

Din sökning på "*" gav 527330 sökträffar

Ursodeoxycholic acid differentially affects three types of sphingomyelinase in human colon cancer Caco 2 cells.

We investigated the effects of UDCA on sphingomyelinase (SMase) in Caco 2 cells cultured in monolayer and polarized conditions. Alkaline SMase activity was high in polarized cells whereas. acid and neutral SMase activities were high in monolayer cells. In polarized cells, UDCA increased alkaline SMase expression and caspase 3 activity but had no effect on acid and neutral SMases. In monolayer cell

Poesi och propaganda. Den latinska musan i politikens tjänst.

Latin poetry in the service of political propaganda. The poems commissioned by princes from hired writers of Latin verse had the same function as propagandist media and planted information has today. A survey from the Augustean times up till the 19th century.

Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal -Processes, Competing Substances and Tools for Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avloppsvatten renas från fosfor för att minimera utsläppet till sjöar och hav. Näringsämnena fosfor och kväve bidrar till övergödningen i våra vatten och kan reduceras kraftigt på avloppsreningsverken. Fosforavskiljning går huvudsakligen ut på att få löst fosfat att hamna i en fast fas ? slammet, för att sedan kunna avskilja det från det renade vattnet. Bakterier som vThe idea of phosphorus removal at wastewater treatment plants is to transfer dissolved phosphorus into a solid phase. Together with the rest of the produced sludge it is then removed from the water, resulting in a decreased concentration of phosphorus in the effluent and the prevention of the eutrophication in the recipient. Phosphorus can either be stored biologically, with enhanced biological p

A low logic depth complex multiplier using distributed arithmetic

A combinatorial complex multiplier has been designed for use in a pipelined fast Fourier transform processor. The performance in terms of throughput of the processor is limited by the multiplication. Therefore, the multiplier is optimized to make the input-to-output delay as short as possible. A new architecture based on distributed arithmetic, Wallace-trees, and carry-lookahead adders has been de

Dysfunctionality of a tobacco mosaic virus movement protein mutant mimicking threonine 104 phosphorylation.

Replication of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is connected with endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated membranes at early stages of infection. This study reports that TMV movement protein (MP)-specific protein kinases (PKs) associated with the ER of tobacco were capable of phosphorylating Thr104 in TMV MP. The MP-specific PKs with apparent molecular masses of about 45–50 kDa and 38 kDa were revealed by

Phonon transmission in III-V semiconductor superlattices and alloys

We have used the transfer matrix approach to investigate the LA phonon transmission along the [0 0 1] growth direction in GaAs/GaAlAs superlattices and in Ga1-xAlxAs alloys. Our calculated minigap in the phonon dispersion induced by the zone folding matches reasonably to the phonon filtering experiment. However, in the regime of phonon ballistic transport, we found insignificant effect of zone fol

Acute contractile effects of epidermal growth factor on bladder smooth muscles. An in vivo and in vitro study in rats

Chronic treatment with epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates growth of all wall layers of the urinary tract in pigs and rats. Herein, we investigated the acute effects of EGF on detrusor smooth muscle activity. For in vivo examination, awake rats received EGF (75 micrograms/kg) intravenously and detrusor smooth muscle activity was monitored cystometrically. The EGF bolus caused no alteration in

Characterization of N-representable n-particle densities when N is infinite

We have found necessary and sufficient conditions for the n-particle density to be N-representable for infinite A, if n is even. There are some mild restrictions on the one-density for these conditions to apply. The method is based on the Mercer expansion theorem. We suggest a simple method for total energy calculations based on this characterization also if the number of particles is finite. (c)

Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Processing in Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped Crystals

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ljusets minsta kända beståndsdelar kallas fotoner. Enligt kvantmekaniken har dessa egenskaper som normalt förknippas med vågor och samtidigt sådana egenskaper som normalt förknippas med partiklar. Partikelegenskaperna tar sig uttryck i att den minsta mängd ljus som går att mäta är den mängd som motsvaras av en foton. Vågegenskaperna, å andra sidan, visar sig i interfereIn this thesis, aspects of the use of cryogenically cooled rare-earth-ion-doped crystals in the fields of quantum optics and quantum information processing are addressed. The experiments and theoretical considerations referred to in this thesis are based on the coherent transient interaction between light and the ions in the crystals. A photon echo experiment has been performed where faint optica

Geometry, Reduction Potential, and Reorganization Energy of the Binuclear CuA Site, Studied by Density Functional Theory

Abstract in UndeterminedThe dimeric CuA site found in cytochrome c oxidase and nitrous oxide reductase has been studied with the density functional B3LYP method. We have optimized the structure of the realistic (Im)(S(CH3)2)- Cu(SCH3)2Cu(Im)(CH3CONHCH3) model in the fully reduced, mixed-valence, and fully oxidized states. The optimized structures are very similar to crystal structures of the prote

Characteristics of GABAA channels in rat dentate gyrus

Single channel currents were activated by GABA (0.5 to 5 microM) in cell-attached and inside-out patches from cells in the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampal slices. The currents reversed at the chloride equilibrium potential and were blocked by bicuculline (100 microM). Several different kinds of channel were seen: high conductance and low conductance, rectifying and "nonrectifying." Channels had m