Din sökning på "*" gav 535061 sökträffar
Hur kan vi förstå aktörer i komplexa organisationer?
Postoperative follow-up: By whom for whom, with which parameters
Recurrent disease after operation for colorectal carcinoma is a major problem for patients and for their doctors. Scientific evidence for guidelines is poor. It appears that intensive surveillance increases survival but we do not know which parameters in surveillance are important for this result.
Review of Thomas Sjöberg, Deanne Rauscher och Tove Meyer, "Carl XVI Gustaf. Den motvillige monarken"
Den svenska och nordiska samhällsreligionen
Akademiskt ledarskap i brytningstid
Educational Collaboration at Nordic Technical Universities – How is it Performed and does it affect Innovation and Entrepreneurship?
In order to shed light on the role of higher education and its importance for innovation and entrepreneurship this paper presents the results of a survey of the four major technical universities in the Nordic countries; Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland; Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg, Sweden; the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen, Denmark; and the Norwegian Technical Univ
Full sysselsättning och ekonomisk politik
Nu har laserradarn mätt de riktiga skorstenarna
Impact of biogas energy crops on greenhuse gas emissions, soil organic matter and food crop production - a case study on farm level
A King’s Dilemma –Obstacles to Political Reforms In Bahrain
Lex orandi-lex credendi : en kommentar till trosbekännelsen
"Lex orandi-lex credendi. En kommentar till trosbekännelse" is a textbook for students describing the emergence and establishment of the two Creeds used liturgically by most Christian churches. The textbook further offers a basic commentary on the content of both the "Apostolic" and the "Nicene" Creeds, as well as an introduction to the status of Creeds within the theological and liturgical discou
The ongoing dream: legal and political culture in postwar Sweden
Visual attention towards gestures in face-to-face interaction vs. on screen
Conformational and Dynamical Aspects of Conjugated Polymers and Oligomers of Interest for Photoluminescence
Popular Abstract in Swedish Lysande plast, finns det? Tanken är att att tunn plast-film skall kunna användas som ihoprullbara tunna TV- och datorskärmar, som lysdioder, som mottagare i solceller och som transistorer. Till vardags är förmodligen den vanligaste uppfattningen att plast är ett isolerande material som inte leder ström och som därför heller inte lyser. Faktum är att bara en del av plasTransient absorption laser spectroscopy and resonance Raman spectrscopy have been used to study conjugated polymers and oligomers. To extract more information the measurements have been compared to computer simulations and calculations. In order to obtain a better understanding of the role of conformational disorder in the photophysics of light-emitting, conjugated polymers the ultrafast transient
Stumfilm - en musikdramatisk upplevelse
Interplay between superantigens and immunoreceptors
Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla människor blir dagligen utsatta för olika typer av främmande organismer som kan förorsaka kroppen skada. Därför har vi utvecklat celler som har till uppgift att "döda" och avlägsna allt främmande som kommer in i kroppen, det så kallade immunförsvaret. Immunförsvaret består av ett komplicerat nätverk av celler och molekyler som tillsammans skyddar oss om vi utsätts This thesis deals with the interactions between superantigens and their receptors. Superantigens are proteins that are secreted by various bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Superantigens are able to cross-link T cells and antigen presenting cells by binding to the T cell receptor (TCR) and MHC class II. They bind as unprocessed antigens and activate up to 20 % of
Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide Imaging Using Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Imaging of vapor-phase H2O2 concentrations is performed using photofragmentation LIF. An Nd:YAG-laser is used for photolysis and a dye laser for LIF on OH generated in the photolysis process. Detection limit is similar to 30 ppm. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America