

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Improving the user experience on mobile devices for IKEA co-workers with responsive design

Abstract Responsive web design is the technique lot of companies apply to their website today. The reason is, that with this technique the website’s content adapts nicely on all devices from mobile phones to desktops. IKEA recently followed this trend on some of their platforms and among these is their internal communication platform called IKEA Inside Outside. IKEA is not entirely satisfied in

Vem får synas här? - Om representation och intersektionalitet

The essay aims to highlight the importance of having an intersectional perspective in historical museums in Sweden, with a special focus on Kvinnohistoriska Museet in Umeå. The idea of this paper has been to highlight some of the different theories that leads to an intersectional perspective and secondly to argue that this perspective is of importance and should be a part of the national guideline

A mean-variance Portfolio Optimizing Trading Algorithm using regime-switching Economic Parameters

In this master's thesis a model of algorithmic trading is constructed. The model aims to create an optimal investment portfolio consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky asset. The risky asset is in the form of a stock generated using regime-switching parameters with a Markov chain explaining the state of the economy. The optimization of the portfolio is carried out under certain assumptions

Bortom kravallstaketet : en kritisk diskursanalys av mediediskursen kring maskerade demonstranter i antirasistiska och antifascistiska demonstrationer

Denna uppsats är författad av Rebecca Risén vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier på Lunds Universitet och har titeln ”Bortom kravallstaketet – en kritisk diskursanalys av mediediskursen kring maskerade demonstranter i antirasistiska och antifascistiska demonstrationer.” Uppsatsen undersöker och problematiserar hur maskerade demonstranter representeras i Aftonbladet, Sydsvenskan och Dagen

Flamspridningsberäkningar i FDS5 – framtagning av indataparametrar samt utvärdering vid olika storleksförhållanden.

The CFD-program Fire Dynamics Simulator 5, FDS5, can model flame spread. This report studies if flame spread modeling can be used for creating a design fire when using performance-based fire safety design of a building. From cone calorimeter data the computer program Gpyro was used to determine input parameters for FDS5 for five different wood materials. The input parameters were then evaluated in

Utrymningshiss som utrymningsväg – En analys av möjligheten att använda hissar vid utrymningsdimensionering

Elevators has for a long period of time been regarded as unsafe to use as a means of egress. This is an opinion that has shifted in the last couple of years as technical solutions has been found to the initial problems when using elevators as an escape route. This report investigates the possibility to replace a staircase with emergency elevators as a means of egress in a buildning. The report als

Gene Regulatory Networks for Cell Reprogramming - A Boolean Networks Approach

Likt andra komplexa, flercelliga organismer, består den mänskliga kroppen av en mängd olika organ ämnade för olika uppgifter. För att kunna utföra dessa uppgifter är organen uppbyggda av olika sorters celler, med speciell funktion och struktur. Trots de stora skillnaderna mellan dessa celltyper delar de samma genetiska ritning, organismens genom. Genomet är indelat i olika gener, vilka beskriverMaintenance of stem cell pluripotency and the differentiation of stem cells into specialised cells has been studied extensively. More recently, the possibility for a specialised cell to be transferred into a state of induced pluripotency has been demonstrated and investigated. Critical components of the gene regulatory networks governing these processes have been identified, but a complete model h

Optimization of resource usage in virtualized environments

Dagens värld omgiver oss av teknik, och nya tekniska ord och benämningar tillkommer jämt. Främst bland dessa förekommer ordet ”Cloud” som är något de flesta använt, men kanske inte riktigt känner till. Arbetet föreslår en kombinatorisk modell för optimering av resursanvändning i Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud system.Today’s markets are heavily concentrated on Cloud Computing, where trends project an increasing amount of services living therein. Because these data centers, named Clouds, provide ability to dynamically scale the resources assigned to a service. It is a technology which allows products to remain competitive in a constantly changing market. Consumers profit from this solution, as it is much easier

Föremålsförvärv från vår samtid : en granskning av Nordiska museets styrdokument och föremålsförvärv

Today we live in a society that largely is based on objects, but in a world that more and more rely on objects it seems like the interest in the acquisition of objects from our own time decreases in museums. This master’s thesis investigates how contemporary life is represented in museums in policy documents and acquired objects. Through ideology critique and content analysis of the Nordic museums

Inre Väpnad Konflikt - Hur fastställs begreppet?

I denna uppsats har jag utrett vilka kriterier som uppställs för att fastställa inre väpnad konflikt i svensk rätt. Jag undersöker också hur kriterierna fastställs även i EU-rätten och i den internationella humanitära folkrätten gällande inre väpnad konflikt då båda dessa områden starkt påverkar den inhemska tillämpningen av begreppet. Genom att undersöka framförallt Diakité-domen har jag konstateIn this thesis I have examined with which criteria internal armed conflict is established within Swedish law. I have also examined the EU-law and the international humanitarian law and which criteria is laid down to understand the Swedish law which is strongly influenced by these lawsystems. By examining especially the Diakité case I´ve found that Swedish case law differs from EU case law and the

Solar System analogues among exoplanetary systems

Människans intresse för rymden har alltid varit stort. Man har antagit att andra planetsystem, om de existerar, ser ut som vårt: med mindre stenplaneter i banor närmast stjärnan och gas-samt isjättar i de yttre banorna. Idag känner man till drygt 2 000 exoplaneter, d.v.s., planeter som kretsar kring andra stjärnor än solen. Man vet även att vissa av dem saknar motsvarighet i solsystemet, t. ex., hOver the past two decades many discoveries of exoplanets have been made, which have drawn much attention to extrasolar planetary systems. In this work we study the composition of these systems and search for analogues of the Solar System. We considered the planets in the database at exoplanet.eu. The search of solar-like systems required these planets to be classified. The classification was perf

An analysis of fixed water sprinkler systems on ro-ro decks

This report is a cost benefit analysis of a proposal for new sprinkler installation guidelines for ro-ro deck. It is a relative comparison between the present guidelines and a new proposal developed by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. The results and conclusions in this report are based on; data gathered from multiple water sprinkler tests, other relevant literature, experts’ judgment an

Money and Motivation - A study about monetary incentives and their effect on motivation and performance

This essay examines how eight identified negative effects influence the perceived motivation and performance of employees as a result of the current efficacious monetary incentive system. Through a multiple case study based on a qualitative research method, eight semi-structured were conducted. Afterwards the interviews were compiled in a database and analyzed. Both an inductive and deductive ap

Differentiation and classification of different materials on a touch-screen using a piezoelectric contact microphone

Klassificering av pennor av olika material till touch-skärm Genom att koppla en kontaktmikrofon till en touchskärm och undersöka de vibrationsmönster som uppstår då olika objekt rör vid skärmen har en dator tränats till att känna igen olika typer av material. Om en filt och en träpenna användes kunde datorn känna skillnad på vilket material som användes i mer än 99,5% av fallen. Resultatet av proIn this report, a potential improvement of an optical touch screen solution by means of acoustic sensing is presented. The goal is to utilize the different vibration patterns that arise when different materials touch the screen to be able to identify them. This identification of different materials opens up new opportunities to give input to the touch-device which could potentially replace menu ba

Energy losses in hydraulic systems of water treatment plants: An application to Vombverket in south Sweden

Sydvatten AB is a municipally owned company producing and supplying drinking water to about 900,000 inhabitants in southern Sweden through two water treatment plants (WTP), Ringsjöverket and Vombverket. At Vombverket, the present capacity is somewhat reduced because of pressure losses in the pipe systems of the WTP. Parts of the WTP was built already in the 1950’s and it was significantly expande

Singing as a tool for English pronunciation improvement - an experimental study

This experimental study was conducted in an upper secondary school in the south of Sweden. The aim was to examine whether singing could act as a tool for improving English pronunciation among Swedish learners in the ages 16-17. The experiment consisted of three parts: a pre-test, a singing session and a post-test. There were one experiment group and one control group in order to compare and analyz

Validitet i den svenska versionen av New Reynell Developmental Language Scales, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder

Syfte: Denna studie undersöker begrepps- och samtidig validitet, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder, i den nyligen översatta svenska versionen av det ursprungligen brittiska språkscreeningverktyget New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS). Metod: Blivande normeringsdata från 177 svenskspråkiga barn i åldrarna 30 - 48 månader, indelade i tre åldersgrupper, användes. Begreppsvalidi

Utveckling och validering av ett frågeformulär för utvärdering av effekten av en kurs i Aktiv Kommunikation

Syfte: Att utveckla och validera ett kliniskt användbart frågeformulär för utvärdering av effekten av en kurs i Aktiv Kommunikation (AK). Metod: Ett frågeformulär utvecklades och reviderades utifrån kommentarer sprungna ur granskning genomförd av en grupp tidigare kursdeltagare och av ett antal kursledare i Aktiv Kommunikation. Formuläret fylldes sedan i av 61 andra, tidigare kursdeltagare. Ytterl

Jag skiter fullständigt i fruktkorgen : En kvalitativ studie om mäns uppfattningar av att arbeta inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

About 80% of all Swedish social workers are women, which makes male social workers a minority in the Swedish social workers labour force. Research shows that men in women dominated professions get benefits in relation to women. One of the benefits that men possess is that they become more sought after in the women dominated labour market. Our purpose with this study was to examine how male social