

Din sökning på "*" gav 535067 sökträffar

Conformational and Dynamical Aspects of Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers of Interest for Photoluminescence

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lysande plast, finns det? Tanken är att att tunn plast-film skall kunna användas som ihoprullbara tunna TV- och datorskärmar, som lysdioder, som mottagare i solceller och som transistorer. Till vardags är förmodligen den vanligaste uppfattningen att plast är ett isolerande material som inte leder ström och som därför heller inte lyser. Faktum är att bara en del av plasTransient absorption laser spectroscopy and resonance Raman spectrscopy have been used to study conjugated polymers and oligomers. To extract more information the measurements have been compared to computer simulations and calculations. In order to obtain a better understanding of the role of conformational disorder in the photophysics of light-emitting, conjugated polymers the ultrafast transient

Interplay between superantigens and immunoreceptors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla människor blir dagligen utsatta för olika typer av främmande organismer som kan förorsaka kroppen skada. Därför har vi utvecklat celler som har till uppgift att "döda" och avlägsna allt främmande som kommer in i kroppen, det så kallade immunförsvaret. Immunförsvaret består av ett komplicerat nätverk av celler och molekyler som tillsammans skyddar oss om vi utsätts This thesis deals with the interactions between superantigens and their receptors. Superantigens are proteins that are secreted by various bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Superantigens are able to cross-link T cells and antigen presenting cells by binding to the T cell receptor (TCR) and MHC class II. They bind as unprocessed antigens and activate up to 20 % of

Rapidly tuneable external cavity diode laser

External cavity diode lasers are often tuned by letting a piezoelectric actuator move the grating, thereby changing the length of the cavity. In order to reach higher repeatability and tuning speeds one can incorporate an electro-optical crystal (EOC) into the cavity. The index of refraction of the EOC can be changed by applying an electric field across it, thereby accurately changing the effectiv

Solution properties of a hydrophobically modified polymer

The influence of hydrophobic modification on solution properties of water-soluble polymers in the semi-dilute regime have been studied. The nonionic ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and its hydrophobically modified analogue (HM-EHEC) are used as model substances. Interactions between the polymer molecules in solution and a third component are investigated, and in particular the influence of the

Involvement of Heparan Sulphate Biosynthesis and Turnover in Cell Proliferation. A Novel Role for Nitric Oxide in Recycling of Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycans.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteoglykaner (PG), framför allt sådana som bär glykosaminoglykan-sidokedjor av heparansulfat (HS) typ, utgör multifunktionella receptorer på cellytan och i pericellulär matrix hos alla adherenta celler i högre organismer. HS-proteoglykaner är inblandade i många olika cellprocesser, bl.a. koagulation, celltillväxt, och aktivering av enzymer, antienzymer samt bindning tThe present investigation focuses on the role of HS metabolism in cell proliferation. The effect of the HS priming ß-D-xyloside, 2-(6-hydroxynaphthyl)-O-ß-D-xylopyranoside (Xyl-2-Nap-6-OH) on the proliferation of normal and transformed cells was studied. Xyl-2-Nap-6-OH inhibited growth of transformed cells to a significantly greater extent than normal cells. The growth inhibition exerted by the xy

Analytical Studies of the Influence of Regional Groundwater Flow by on the Performance of Borehole Heat Exchangers

This paper presents a new analytical solution for the influence of regional groundwater flow on the performance of borehole heat exchangers. The solution concerns a vertical borehole. The transient thermal response for the fundamental case of a step-change in heat injection rate is given. The solution is remarkably simple and the formulas quite handy considering the complexity of the convective-di

Kris och kultur : kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kunskap, estetik och historia

Dagligen nås vi av nyheter om olika kriser: ekonomiska kriser, långdragna konflikter, länder som hamnat i förhandlingskriser, kändisar som intervjuas om sina senaste kriser mitt i livet, politiska ledare som handlat tvivelaktigt och försatt sitt parti eller sitt land i kris. Det kan upplevas som om vi idag befinner oss mitt i krisernas tid. Det korta 1900-talet vittnar också om krisernas ständiga