

Din sökning på "*" gav 526785 sökträffar

Education in Bits? An Analysis of the effects of Digitisation on the Higher Education industry, Using the Music Industry as Comparison.

Digital technology has revolutionised modern society and brought about profound changes to the way many of us live our lives. It has enabled unlimited free access to many products that were previously scarce and expensive. We have gotten accustomed to on-demand music and movies, and we are used to being able to have answers to all questions at the tip of our fingers, carrying it with us at all tim

Stabilization of urine by nitrification in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor

Stabilisering av urin för återanvändning av näringsämnen I naturen finns kretslopp för näringsämnen. När människan via avloppsvattenreningsverk släpper ut näringsämnen i vattendrag eller i luften bryts kretsloppen. För att bli en del av de naturliga kretsloppen behöver näringsämnena som människan avger återföras till jorden. Av: Marianne Olofsson Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av masteruppsaMunicipal wastewater contains a lot of compounds that could be seen as resources. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are common ingredients in fertilizers and can all be found in wastewater. Nowadays only a small part of the nutrients found in wastewater are used on arable land. Urine contains the most of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium secreted by humans. Source separation of urine is a wa

Deep Neural Networks for Dynamic Visual Data

Given monocular video of people performing daily tasks our objective is to estimate the 3D positions of 32 given joints associated to the human skeleton. Due to the success of deep convolutional networks in image classification, image segmentation and activity recognition we propose to estimate 3D joint positions from video using deep convolutional networks. The modeling is carried out within the

Medveten närvaro - en metod för att skapa förutsättningar för lärandet?

Problem / Background: Today more and more people suffer because of different types of stress at work, school and home. We live in a world that places high demands on us and wants us to constantly learn, develop and perform in various areas. Stress and difficult situations can even affect our learning and reduce the opportunities for growth and development. Because of that, we need to find ways and

Risk- och sårbarhetsreducerande åtgärder i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser – En studie i Skåne och Örebro län

Åtgärder för att minska risker är en viktig del av de risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser som genomförs av svenska kommuner. Studien visar dock att de åtgärder som tas upp i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser inte följs upp i någon större utsträckning. Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser genomförs av alla svenska kommuner och en viktig del i detta arbete är att identifiera åtgärder för att reducera risker oThe purpose of this study was to investigate how risk and vulnerability reducing measures are described, treated over time and what characterizes implemented measures in municipal risk and vulnerability assessments (RVA). In order to do that, risk and vulnerability reducing measures were categorized, by use of a template for document analysis developed for this study. The document analysis was per

Uppföljning med time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt

Är time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt en effektiv och användbar metod som stöd till uppföljning och dokumentation av daglig produktion? Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka och utvärdera time-lapsedokumentation i tunnelprojekt, motivet är att underlätta uppföljning i produktionen vilket skapar gynnsamma förutsättningar för förbättringsarbeten. I en bransch med hård konkurrens strävar f

Fostering buyer-supplier relationships An analysis of the supplier perspective in offshoring to China

This papers aims at analysing Chinese suppliers’ expectations of interfirm relationship when Western companies offshore their production to China. The research is motivated by the underrepresentation of the Chinese suppliers’ perspective in the literature and the undisputed role of China as the second most popular destination for offshoring. The literature finds that a successful relationship betw

Development of a bean beverage - the effect of different treatments on sensory properties and nutritional content

This master thesis aimed at exploring different methods of producing a beverage based on Lantmännen’s Swedish grown white beans. A flour was milled from beans that had been soaked and boiled in order to inactivate antinutrients such as lectins, trypsin inhibitors and phytic acid, and subsequently dried and milled. A water-based beverage with 8% bean flour was boiled for 5 min. 1.5% of rapeseed oil

The Boutique Firm in the Management Consulting Industry

Add to the understanding of a boutique firm unique work characteristics, while supporting them in developing their competitive strength. It’s essential to learn how a boutique firm can be sustainable in the long term with its unique features against multinational firms.

What are the determining factors and consequences of population ageing? (A regional case study of Skåne county, Sweden, 1970-2014)

Increasing proportions of elderly are one of the major challenges arising from changes in the age distributions of many Western societies. Whilst much attention has been to paid to continental and national trends of population ageing, relatively little consideration has been to regional patterns of population ageing. This paper focuses on the population ageing process in 33 municipalities in Skåne

The Plausibility of One Department Spurring the Process Orientation of a Firm - A case study of Helsingborgshem

This research examines the feasibility of initiating process orienting from one interdependent department in a firm. This was accomplished through interviews with the individual roles of the department studied as well as relevant project leaders and department managers on the board of directors. The findings suggest that the approach is viable based on the number of interdependencies mapped in the

Institutions and Economic Growth in Africa: An Assessment

This paper assesses the extent to which cross country empirical data can be used to explain the impact of institutions on economic growth in Africa. It does so by first establishing a theoretical framework on economic growth, focusing particularly on New Institutional Economics, also assessing several other theories that seek to explain economic growth. Having done so this paper analyzes whether i

Examining the impact of driving factors of Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using the STIRPAT model: The case of Ethiopia

This paper analyzes the impact of population growth, GDP per capita and technological improvement on Ethiopia’s carbon dioxide emission in the period 1971-2011. Using a STIRPAT model and Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) l to analyze this impact, the study found that the highly growing population of Ethiopia has the greatest impact on carbon dioxide emission. More specifically, 1% increase i

Droplet break-up in a rotor-stator mixer - evaluation of key parameters and their impact on droplet size

Viskositet och mixerhastighet,bland andra är två nyckelparametrar som påverkar droppuppbrottet i en rotor-stator mixer. En rotor-stator mixer är en av de vanligaste mixrarna som används i dagsläget då de bidrar till ett effektivt droppuppbrott med hjälp av höga skjuvkrafter.Liquid-liquid emulsions can be created using different mixing techniques and the equipment used for processing has a large impact on the final emulsion. Rotor-stator mixers are one of the most commonly used mixers today with multiple application areas. The droplet size is a key parameter during industrial mixing and emulsification, since it influences both the stability and quality of the product.

Dynamic Simulation of District Heating Networks in Dymola

To simulate district heating networks, in this project the simulation environment Dymola was used. The goal was to run simulation of district heating network and at the same time have good network representation to easily change between different models and also change between doing simulation and optimization. Different models had to be created in Dymola and tested to ensure they work accordingly

NMR studies of the pH effect on the conformational exchange of enzyme FKBP12

I detta examensarbete studeras inverkan av pH på konformationsprocesserna i enzym FKBP12 med hjälp av kärnmagnetisk resonansspektroskopi (NMR). Tidigare studier har identifierat två konformationsprocesser i FKBP12, där den mindre befolkade konformationen i den snabbare processen misstänks vara en intermediär konformation mellan konformationerna som deltar i den långsammare processen. I projektet gThis master thesis project reports the dependence on pH of the conformational exchange in the enzyme FKBP12. Previous NMR studies have identified two conformational exchange processes in FKBP12, where the faster process is believed to be an exchange to an intermediate state between the more slowly exchanging conformations. In this project I carried out different NMR experiments across the pH-inte