

Din sökning på "*" gav 528305 sökträffar

LAS, ett undantag från Diskrimineringslagen- Förbudet mot åldersdiskriminering i förhållande till Lagen om anställningsskydd

Med en ökad medellivslängd ökar även antalet äldre arbetstagare på arbetsmarknaden. Frågan om äldre arbetstagares rättigheter och skyldigheter på arbetsplatsen blir därmed mer och mer aktuell. I Sverige men först och främst inom EU har det införts diskrimineringsförbud som innebär att äldre såväl som yngre arbetstagare skyddas från att missgynnas på grund av sin ålder på arbetsplatsen. Både svenskA continuously aging population leads to an increase in senior employees in the labor market. A question about the rights and duties for these employees is thereby raised more frequently than ever. Within the EU and in Sweden a prohibition against discrimination has been introduced to protect both younger and older employees. Both legislations, however, have an exception from this prohibition whic

En diskursanalytisk studie om hur kvinnor konstrueras i svenska våldtäktsdomar före och efter Metoo

In 2020, a total of 25 000 sexual crimes were reported in Sweden. Rape crimes have increased by a total of 43 percent since 2011. A contributing reason for this increase might be that the propensity to report these kinds of crimes has changed. A phenomenon that may have had an impact on the propensity to report sexual crimes is the Metoo movement. The Metoo movement emphasizes that sexual abuse an

EU:s konkurrensrättsliga reglering av app-butiker – En studie av Digital Market Act i relation till artikel 102 FEUF

App-butiker påverkar ett helt spektrum av användare, allt från enskilda användare till giganter som Facebook och Amazon, vilket skapar ny problematik på EU:s inre marknad. Uppsatsen behandlar relationen mellan den föreslagna DMA och artikel 102 FEUF, med ett särskilt fokus på app-butiker. Undersökningen består av tre delar, först redogörs för tillämpningen av artikel 102 FEUF på digitala plattformApp stores impact the entire spectrum of users, everything from the individual user to giants like Facebook and Amazon, which creates new problems for the internal market of the EU. This paper deals with the relationship between the proposed DMA and Article 102 TFEU, with a special focus on app stores. The paper is divided into three sections, first the application of Article 102 TFEU on digital p

Consequences of using Quantitative Risk Assessment as a verification tool

What are the consequences of using Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) as a verification tool? Performance-based building codes differ from prescriptive-based codes in that they define specific objectives to be met, enabling the building designer to choose which solution to use so long it meets the objectives. This master’s thesis explores the consequences of using QRA as a verification tool in com

"Ett misslyckande i kvarten" - En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor med ADHD upplever sin vardag och sina sociala relationer

Women with ADHD are statistically diagnosed later in life than men. Previous studies have shown that girls and women with neuropsychiatric disabilities tend to hide their symptoms to appear normative. It is discussed that girls may be judged harder than boys for expressing some of the common ADHD-symptoms due to stereotypical gender norms. One of the consequences of women getting diagnosed as adul

Modelling water and energy fluxes with an explicit representation of irrigation under mulch in a maize field

Globally, water-saving irrigation plays a vital role in agricultural ecosystems to achieve sustainable food production under climate change. Irrigation under mulch (IUM) system has been widely used in modern agricultural ecosystems due to its high water use efficiency, but it remains unclear how each component of the water and energy processes responds to this agricultural management practice. Cur

Homonationalism across borders. Exploring cross-border exchange and strategic homonationalism in the construction of progressive nationalism

While scholars have shown the significance of transnational exchanges for shaping feminist and LGBTI+ connectivities across borders to challenge national exclusions and global divides, less attention has been directed at exploring the complex and ambiguous ways in which transnational collaborations and cross-border exchanges also may facilitate and support national agendas. That is what this artic

LTE NLOS Navigation and Channel Characterization

Navigation with terrestrial wireless infrastructure is appealing to overcome geometrical limitations of satellite navigation for users in environments with limited sky views. However, terrestrial signals are also prone to multipath that can result in angular and range estimates that are not representative of actual transmitter-receiver geometry. In this paper, some of these propagation effects are

Nondestructive Testing Using mm-Wave Sparse Imaging Verified for Singly Curved Composite Panels

Nondestructive testing of composite materials is important in aerospace applications, and mm-wave imaging has been increasingly used for this purpose. Imaging is traditionally performed using Fourier methods, with inverse methods being an alternative. This communication presents a mm-wave imaging method with an inverse approach intended for nondestructive testing of singly curved composite panels

Comparison of Cobalt-Iron and Silicon-Iron Laminations for a Wave Energy Application

This paper evaluates an electric generator manufactured of cobalt-iron laminations used for a wave energy application. The properties of the two cobalt-iron designs are compared with a reference machine, which employs conventional electric steel laminations. Operation trajectories and machine losses, as well as the annual energy production and the losses are obtained through finite element analysi

Creative reuse driving revitalization in a post-industrial town

Repurposing former industrial sites to creative uses (so-called 'creative reuse') contributes to both cultural heritage and environmental sustainability, as it maintains the existing building stock. Creative reuse may also have positive impacts on the site surroundings. This study explores the prerequisites, functioning, and consequences of creative reuse in a small post-industrial town in Sweden.

Folkparkernas roll som politiska samlingsplatser: Reflektioner kring storstrejken 1909

Folkparkerna förstås idag ofta som baser för arbetarrörelsens kulturella projekt. Men allra tydligast under parkrörelsens första tre decennier hade de även en fundamental politiska roll. I denna presentation fokuserar vi på denna roll i ljuset av storstrejken 1909, där parkerna spelade en viktig roll för arbetarrörelsen som tydliga politiska platser på offentlighetens kant. När många andra platser

Temperature Dependent Electrical Characterisation of Vertical InAs-InGaAs Nanowire MOSFETs

This thesis presents the temperature dependence of InGaAs Nanowire (NW) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) grown at two different temperatures. The two different growths represent one sample having nanowires which have a mixed crystal structure (showing stacking faults) and one sample with nanowires of pure crystal structure (without stacking faults). The sample with a pu

Clinically relevant treatment of PDX models reveals patterns of neuroblastoma chemoresistance

Chemotherapy resistance and relapses are common in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB). Here, we developed a clinically relevant in vivo treatment protocol mimicking the first-line five-chemotherapy treatment regimen of high-risk NB and applied this protocol to mice with MYCN-amplified NB patient-derived xenografts (PDXs). Genomic and transcriptomic analyses were used to reveal NB chemoresistance mechan

No title

Retrospective studies suggest increased postoperative morbidity among alcohol misusers. We have prospectively studied the risk associated with alcohol intake among patients undergoing surgery. We investigated 15 persons who required colorectal surgery and who were drinking at least five Danish drinks per day. These patients were matched for sex, nutrition, age, weight, cardio-pulmonary disease, di

Reversibility of alcohol‐induced immune depression

Alcohol abusers have suppressed cellular immune function. The aim of the study was to investigate the time of sobriety required to normalize immune function. Delayed hypersensitivity was investigated during disulfiram controlled abstinence in ten heavy alcoholics and in seven moderate drinkers without liver diseases. For comparison a control group of eight previous drinkers was tested. The skin te

ECG based assessment of circadian variation in AV-nodal conduction during AF—Influence of rate control drugs

The heart rate during atrial fibrillation (AF) is highly dependent on the conduction properties of the atrioventricular (AV) node. These properties can be affected using β-blockers or calcium channel blockers, mainly chosen empirically. Characterization of individual AV-nodal conduction could assist in personalized treatment selection during AF. Individual AV nodal refractory periods and conductio