Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar
Genetic and Cultural Transmission of Alcohol Use Disorder in Swedish Twin Pedigrees
Objective: Using Swedish nationwide registry data, we investigated the contribution of genetic and environmental risk factors to the etiology of alcohol use disorder (AUD) by extended twin pedigree modeling. Method: AUD was defined using public inpatient, outpatient, prescription, and criminal records. Three-generational pedigrees were selected for index individuals born between 1980 and 1990, obt
Local Planning for Unmanned Ground Vehicles using Imitation Learning
Mobile robotics is an expanding field worldwide leading to the need for advanced path-planning algorithms that can traverse various environments. Current state-ofthe- art path-planning algorithms used at the Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, tend to be inflexible and parameter dependent. The parameters might need to be tuned for each new environment, which is a very labor-intensive process. T
Curriculum for training in endoscopic mucosal resection in the colon : European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Position Statement
Main recommendations: Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is the standard of care for the complete removal of large (≥ 10mm) nonpedunculated colorectal polyps (LNPCPs). Increased detection of LNPCPs owing to screening colonoscopy, plus high observed rates of incomplete resection and need for surgery call for a standardized approach to training in EMR. 1 Trainees in EMR should have achieved basic co
Koranbränningar och konsekvenser - En utredning om yttrandefrihetens relation i proportion till allmän ordning och säkerhet
Under 2000-talet har det skett många olika manifestationer i de nordiskaländerna, som ofta utmanat samhällets syn på vad som utgör en godtagbar demonstration och huruvida tydliga gränser bör sättas i medborgarnas yttrandefrihet. Ett exempel på detta har varit Rasmus Paludans manifestationer i Sverige och Danmark där han har tänt eld på Koranen, vilka i många fall har urartat. Under påsken 2022 eskIn the 2000s there have been many different demonstrations in the Nordic countries, often challenging society's view of what constitutes an acceptable demonstration and whether clear limits should be placed on citizens' freedom of expression. An example of this has been Rasmus Paludan's demonstrations in Sweden and Denmark where he has set fire to the Koran, which in many cases have de
Vardagsmagi och läkekonst: En svartkonstbok från Glava
As part of the practices connected with folk medicine in Sweden, as well as in the rest of the Nordic countries, is an old literary genre grown from the combination of oral and literary traditions – svartkonstböcker, literally translated to black art books. These books were used by the professionals in the field of folk medicine, namely the wise old men and women. Contained in the books are ritual
Reducing the Uncertainty on the Hubble Constant up to 35% with an Improved Statistical Analysis : Different Best-fit Likelihoods for Type Ia Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Quasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Cosmological models and their parameters are widely debated, especially about whether the current discrepancy between the values of the Hubble constant, H 0, obtained by Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and the Planck data from the cosmic microwave background radiation could be alleviated when alternative cosmological models are considered. Thus, combining high-redshift probes, such as gamma-ray bursts
Ultrastable, high-repetition-rate attosecond beamline for time-resolved XUV-IR coincidence spectroscopy
The implementation of attosecond photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy for the investigation of atomic and molecular dynamics calls for a high-repetition-rate driving source combined with experimental setups characterized by excellent stability for data acquisition over time intervals ranging from a few hours up to a few days. This requirement is crucial for the investigation of processe
Applikationsutveckling för GIS i Helsingborgs stad – Ett exempel för projektet Healthy Cities
An Introduction to Hitchin Systems
This thesis aims to introduce the tools that are needed to understand — and historically led to the inception of — Hitchin systems. We lay out a basic theory of Hamiltonian systems on symplectic manifolds, and prove the Liouville-Arnold theorem, which states that integrable Hamiltonian systems admit coordinates in which their solution is basically linear. We then introduce a theory of holomorphic
Current and Future Engineering Strategies for ECMO Therapy
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a last resort therapy for patients with respiratory failure where the gas exchange capacity of the lung is compromised. Venous blood is pumped through an oxygenation unit outside of the body where oxygen diffusion into the blood takes place in parallel to carbon dioxide removal. ECMO is an expensive therapy which requires special expertise to perform.
Turn-key research in food processing and manufacturing for reducing the impact of climate change
This study addresses the critical need to report original and current findings on the global food system's ability to meet the growing natural resource demands of an estimated 9?billion global population. The objective is to provide guidance for researchers in developing strategies to reduce climate change risks in the food and beverage supply. To achieve this, we propose integrating innovative in
Designing Virtual Natural Environments for Older Adults : Think-Aloud Study
Background: Spending time in natural environments is beneficial for human health, but many older adults have limited or no access to natural environments. Virtual reality technology may be a means to facilitate nature experiences, and so, there is a need for knowledge on how to design virtual restorative natural environments for older adults. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify, imple
Coronary microvascular dysfunction in Takotsubo syndrome and associations with left ventricular function
Aims: Coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD) has been proposed as an important pathophysiological mechanism in Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Our aims were (i) to evaluate and compare levels of CMD in patients with TTS and patients with ischaemia and no obstructive coronary arteries (INOCA) and (ii) to investigate associations between CMD and clinical parameters, left ventricular function, and corona
Using a Traction Table for Fracture Reduction during Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO) of Distal Femoral Fractures Provides Anatomical Alignment
Introduction: Fracture reduction and fixation of distal femur fractures are technically demanding. Postoperative malalignment is still commonly reported after minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO). We evaluated the postoperative alignment after MIPO using a traction table with a dedicated femoral support. Methods: The study included 32 patients aged 65 years or older with distal femur fra
Etik, autenticitet och det språkliga autentiska tecknet
Följande text syftar till att belysa frågan om etik och dess relation till autenticitet (respektive inautenticitet) med tilläggsfrågan om språkets betydelse för förståelsen av den ordlösa erfarenheten i det autentiska mötet mellan ett ”jag” och ett ”du” utifrån framför allt den fransk-litauiske filosofen Emmanuel Levinas (1906–1995) ansikte-mot-ansikte- etik. Frågan om jagets förhållande till den
Young dreams - Musik möter abstrakt rörlig bild
I mitt arbete har jag valt att studera kopplingen mellan musik och bildkonst. Min upplevelse är att musik blir förstärkt av konsten och vice versa. Jag har skrivit kompositioner som ska spelas till ljusfilmer av ljuskonstnären Åsa Wirling. Hon kommer projicera filmer på en duk, samt på musikerna. Musik talar starkare till mig genom bild och vad jag valt att studera är förhållandet mellan musik ochIn the preparations for my degree concert, I have chosen to study the connection between music and visual art. In my opinion, music becomes stronger in collaboration with other art genres and vice versa. My original compositions will be performed live, with abstract films made by the light artist, Åsa Wirling, will be projected simultaneously behind and on the band. To me, music speaks stronger th
Radix Polygalae Extract Attenuates PTSD-like Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Single Prolonged Stress and Conditioned Fear Possibly by Reversing BAG1
Radix Polygalae (RP) has been used to relieve psychological stress in traditional oriental medicine. Recently, cell protective, antiamnestic and antidepressant-like effects were disclosed but the possible application of RP to post-traumatic stress disorder, in which exaggerated fear memory persists, has not yet been explored. For this purpose, the effects of RP on fear behavior was examined in a m
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Creativity seems to be a concept exclusively for spiritual and eccentric people. Musicality ismostly associated with the idea of talent given from birth. However, these concepts areinevitable for the professional musician. The main objective of this thesis is to answer what iscreativity and musicality for a musician. This thesis concerns a clarification of these conceptsand tries to mold them into
Fagott och ergonomi. Att spela fagott utan skador.
Under mina år som fagottist så har jag de senaste fyra fem åren brottats med smärtor i framför allt min vänstra arm och axel. Skadorna uppstod av dålig hållning och spändhet som i sin tur ledde till överbelastning utav muskler. Vad finns det för metoder för att få bukt på smärtproblematik för mig som fagottist? Det här är den beskrivande delen av mitt examensarbete som handlar om hur jag under minDuring my years as a bassoonist, I have for the past four five years been afflicted with pain, especially in my left arm and shoulder. The injuries were caused by poor posture and muscular tension, which led to muscular overload. What are the methods for getting rid of pain problems for me as a bassoonist? This Bachelor thesis deals with how I have worked with ergonomic methods to reduce pain in m