Din sökning på "*" gav 531151 sökträffar
The lymphedema center and multidisciplinary management
35.Greene AK, Slavin S, Brorson H. The Lymphedema Center and Multidisciplinary Management. In: Greene AK, Slavin S, Brorson H, editors, Lymphedema - Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2015: p. 51-55.
As Safe as Houses
Etniska grupper och regioner som minnesplatser
Legal Empowerment of Informal Workers Formalizing Street Vending as a Tool for Poverty Reduction
This chapter brings empirical data to the debate about the ability of law to contribute to the empowerment and development of informal workers, looking into the case of street vendors. Looking into the potential that law has for poverty reduction is an important goal and for that reason, this research aims to understand whether legal change, getting the legal permit to sell, can in fact bring empo
Computerassisterad laparoskopisk kirurgi på barn
Perivascular PDGFR-β is an independent marker for prognosis in renal cell carcinoma
Background:Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a highly vascularised tumour, where anti-Angiogenic treatment with multi-Tyrosine-kinase-inhibitor, is used for first-line treatment of metastatic disease. Variations in vascular characteristics are likely to contribute to variations in intrinsic aggressiveness of the disease. Emerging studies are identifying perivascular status, including perivascular PDGF
Religionsundervisning för hela människan : analys av samspelet samhälle, människosyn, innehåll och metoder i religionsundervisningen i Sverige
No title
Algebraic System Theory as a Tool for Regulator Design
When the characteristics of a system, its environment and the specifications are given in terms of external models it is very natural to use algebraic system theory to design control systems. Different problems of this type are discussed in the paper. It is shown that many design problems can be solved in a uniform, simple and direct way using algebraic system theory. Relations to other methods of
Endoplasmic reticulum stress regulation in hematopoietic stem cells
Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in bone marrow and are maintained in a dormant state within a special microenvironment, their so-called "niche". Detaching from the niche induces cell cycle progression, resulting in a reduction of the reconstitution capacity of HSCs. In contrast, fetal liver HSCs actively divide without losing their stem cell potentials. Thus, it has been unclear what
Vad formar det goda politiska samtalet?
Perspective taking with opponents in political discussions
"Från Lilla katekesen till Stora boken" : Installationsföreläsning
Teologin och pedagogiken hör ihop. I följande artikel visas likheter och olikheter mellan katekestraditionen och de nutida böckerna från Svenska kyrkan. Dessa didaktiskt-metodiska program innebär ett systemskifte i kyrkans undervisning, menar författaren, som sedan 1992 är professor i kyrko- och samfundsvetenskap vid Lunds universitet. Artikeln är en utvidgning av Selanders installationsföreläsnin