

Din sökning på "*" gav 528305 sökträffar

Enzymatic conversion of β-mannans: Analysing, evaluating and modifying transglycosylation properties of glycoside hydrolases

Retaining glycoside hydrolases are enzymes that catalyse the breakdown down of glycans through hydrolysis. Due to the double-replacement mechanism of the retaining glycoside hydrolases (GHs), which form an intermediate with part of the glycan covalently attached to the enzyme, some GHs are able to catalyse synthesis reactions called transglycosylation. In transglycosylation reactions a hydroxyl-co

RoSym: Robust Symmetric Key Based IoT Software Upgrade Over-the-Air

Internet of Things (IoT) firmware upgrade has turned out to be a challenging task with respect to security. While Over-The-Air (OTA) software upgrade possibility is an essential feature to achieve security, it is also most sensitive to attacks and lots of different firmware upgrade attacks have been presented in the literature. Several security solutions exist to tackle these problems. We observe

Personalens kompetensprofil – nuläge och vägval framåt

Under de tre senaste decennierna har antalet yrkesverksamma socionomer (i åldern upp till 64 år) nästan fördubblats, från drygt 20 000 till 40 000 personer. Denna fördubbling i sig (20 000 socionomer) överträffar samtliga verksamma psykologer (10 000). Denna expansion framträder tydligt även relativt; från 2,45 socionomer per tusen invånare år 1990 till 3,92 år 2019. Gjorda bedömningar pekar på at

Quality of thrombin produced from the patient's own plasma using the TPD, a new Thrombin-processing Device

Thrombin derived from bovine sources commonly is used to arrest bleeding during surgical procedures. However, complications such as postoperative hemorrhage can occur because of the development of cross-reactive anti-bovine antibodies that inhibit human coagulation factor V. It would thus be advantageous to develop techniques to generate human thrombin. This study evaluated thrombin produced from

Interventionsforskning som en dialog mellan intellectus och ratio

När vi söker kunskap rör vi oss längs horisonter av icke-vetande. I en sådan bildningsresa slår vi i det här kapitlet följe med filosofen Jonna Bornemark. Den sociala barnavården är ett fält där alltmer kunskap bildas. Men hur går det till? Den här texten handlar om kunskapssökande inom socialt arbete, närmare bestämt familjehemsvård. Att söka kunskap är att göra en mängd val och överväganden. Med

Assessment of promoter regulation in Pseudomonas putida using GFP and flow cytometry

Lignin is found in all biomass and is an abundant natural source of aromatic compounds. It has the potential to serve as a renewable raw material for a variety of chemicals currently derived from fossil fuel sources such as muconic acid, an important platform chemical. Kraft lignin is a waste stream from the pulp and paper industry. Upon depolymerization of softwood-derived lignin, aromatic compou

Groundwater Extraction Reduction within an Irrigation District by Enhancing the Surface Water Distribution

Today, in developing countries, the low surface water distribution efficiency and the lack of supplying water needs of farmers by surface water resources are compensated by excessive aquifer water withdrawal. This mismanagement has caused a sharp drop in the groundwater level in many countries. On the other hand, climate change and drought have intensified the pressure on water resources. This stu

Management of mitral stenosis : a systematic review of clinical practice guidelines and recommendations

A number of guidelines exist with recommendations for diagnosis and management of mitral stenosis (MS). We systematically reviewed existing guidelines for diagnosis and management of MS, highlighting their similarities and differences, in order to guide clinical decision-making. We searched national and international guidelines in MEDLINE and EMBASE (5/4/2011-5/9/2021), the Guidelines Internationa

Prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions with disease-specific treatments in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension : A registry study

Polypharmacy increases the risk of drug-drug interactions that may disturb treatment effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of codispensing of potentially interacting or contraindicated drugs related to PH-specific treatment in the Swedish pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) population. All prescribed drugs, on an

Quantification of Tissue Microstructure Using Tensor-Valued Diffusion Encoding : Brain and Body

Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) is a non-invasive technique to probe tissue microstructure. Conventional Stejskal–Tanner diffusion encoding (i.e., encoding along a single axis), is unable to disentangle different microstructural features within a voxel; If a voxel contains microcompartments that vary in more than one attribute (e.g., size, shape, orientation), it can be diff

The Mantis Network II: examining the 3D high-resolution observable properties of the UHJs WASP-121b and WASP-189b through GCM modelling

The atmospheres of ultra hot Jupiters (UHJs) are prime targets for the detection of molecules and atoms at both low and high spectral resolution. We study the atmospheres of the UHJs WASP-121b and WASP-189b by performing 3D general circulation models (GCMs) of these planets using high temperature correlated-k opacity schemes with ultra-violet (UV) absorbing species included. The GCM results are th