Din sökning på "*" gav 526374 sökträffar
Fransk filosofi förlamar anglosaxisk film-forskning
”Vad vill du ha hjälp med idag?”- utvärdering av Projekt Personlig Service vid Gräshagens hemtjänst
The Swedish Model and Manufacturing Industry - a pattern of Change
Strålande diagnostik utan strålning.
Natural Radiative Lifetimes In the 5snd 1d2 Series of Sr I
Kapitalvinstbeskattning av finansiella produkter
När välfärdsstaten retirerar – den svenska äldreomsorgen på 1990-talet.
Recension: Att leva med tiden
Impacts of climate change on surface hydrology in the source region of the Yellow River
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nästan 35% av den totala avrinningen i Gula floden härstammar från dess källområde och vattenförsörjningen nedströms är därför beroende av de rådande förhållandena i detta område. Minskad vattenföring i floden på grund av klimatförändringar förväntas leda till negativa konsekvenser för de 110 miljoner invånarna i avrinningsområdet och problem uppstår för såväl jordbrukeThe source region of the Yellow River contributes about 35% of the total water yield in the Yellow River basin playing an important role for meeting the downstream water resources requirements. The declining water availability caused by climate change in the source region of the Yellow River is expected to have severe repercussions for the 110 million basin inhabitants in terms of water resources
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Ophthalmological evaluation in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.
Performance of Reduced-Complexity Transmit/Receive-Diversity Systems
We consider wireless systems with maximal-to the different transmit antennas are weighted replicas of ratio combining diversity at the base station, and hybrid selection/maximal ratio combining at the mobile station. We have recently proposed these systems, which provide high-quality data links, while keeping the complexity at the mobile station low. We analyze their performance in various realist
Study I: Effects of 0.06% and 0.10% blood alcohol concentration on human postural control.
Alcohol intoxication causes many accidental falls presented at emergency departments, with the injury severity often related to level of blood alcohol concentration (BAC). One way to evaluate the decline in postural control and the fall risk is to assess standing stability when challenged. The study objective was to comprehensively investigate alcohol-related impairments on postural control and ad
Menneskerettighetspolitikk overfor Kina: Konfrontasjon eller dialog? [Human Rights Politics in China: Confrontation or Dialogue?]
Den öppna kriminalvården
Polemik, identitet och individualitet. En jämförande studie av Johannes Botvidis fältpredikningar och krigsbönbok från 1620-talet
Challenges of immediate newborn care in maternity units in Lagos, Nigeria: An observational study.
Substandard newborn care has been identified as a major contributor to the estimated annual 4 million neonatal deaths and 1 million fresh stillbirths. Low-income countries, including Nigeria account for more than 95% of all cases. A cross-sectional comparative study utilising non-participant observation methods was used to study perinatal care at two maternity centres in Lagos, Nigeria. Data on 63
Recension av "Philochoros 125 år"
swedish folk-dance, folk-dance groups, folk-culture