

Din sökning på "*" gav 528101 sökträffar

Säkerhet i molntjänster vid hybridarbete

Forskningen fokuserar på hybridarbetare, vilket avser anställda som arbetar oberoende av plats med hjälp av digital teknik. Syftet var att utforska hur hybridarbetare som använder molntjänster upplever säkerhet. Studien utfördes genom en genomgång av akademisk litteratur som definierar hybridarbete och molntjänster och rapporterar om tidigare studier kring molntjänster och hybridarbete relaterade

Techno-Economic Analysis of 5-HMF Production from Sugar Beet Molasses and A Potential Application

5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) is a furan-based platform chemical that can be used in various applications, as a renewable alternative to fossil-derived compounds or materials. It can be produced from biobased raw materials with high-sugar content, such as molasses. Sugar beet molasses is produced as a side product from domestic sugar beet plants in southern Sweden. Utilising it as a raw material

Synthesis of a Tröger’s base analog

Det här projektet fokuserar främst på området för supramolekylär kemi, vilket innebär ”kemin bortom molekylerna”. Det handlar om hur två olika molekyler kan interagera med varandra för att bilda ett system som är energimässigt fördelaktigt. Dessa molekyler interagerar med så kallade intermolekylära krafter, vilka är krafter som verkar mellan olika molekyler. Dessa krafter kan liknas vid positiva oDue to its chemical properties, Tröger’s base is frequently used in supramolecular systems. This project aims to create two diastereomers of Tröger’s base, which potentially could be utilized to generate heptakis-Tröger’s base. The initial step is to synthesize a Tröger’s base analog consist on a condensation reaction between two substituted anilines. This reaction fuses them to produce a Tröger’s

Cycling related major trauma in Ireland

Introduction: Cycling as a means of transport or recreational activity is increasing in popularity in Ireland. However, increasing numbers of cyclists may lead to an increased number of bicycle collisions and fatalities. The Road Safety Authority is the statutory body for road safety in Ireland but uses police data alone to collate cycling collision statistics. This may lead to an underestimation

'Sins of the Past' - Protection of Fundamental Rights in Individual Sanctions in the Historical, Institutional, and Judicial CFSP Context

Sedan den 24 februari 2022 har Europeiska unionen stått inför ett konventionellt krig på sin tröskel och en ökad geopolitisk spänning från öst. Detta har krävt av Rådet att agera snabbt och kraftfullt inom ramen för sin kompetens för den gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken. För att motverka Rysslands aggression har rådet utfärdat omfattande sanktionspaket som aldrig tidigare har använts i sSince 24 February 2022, the European Union has faced a conventional war on its doorstep and an increase in geopolitical tension with the East. This has required the Council to act quickly and forcefully within its competence in the area of Common Foreign and Security Policy. To counteract the adverse geopolitical actions the Council has issued sanctions packages which have never been utilized befo

Den avskaffade ungdomsreduktionen och dess påverkan på strafflindringen - En analys av förhållandet mellan den avskaffade ungdomsreduktionen och strafflindringsgrunden i 29:3 § 3 p. brottsbalken

Unga lagöverträdare har under lång tid särbehandlats inom den svenska straffrätten av flera olika skäl vilka främst grundar sig i principen om humanitet. På senare tid har dock denna särbehandling kommit att ifrågasättas. En bestämmelse som varit föremål för särskilt omfattande kritik är den så kallade ungdomsreduktionen vilket stadgas i 29:7 § brottsbalken. Detta till följd av kriminalitetens utvYoung offenders have been treated differently within Swedish criminal law for a long time due to several different reasons, which are primarily based on the principle of humanity. However, recently, this differential treatment has come into question. One provision that has been subjected to particularly extensive criticism is the so-called youth reduction, which is stipulated in Section 29, paragr

Sociala Mediers Inflytande på Politisk Kommunikation: En studie om samspelet mellan svenska riksdagspartier och sociala medieplattformar

Sociala mediers roll i politisk polarisering är en kontroversiell fråga. Det finns inte stark konsensus kring var ansvaret för den ökade polariseringen ligger; en del pekar på teknologin, andra på användarna. Relevansen av denna fråga växer i takt med att internet blir den viktigaste informationskällan för svenskar och politiker prioriterar sociala medier för att vinna val. Syftet med denna studie

Developing a human-chick chimera to study neuroblastoma

Hur kan ägg hjälpa mot barncancer? Neuroblastom är en barncancerform. Bristen på sjukdomsmodeller har saktat ner framstegen och möjligheterna att förstå hur sjukdomen uppstår. Här kan vi presentera en människo-kycklingchimär som modell för att studera neuroblastom genom att använda embryon från hönsägg tillsammans med mänskliga celler. Neuroblastom (NB) är en cancerform som oftast drabbar småbaNeuroblastoma (NB) is a childhood cancer contributing to several cases of cancer related deaths in children every year. The oncogene MYCN is known to be related to a worse outcome in patients with NB and is found in approximately 20 % of the cases. MYCN is controlled during normal development, however in NB it is dysregulated. The understanding of NB has been hampered due to the lack of embryonic

The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in Transition Economies of Southeast Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Evidence From Panel Analysis 2002-2019

The surge in multinational corporations and increased globalization have brought substantial attention to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), a business phenomenon of considerable importance. Nevertheless, the global distribution of FDI is rather uneven, with transition countries being especially problematic. Although FDI has been assigned a crucial role in raising capital during structural changes t

The sources and dynamics of technological change in cassava farming in Ghana

Farm size expansion in some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, including in Ghana, is a recent phenomenon, and is indicative of the agricultural transformation process taking place in the region. Technology use and adoption level is an integral and complex part of this process, which is studied in relation to the expanding farm sizes and agricultural transformation in this study. It follows an explo

The quest of formalisation: The case of female-led MSMEs in Senegal

The informal sector is a widespread issue that affects many countries. Senegal, possessing a large informal sector, presents a special case because the government has been favourable for formalisation with initiatives to make it easier for entrepreneurs to formalise and the country possesses an advantageous environment for it to succeed. There are more female entrepreneurs doing business in the in

Microbial network, phylogenetic diversity and community membership in the active layer across a permafrost thaw gradient

Biogenic production and release of methane (CH4) from thawing permafrost has the potential to be a strong source of radiative forcing. We investigated changes in the active layer microbial community of three sites representative of distinct permafrost thaw stages at a palsa mire in northern Sweden. The palsa site (intact permafrost and low radiative forcing signature) had a phylogenetically cluste

EMBRACE – A modular chair

This Bachelor’s degree project investigates how to create a modular chair system. It should let the consumer combine different parts to create a chair that fits their home, style and needs. The focus is on how a low number of parts can be used in different ways to create differentcombinations. It should also be easy to replace and recycle all parts when needed. This document shows the full design

Atomistic structure of a micelle in solution determined by wide Q-range neutron diffraction

The accepted picture of the structure of a micelle in solution arises from the idea that the surfactant molecules self-assemble into a spherical aggregate, driven by the conflicting affinity of their head and tail groups with the solvent. It is also assumed that the micelles size and shape can be explained by simple arguments involving volumetric packing parameters and electrostatic interactions.

Microwave-electrochemical formation of colloidal zinc oxide at fluorine doped tin oxide electrodes

Colloidal ZnO is obtained during microwave-enhanced electrochemical deposition experiments from an aqueous solution containing 0.1 M Zn(NO 3)2 and 0.02 M H2O2 via repetitive negative going potential cycles from 0.3 to -0.8 V vs. SCE. The effects of temperature and temperature gradients on ZnO electro-formation at fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) electrodes are investigated with both a conventional t

Contactin-1 links autoimmune neuropathy and membranous glomerulonephritis

Membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN) is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults, mediated by glomerular antibody deposition to an increasing number of newly recognised antigens. Previous case reports have suggested an association between patients with anti-contactin-1 (CNTN1)-mediated neuropathies and MGN. In an observational study we investigated the pathobiology and extent of this potentia

Kvinnor, fred och säkerhet i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika

This article analyses how UN Security Council resolution 1325 and the Women, Peace, Security (WPS) agenda have been adopted in the Middle East and North Africa. The region faces huge security challenges triggered by recurrent armed conflicts, terrorism and wars both between and within states. Four thematic areas have been chosen: (1) terrorism; (2) peace negotiations; (3) state-building; and (4) d

Mullet - a multifunctional workingspace

In today’s design environment we are constantly in movement. Whether it is making models or tracing a sketch, we need to go to specific stations intended for the task. It is not just time consuming but also a problem. Stress might occur due to the fact that you never know whether the light table or the cutting mat will be preoccupied. Designers’ needs are not reached and in the end they m

A novel approach for functionalising and separating Tröger's Base Analogues

Tröger’s Base (TB) is a bicyclic compound containing a methanodiazocine group between two aromatic rings. The methylene bridge forces the molecule to have a bent formation; thus, the aromatic rings are close to 90 degrees relative to each other, resulting in a rigid concave aromatic cavity. These unique properties make TB a great candidate as a molecular cleft compound and a good structure as a mo

Erfarenheter av att vårdas inom sjukvården hos patienter med övervikt och obesitas

Bakgrund: Övervikt och obesitas är ett ökande globalt problem, ca 1,3 miljoner vuxna lider idag av övervikt eller obesitas. Sjuksköterskor verkar inom ICN:s etiska kod där personcentrering är ett av de sex nyckelbegreppen. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva erfarenheter hos patienter med övervikt och obesitas av att vårdas inom sjukvården. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga p