influence incontemporary culture, not least when it comes to individual responsibility for ones health, the aim of the


This chapter focuses on the dominantly gendered house-help in India: the cooks, cleaners, and maids during the pandemic-triggered lockdowns in Delhi and its metropolitan areas. Even if we are scared to enter people's homes, we have to come out to work to sustain our lives. The case studies of these three women point to the precarity and 'unrepresentability' which turn the previously invisible figu

In Vitro Models and Proteomics in Osteoarthritis Research

This review summarizes and exemplifies the current understanding of osteoarthritis in vitro models and describes their relevance for new insights in the future of osteoarthritis research. Our friend and highly appreciated colleague, Prof. Alan Grodzinsky has contributed greatly to the understanding of joint tissue biology and cartilage biomechanics. He frequently utilizes in vitro models and carti