

Din sökning på "*" gav 528099 sökträffar

The Plight of the Pangolin: Key patterns enabling the illegal wildlife trade of pangolins in Namibia - A multi-perspective case study

The pangolin is the most trafficked mammal on earth and is believed to be on the brink of extinction. However, in many affected countries including Namibia, research and conservation efforts do not match their endangered status. Despite strict wildlife legislations, the level of illegal wildlife trade remains high, especially impacting Namibia’s rural communities. Thus, the aim of this thesis is t

Investigating The Role Of Tumour Suppressor Genes In Salamander Regeneration And Tumorigenesis Through CRISPR Screens

Looking At Tumour Suppressor Genes Of A Tumour Resistant Species Salamanders like Pleurodeles waltl are tailed amphibians capable of regenerating complex structures like entire organs and limbs. Therefore, they are great models to study the process of regeneration. Regeneration involves cells of the injured tissue going through a lot of growth, division, and migration to reconstruct the original

Management of non-specific thoracic spine pain: a cross-sectional study among physiotherapists

Background: The thoracic area has mainly been neglected in research compared to the lumbar and cervical regions. No clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for non-specific thoracic spine pain (TSP) have been compiled. Therefore, it can be argued that the absence of specific CPGs raises questions about the management of non-specific TSP. Hence, this study aimed at determining the management of non-spe

Konkursboets rättsliga ställning efter avslutad konkurs - Om upplösta konkursbons rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet

Uppsatsens syfte är att bidra till förståelsen om konkursboets rättsliga ställning och undersöka i vilken utsträckning ett konkursbo kan erkännas rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet efter konkursens avslut. Konkursboet är en juridisk person och har både rättskapacitet och partsbehörighet. När konkursen avslutas ska konkursboet upplösas. Konkursboet förlorar därmed som utgångspunkt både sin rättskapThe purpose of the thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the legal status of the bankruptcy estate and to examine the extent to which a bankruptcy estate can be recognised as having legal capacity and party capacity after the completion of the bankruptcy. The bankruptcy estate is a legal entity that has both legal capacity and party capacity. When the bankruptcy is completed, the bankrup

How Does it Feel to be Connected with Nature? A Qualitative Study of Meditation Practitioners in Sweden.

For the past centuries, human-nature relationships have deteriorated into a drastic disconnection, characterized by a lack of compassion for nature and insufficient action for mitigating environmental degradation. This study investigates connectedness with nature (CWN) among regular meditation practitioners. Nine in-depth interviews were conducted with meditation practitioners active in Sweden. Th

Fullmaktslärans ofullkomlighet - Om problemen kring elektroniska fullmakters giltighet och återkallelse

Samhället blir alltmer digitaliserat och det ställs därför allt större krav på elektroniska redskap och hjälpmedel i vardagen och affärslivet. Fullmakter är ett redskap som tidigare uteslutande var muntliga eller fysiska men som numera även förekommer i elektronisk form. Elektroniska fullmakter förväntas också bli allt vanligare i framtiden. Det saknas dock en djupare behandling av elektroniska fuSociety is becoming increasingly digitalised, which entails a growing demand for electronic tools and assistance in everyday life and business. Powers of attorney are tools that were previously exclusively oral or physical, but can now also be issued in electronic form. Electronic powers of attorney are also believed to become increasingly common in the future. However, there exist no comprehensiv

Verkställbara förvaltningsbeslut - Förvaltningsförfarandet möter utsökningsförfarandet - en analys

Huruvida förvaltningsdomstols dom ska anses utgöra exekutionstitel är en fråga som Högsta domstolen behandlat vid ett antal tillfällen. I rättsfallet NJA 1991 s. 363 ansåg Högsta domstolen att förvaltningsdomstols dom utgjorde exekutionstitel. I pleniavgörandet NJA 2013 s. 413 var Högsta domstolen av motsatt uppfattning och menade att förvaltningsdomstols dom inte skulle anses utgöra exekutionstitWhether a judgment of an administrative court should be considered an enforceable title is a question that the Swedish Supreme Court has addressed on several occasions. In the decision NJA 1991 p. 363, the Supreme Court considered that a judgment of an administrative court constituted an enforceable title. However, in the plenary hearing NJA 2013 p. 413, the Supreme Court was of the opposite opini

På egna eller andras villkor? - Historiska konstruktion av funktionshinder inom socialpolitiken

In Sweden, people with disabilities have had various designations, and several new legislations concerning this group have been introduced over the past 50 years. The aim of this study was to examine the historical development of disability policy and the portrayal of individuals with disabilities in a political context during the period 1944-1993. The method employed was a qualitative discourse a

The Home as a Place for Rehabilitation After Stroke : Emerging Empirical Findings

Health care is moving toward integrated services where care and rehabilitation are provided at home rather than in institutions. This, together with the requirement that care must be person-centered, has proven to be a considerable challenge. Older adults living with complex health conditions such as stroke are vulnerable to change when their responsibility for care and rehabilitation becomes exte

Data as a barrier to entry and an essential facility: Law & Economics Analysis

Within the context of the European Union Competition Law, a master's thesis entitled "Data as a Barrier to Entry and an Essential Facility: Law & Economics Analysis" conducts an in-depth investigation of the function that data plays in relation to competition law. The idea that data might be a valuable asset in the contemporary digital economy is presented in the very first part

Barriers to Entry by Big Data - Comparative Study Between EU Competition Law and Chinese Competition Law

The dynamic and fast-growing big data technology attracts a competitive concern by the whole society. This thesis looks into whether such a concern makes sense, and what are the representative scenarios in practice worth an attention. After that, this thesis aims at examining whether EU competition law and Chinese competition law can handle those targeted scenarios under existing law systems throu

"They are Ignored" : Exploring the Rights and Challenges of Children with Disabilities in Cambodia in the Context of Climate Change

The aim of this thesis is to examine the impact of climate change on the rights of children with disabilities and the development of their capabilities in Cambodia. Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized groups in any society and one of the most affected by climate change. Using the social-ecological model and the capability approach, this paper analyzes participants' stor

Leadership perspectives on mitigating corruption in India's nonprofit sector

Corruption is a well-known issue in India, yet research on its prevalence in the nonprofit sector is limited, particularly from the perspective of nonprofit professionals. This qualitative research, therefore, aimed to explore corruption in nonprofit organizations through the insights of nonprofit leaders. Using narrative inquiry grounded in Institutional Theory, the study examined donor and State

Revealing power in a (de)politicized landscape - A case-study of how Indigenous Sámi rights are interpreted and applied within land management in Sweden

This study is investigating the possibilities for the Indigenous Sámi People of Sweden to exercise their right to participate in, and influence, decision-making processes over land. The objective of the study is to investigate how Sámi rights are interpreted and applied within the institutional setting of municipalities, and within the planning process of land management. The study derives from tw

Med hjälp av EDI kan man spela vad som helst. En studie om EDI i ensembleundervisning på gymnasieskolans estetiska program

I mötet med EDI i ensembleundervisning under VFU väcktes ett intresse kring EDI samt om dess möjligheter och begränsningar i ensemblesammanhang. Studien syftar till att undersöka dessa aspekter; upplevelsen och innebörden av instrumentet samt hur instrumentet fungerar i ensembleundervisning på gymnasiets estetiska program. Litteraturgenomgången behandlar den musikteknologiska utvecklingen i skolanDuring our internship we experienced EDI in ensemble teaching and our interest about EDI:s possibilities and limitations in ensemble arose. The purpose of the study aims to investigate; the experience and meaning of the instrument and how the instrument works in ensemble teaching in the high school's music program. The chapter Literature Review treats the evolution of music technology in the s

Optimization of Gammasphere Data Following the Nuclear Reaction 36Ar + 24Mg → 60Zn∗

The experiment at Argonne National Laboratory aimed to study the fusion-evaporation reaction following the collision of a high-energy particle beam of 36Ar with a stationary target of 24Mg. This paper outlines the creation and implementation of an automated re-calibration procedure for the high-purity Germanium detectors comprising the Gammasphere array used for γ-ray spectroscopy in this experime

Decolonizing architecture in Africa

For many cultures, architecture represents more than just physical structures. It signifies culture, affiliation, and ownership within a specific society. However, in many African contexts, various coercive and assimilative historical, socioeconomic, and cultural phenomena, such as colonialism, have caused a divergence between the people’s architecture, way of life, and culture. Furthermore, the i

Characteristics of cyclist collisions in Ireland: Analysis of a self-reported survey

As both a utility mode of transport and recreational activity, cycling has well-known health, environmental, and economic benefits. For these reasons it has been encouraged in many countries, including the Republic of Ireland. However, with increasing popularity there have been concurrent increases in road traffic related cyclist injuries. This study aims to characterise cyclist collisions, which