

Din sökning på "*" gav 527227 sökträffar

Exploring Food Supply Chain Trends in the COVID-19 Era : A Bibliometric Review

Recently, the food supply chain (FSC) has been severely disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, putting the vital flow of food products from farmers and producers to the ultimate consumers at risk. Furthermore, due to the pandemic, several food organizations have been prompted to rethink their strategies for the future. Although the literature on FSC research in the COVID-19 era is increasing, no

Characterisation of Ionic Liquid doped Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Application in High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

I denna studie testades och utvärderades fyra membran mot varandra för användning i högtemperaturprotonutbytesmembranbränslecell (HT-PEMFC) applikationer. En fosforsyra (PA)-dopat polybensimidazol (PBI)-membran användes som en referens som den nuvarande state-of-the-art. Laddningsbäraren i detta membran är PA, och det finns fördelar med att byta från PA till jonisk vätska (IL) som laddningsbärare In this study four membranes were tested and evaluated against each other for use in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell (HT-PEMFC) applications. A phosphoric acid (PA) doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane, was used as a reference as the current state-of-the-art. The charge carrier in this membrane is the PA, and there are advantages in switching from PA to ionic liquid (IL) as t

Different Doping Behaviors of Silicon in Zinc Blende and Wurtzite GaAs Nanowires : Implications for Crystal-Phase Device Design

Crystal-phase engineering between zinc blende (ZB) and wurtzite (WZ) structures is becoming an important method in designing unique optoelectronic and electronic semiconductor devices. Doping to engineer their electric properties is thus of critical importance, but a direct experimental comparison in doping these two crystal structures is still missing. Nanowires (NWs) allow the coexistence of bot

Anti-Ro52 positivity is associated with progressive interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis-an exploratory study

BACKGROUND: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is the most common cause of death in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Prognostic biomarkers are needed to identify SSc-ILD patients at risk for progressive pulmonary fibrosis. This study investigates autoantibodies measured in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and in serum in reference to the clinical disease course of SSc-ILD.METHODS: Fifteen pa

Om betalningsskyldighetens odelbarhet i rättskraftshänseende

Att en tappande säljare på grund av res judicata hindras att yrka betalning för samma vara i ett senare mål är uppenbart, men för en köpare kan det komma som en överraskning att hon därmed beskurits möjligheten att tala å fel i det sålda godset. Enligt principen om betalningsskyldighetens odelbarhet anses betalningsskyldigheten för en vara eller tjänst odelbar i rättskraftshänseende. HD uttrycker Owing to the principle of res iudicata, it is obvious that a seller of goods who have found himself on the losing side of a court case may not again pursue further litigation against the defendant. For the defendant however, it may come as a surprise that she is thus cut off from the opportunity to initiate a lawsuit against the seller on the grounds of the goods being faulty. According to the pri

Andra paragrafen Skatteflyktslagen – Kan lagstiftaren täppa igen hålen i skattelagstiftningen?

För att generalklausulen i den svenska lagstiftningen mot skatteflykt ska kunna tillämpas krävs det att skatteförmånen som uppstår strider mot lagstiftningens syfte. Vad detta innebär är inte fullständigt klarlagt av vare sig lagstiftaren eller av Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. Lagens syftar till att domstolen ska göra en analog tolkning och dess rättssäkerhet har därför varit omdiskuterad. Syftet For the general clause in the Swedish legislation against tax evasion to be applicable, it is required that the tax advantage that arises is contrary to the purpose of the legislation. What this means is not fully clarified by the legislature or the Supreme Administrative Court. The law aims for the court to make an analogous interpretation and its legal certainty has therefore been debated. The p

Methods for Aircraft Noise and Vibration Analysis

Aircraft noise control engineering is a challange both for experimentally based methods and for numerical analysis methods. Usually noise control installations are designed based on engineering judgement in combination with results from in-flight testing, rather than with nummerical methods, due to the absence of reliable and accurate models.For turbo-prop aircraft, such as the Saab 340 and Saab 2

Machine Learning Based Digital Pre-Distortion in Massive MIMO Systems : Complexity-Performance Trade-offs

In this paper, we study the trade-off between complexity and performance in massive MIMO systems with neural-network based digital pre-distortion (NN-DPD) blocks at the base station. In particular, we consider a multi-user massive MIMO system with per-antenna NN-DPDs, each with an adjustable NN architecture in terms of the size and the number of NN hidden layers. We first analyze the system perfor

Drivers of Transformation and Recovery from Shrinking

To understand the mechanisms of economic resilience, we have studied how sectoral proximity relates to the regional capability to transform and recover from a shrinking crisis. Through a comparative study of Irish regions, a proximity analysis provided evidence that the majority of new sectors in the recovering region developed in proximity to the region’s leading sector. This leads to the conclus

The Pursuit of Metals and the Ideology of Improvement in Early Modern Sápmi, Sweden

The article examines the ideology of improvement in the context of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century mining in northern Sweden in the province of Sápmi. It discusses how the rhetoric of improvement and “civilizing” projects were intertwined with the mining enterprises; how they informed the regulatory and disciplinary ordinances issued for the region; and how the ideas of reform, discipline, and

Investigation into Propolis Components Responsible for Inducing Skin Allergy : Air Oxidation of Caffeic Acid and Its Esters Contribute to Hapten Formation

Propolis is a resin-like material produced by bees from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees and is used in beehive construction. Propolis is a common additive in various biocosmetics and health-related products, despite the fact that it is a well-known cause of contact allergy. Caffeic acid and its esters have been the primary suspects behind the sensitization potency of propolis-induced con

What are the Implications of the Climate Emergency for Externalization?

The post examines connections between global North, and particularly European, efforts to address climate- and disaster-related displacement in climate vulnerable countries, and the externalization policies implemented by those same countries to prevent refugee and migratory movements.

Analysis and Development of Integrated Low-Pressure Shaft Generator

The work focuses on analysis and development of integrated low-pressure shaft generator in a geared twin-spool turbofan engine. It starts with manufacturing and evaluation of direct cooled hollow conductor coils, and has focus manufacturing, assembling and integration issues essential to machine design. The experiment-in-loop, but the model-based evaluation focuses not only on the coolant and cool