

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Sommaren är skör : En studie om lovverksamhet på folkbibliotek - i policy, forskning och verkligheten

This master’s thesis is about public libraries and how the work they do for children and youth in the summer holidays relates to public policy and reading research. Triangulation of methods is used with literature review, policy analysis, questionnaire survey and interviews. My primary theoretical framework is Carol Bacchi’s ’What’s the problem represented to be’ (WPR) approach, which is also us

Att se det förgivettagna : En studie av bevarandet och tillgängliggörandet av Sveriges fotografiska kulturarv

Despite the enormous and ever-increasing amount of photographs, and their importance as historical source material, Sweden has never had any national plan for the preservation of this cultural heritage. And there is not longer any public institution, or institutions, that has a central and advisory role in regards to photography in general. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge

Coordination of chemical analyses under the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) : Concepts, procedures and lessons learnt

The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) ran from 2017 to 2022 with the aim of advancing and harmonizing human biomonitoring in Europe. More than 40,000 analyses were performed on human samples in different human biomonitoring studies in HBM4EU, addressing the chemical exposure of the general population, temporal developments, occupational exposure and a public health intervention on m

Towards low carbon buildings: A case study in Sweden

This study comprehensively evaluated the global warming potential of an office building in a newly built Scandinavian neighbourhood seeking to reach sustainability. The primary objective of the research was to support the city authorities of Helsingborg by providing valuable insights into actual carbon emissions at the building level and proposing measures to minimize these emissions to achieve cl

Bridges of Trust : The symbolism of the Destruction and Reestablishment of Libraries

National libraries play a leading role in the creation of national identities. For that reason, the destruction and reestablishment of libraries may hold strategic meanings beyond the physical. This master thesis examines the symbols and cultural implications of such devastating events and resilient initiatives. Data for the thesis was collected through interviews with two librarians in Baghdad, w

Vad är skyltning egentligen bra för? En kvalitativ studie om användarupplevelser kring skyltning

Book displays in public libraries are a common occurrence in library users’ public library experience. Yet, book displays, and how library users experience them, are not a common occurrence within library and information science research. The purpose of this essay is therefore to create an understanding about how library users at public libraries experience and interact with displays in public lib

Motivation, distans och makt i ett påtvingat ledarskap

Examensarbetets titel: Motivation, makt och distans i ett påtvingat ledarskap - En kvalitativ studie baserad på värnpliktigas upplevelser av ledarskapet i Försvarsmakten Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Theodor Lundqvist, Fiona McVie, Axel Rosenqvist Handledare: Olof Hallonsten Fem nyckelord: Distans, ledarskap, m

High Level Synthesis for ASIC and FPGA

This thesis aims to evaluate the performance of Siemens’ High Level Synthesis (HLS) tool Catapult. HLS can be considered the next step up in abstraction level from writing traditional Register Transfer Level (RTL) code which is time consuming and error prone. The promise of HLS is to speed up the process of designing integrated circuits by lifting the abstraction level so the design can be coded f

A Borel-Cantelli lemma for non-stationary dynamical systems

In this thesis we present a Borel–Cantelli lemma for dynamical systems such that the dynamics driving the system varies with time. These results are largely based on a decomposition of transfer operators produced by Rychlik. Some limitations on the structure of sequences that is necessary for the results is given some discussion. Two examples of systems that could be considered are presented, one

The factors affecting young Chinese people’s fashion choices - The importance of conspicuous consumption

The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which young Chinese consumers are making conspicuous consumption of fashion products. With China's increasingly rapid economic development, the income and consumption levels of the Chinese middle class are rising. Younger people, thanks to higher household income levels, also have more wealth at their disposal. Thus young Chinese are alloca

The red thread

Economic development narratives have traditionally been written by academics and policy-makers, for academics and policy-makers. So too the story of Bangladeshi development: a story of alternately success and hardship. By focusing on the economic narrative of those directly affected by development, this thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of how economic narratives influence develo

Cavity Beam Position Monitors State of the Art and Design Studies in the Context of the ILC Project

The aim of this master thesis project is the study and evaluation of the design of cavity beam position monitors (BPM) for the International Linear Collider (ILC) project. The state-of-the-art of BPMs is investigated to determine the most appropriate existing BPM design for the requirements of the ILC. The theoretical background on resonant cavities, including the beam coupling to the BPM, is exam

Pirates of the Academia? : Students attitude towards illegally downloading academic material at Lund University

The illegal downloading of copyrighted material digitally has existed ever since the internet's inception. At first this was ignored because it was a small enough problem but as the internet grew the amount of illegal file sharing grew with it. The practice of downloading illegal academic material is especially interesting to look at because there is a moral gray area where large publishers ea

"Samtidens tillfälliga nycker?" : En studie om förutsättningar för hbtqia+-inkluderande arbete på folkbibliotek

The aim of the thesis is to make visible how Swedish public libraries work with LGBTQIA+-inclusion, how the conditions for this work are affected by factors such as municipality size, economy and political support, and what importance the two forms of LGBTQIA+ certifications have for the extent of the LGBTQIA+- inclusive work. The theoretical framework consists of queer theory and organizational

Personlighetens och motivationens betydelse för studenters välbennande

The aim of this quantitative study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits, motivational types, perceived academic performance and well-being. The data collection was carried out via a digital survey which was answered by university students in Sweden (N=67). The students estimated personality traits, type of motivation, perceived academic performance and well-being through

Det är så mycket lättillgängligare med TV-serier, typ: Ungdomars lustläsning i relation till digitala medier

Leisure reading among young people today is often considered to be under threat from digital activities, especially social media. In the scientific community, this position is disputed with no clear consensus. In order to gain an understanding of adolescents’ own views on the matter, we decided to interview groups of 15- and 16-year-olds in a Swedish public school. We wanted to find out how they d

Prospective paired crossover evaluation of potential impact of investigator gender on perceived pain intensity early after acute or scheduled surgery

Background: Postoperative pain is common but often difficult to assess, and there are many potential confounders. Over the last decades, the gender of investigator as well as participant has been found to influence pain perception in both preclinical and clinical studies. However, to our knowledge this has not been studied in various postoperative patients. Objectives of this study were to test th

Malmö stadsarkiv på Instagram och berättelser om Malmö : En studie om arkivet och dess användare i formandet av lokal identitet

In my master’s thesis, I examine the relationship between local archival institutions and the formation of local identities. To fulfill that purpose I investigate how local archives view their role regarding the formation of local identity. I explore how local identity and images of locality are created within the encounter between the archives and their users. The focus of my study is Malmö City

The Medicinal Mandate: Legal and Policy Implications of Compulsory Licensing on Patented Pharmaceuticals in the European Union to Encourage Access to Medicine during Cross Border Health Crises

Patented pharmaceuticals limit medicine access; Compulsory Licensing bridges the gap between Intellectual Property Rights and the Right to Health. The COVID-19 Pandemic sparked debates on medicine access and prompted legal revisions for improved systems. The European Union strives to enhance Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights, yet current Compulsory Licensing has flaws that hinder medic