

Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar

“This Video is Sponsored by L’Oréal” - A Test of Competing Hypotheses on the Effects of Sponsorship

Thesis purpose: The aims of this thesis are to investigate (1) the effect of sponsorship disclosure timing (before vs. after) on attitudes towards the brand and attitudes towards the vlogger in a beauty vlog context and (2) test a possible moderating effect of discount codes on the relationships between disclosure timing and attitudes towards the brand and the vlogger. These two aims were pursued

An oasis without water : a hydro-social investigation into how agricultural water use and management influences water scarcity in the Ferghana Valley, Central Asia

Water scarcity can have severe implications for society; endangering human health and food security whilst also exacerbating social conflict around the world. These issues are exemplified in the case of the Ferghana Valley in Central Asia, where much of the valley suffers from water scarcity and conflicts despite having adequate water sources. This scarcity is primarily due to how water is used, m

Maurus Servius Honoratus, senantik kommentator till Aeneiden och hans metod, jämförd med en modern filologs (R.D. Williams)

Maurus Servius Honoratus var en grammatiker och lärare som levde på 300-talet och in i 400-talet, i övergångstiden mellan antiken och den kristna eran. Hans kommentarer, framför allt till Vergilius’ Aeneid, är mycket kända och detta är det enda manuskript med kommentarer som bevarats helt intakt från denna tid. De har både uppskattats och kritiserats genom århundraden, men ger en god bild av en unMaurus Servius Honoratus was a grammarian and teacher who lived in the 4th century, the author of a well-known Commentary on Virgil’s Aeneid as well as on his Eclogues and Georgica. This commentary is very well known and even today scholars of Virgil will have recourse to it when having trouble explaining difficult passages in Virgil’s works. Servius explains points of language, but also gives val

Investigating the Pre-Purchase Phase of the Customer Journey – An Exploratory Study in the Home Furnishing Retail Industry

The purpose of this research was to generate new insights of what causes consumers to recognise needs, how they search for information, and how they evaluate the alternatives during the pre-purchase phase of the customer journey. The selected topic is of relevance, as consumer behaviour has gone through significant changes in recent years as a result of developments in everyday technology. To fulf

Unfold Wasted Land

Due to its history, Germany holds a vast number of industrial sites that have long been abandoned and thus, have fallen into oblivion. Albeit their indisputable qualities, they also bear obstacles which entails that greenfield development projects are still dominating Germany’s urban planning processes and the construction industries, thus causing a severe land consumption each day. This project d

Development of a solar strategy for Helsingborgshem

As of this moment humankind’s total energy use consists of 87% of non-renewable energy sources. The government of Sweden is aiming for 100% renewable energy system by the year of 2040. The city of Helsingborg is experiencing a solar panel expansion, the installed power increased with 139% from 2015 to 2016. The overall aim of this master thesis was to create a solar strategy for the municipality

Hur man framgångsrikt leder ICT4D-projekt i utvecklingsländer för att främja digitalisering och ekonomisk tillväxt: En praktisk studie om intressenter, förväntningar och projektledning i tredje världen

Within International development, ICT and it’s benefits is a fairly new way of addressing the world’s social and economic issues. Even though a lot of actions has been made with ICT as a tool for development the success rate is still low. This study has two major purposes: Firstly, investigate the characteristics of expectations within ICT4D projects. Secondly, examine how different project manage

Is the Genocide Convention Built on Ashes of Trauma? - Understanding the Genocide Defintion in International Law from a Trauma and Law Perspective

The central argument of the thesis is, by using the example of the genocide definition, to understand the often forgotten impact of the traumas of humankind in International law. Trauma and Law is a theoretical understanding or a hypothesis on international law related to the concept Crisis Law. The theory contains the idea that international law often is formed as a consequence of human tragedies

Stigma, diskriminering och återfall - En studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser efter frigivning

I denna studie undersöktes sambanden mellan internaliserat stigma och upplevd diskriminering hos före detta kriminella i Sverige samt undersöka sambanden mellan deras upplevda diskriminering och återfallsfrekvens. Detta med syfte att öka förståelsen för samhällets roll i före detta kriminellas återanpassningsprocess. Deltagarna svarade på en enkät där de självskattade grad av self-stigma, upplevd In this study the relationship between internalized stigma and discrimination experiences among former criminals in Sweden was examined, as well as the relationship between their discrimination experiences and recidivism rate. The purpose was to achieve a better understanding of society’s role in former criminals’ reintegration process. The participants completed a survey where they self-assessed

Det narkotikafria samhället, ideologi och kunskap - Konstruktionen av narkotika och dess brukare som sociala problem

The aim of this paper has been to study how swedish governmental policy constitutes drugs and drug users as social problems and how these constructions relate to ideology and knowledge. Critical discourse analysis of several governmental policy documents show that the construction of ”the drug problem” is made up of discourse orders that advocate both epidemiological control strategies and symptom

Mobile Devices In the Distributed IoT Platform Calvin

Development towards a connected world where anything can talk to anything is ongoing. Calvin is a research project at Ericsson that simplifies the development of peer-to-peer applications for the Internet of Things. Calvin is created in order to let the developer of an application for the Internet of Things focus on the implementation instead of having to worry about underlying protocols, hardware

Personlig integritet: Utmaningar och lösningar inför Dataskyddsförordningen

Med framväxten av teknologin och internet blir det allt vanligare och lättare att sprida, samla in och behandla information. Organisationer använder sedan informationsinsamlingen till sin egen nytta exempelvis i marknadsföringssyfte genom att analysera individers beteenden utifrån informationen de lämnar ifrån sig. Den personliga integriteten har bland annat blivit ifrågasatt då många individer in

Short-Term Interest Rate Models: An Application of Different Models in Multiple Countries

The purpose of this study is to compare the different short-term interest rate models, and to identify the better model within multiple countries. We selected three different types of data from the United States, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. We compare the models with the historical data within these three countries, and figure out whether different countries could have their own best mode

The power of (In)security narratives in populist Social Media: The far-right’s attempt of reclaiming conversation

This thesis explores the way how far-right populist movements manifest themselves through social media. It approaches the problem by taking a political psychology perspective of ontological security which informs the behavioural need of an individual and groups to search for stable identity narratives to create a secure feeling of biographical continuity. The theoretical assumptions further incorp

Förhållandet mellan cirkulär ekonomi och delningsekonomi - En studie angående hur SOU 2017:22 och SOU 2017:26 förhåller sig till båda koncepten

Nya koncept för ett resurseffektivt samhälle För att få ett mer resurseffektivt samhälle krävs att en omställning från de konsumentmönstret som finns idag. Det handlar om att frångå det så kallade ’slit och släng-samhället’ och istället hitta mer hållbara lösningar. Två koncept som kan lösa detta är cirkulär ekonomi och delningsekonomi. Dessa två koncept har fått allt större genomslag och uppmärkAfter the economic crisis that shook large parts of the EU in the end of the 2000, a new paradigm has emerged that encourage new sustainable business models. Two concepts that has occurred in recent times are circular economy and sharing economy. Because of increased interest in the concepts it’s important to understand the full meaning surrounding these. The aim of this study is divided into thr


This thesis project is a reconsideration of the Red Sands Forts in Thames Estuary, offshore from London. This happens through the proposal of a bio-lighting tubed net connecting the different towers of the famous old towers left from the second world war. The project deals with the past, actual and different future interpretations of the projects falling onto these structures, showing several inte

Investing in activism and harnessing expertise - Gendered and postcolonial constructs of civil society in the Women, Peace and Security agenda

In recent years, the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda have paid a higher degree of attention to the gaps in implementation and lack of financing that have characterized the agenda since the adoption of UNSCR 1325 in 2000. This development has also included more attention given to implementation through civil society organizations, and the establishment of a new financing instrument – Global

Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(phenylene oxide) Functionalized with various Imidazolium Cations via Alkyl Spacer units

Anjonbytarmembran bestående av polyfenylenoxid funktionaliserad med följande imidasolgrupper, 1-metylimidasol (MeIm), 1,2,4,5-tetrametyl-1H-imidasol (TMeIm), imidaso[1,2-a]pyridin (ImPyr), 1-metylbensimidasol (MeBim) och 1-metyl-mesitylbensimidasol (MeMesBim), via en alkyl kedja tillverkades och analyserades med avseende på följande egenskaper; anjonisk ledningsförmåga, vattenabsorption, katjonaggAnion exchange membranes consisting of a Poly(phenylene oxide) polymer backbone functionalized with various imidazolium cations, 1-methylimidazole, 1,2,4,5-tetramethyl-1H-imidazole, imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine, 1-methylbenzimidazole and 1-methyl-mesitylbenzimidazole, via alkyl spacer units were prepared and analyzed for anion conductivity, water absorption properties, cation aggregation, thermal stabil

Unga män mår också dåligt - professionella aktörers perspektiv på unga mäns psykiska ohälsa

I föreliggande studie vill vi med hjälp av professionella aktörers erfarenheter undersöka unga mäns psykiska ohälsa och därigenom uppmärksamma ett perspektiv på ungas psykiska ohälsa som vi menar saknas i svensk forskning. Att statistiken visar att unga män söker hjälp i mindre utsträckning än unga kvinnor, men ändå begår självmord i dubbelt så hög grad som unga kvinnor menar vi kan vara en indika