

Din sökning på "*" gav 533330 sökträffar

Bellahøj all year round. Unifying through urban nature using a time-based approach.

Bellahøj is an area situated in the northwestern part of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 km away from the inner city. Considering its architectural heritage, abundance of green capital, a wide variety of resident groups and a convenient location, it has a great potential for being a well-functioning neighbourhood, yet, there seems to be a missing piece of puzzle that causes Bellahøj to feel fragmented and

Angular dependence of the Raman active phonon modes of Black Phosphorus

This Master’s project presents on the angular dependence of the intensity of the Raman active phonon modes of Black Phosphorus (BP), a layered 2D material with unique and attractive characteristics to the scientific and engineering community. Raman spectroscopy is an indispensable tool in quick and unobtrusive analysis of chemical structures. In this Master project, the structure of BP is analyzed

Red English: Duality and Representation in Contemporary Native American Poetics

This thesis explores representations of duality across the work of contemporary Native American poets. Through the use of several analytic methods and postcolonial theories, this thesis will analyse representations of language, place, and identity, and argue that they are constructed in the border between Native American and American consciousness. Firstly, Tommy Pico’s Nature Poem will be read a

Role of coiled-coil protein encoded by vnz_14450 in polar growth of Streptomyces venezuelae

“The code that guides the Path” Geosmin is a volatile metabolite that smells like the earthy odorant that is mostly predominant after a heavy rain fall; what produces this intensive surge of geosmin in the air is from the spore producing family streptomycetaceae. Not only do these bacteria produce a scent that most people find pleasant to smell, they also play a key role in modern society. Why th

Living by Rails- Developing Cultural Identity in the Post-communist Country

The fall of communism in East-Central European countries brought various changes in the political, economic and social sphere influencing urban structures of cities. The transition from industrial to commercially oriented cities has left a trace in the form of abandoned brownfield sites. The thesis project is mostly research-based. The research was carried on five existing transportation brownfi

Future climate resilience of energy-efficient retrofit projects in central Europe

This study assesses the performance of buildings affected by climate change under future climate predictions for three time-periods until the end of the 21st century. Objects studied are residential multi-storey buildings, originally built before 1970 and retrofitted during the last decade. A total of four actual retrofit projects, as they were performed, in Denmark and Germany were assessed in th

Att bemöta en digitaliserad konsument - Möjligheter och utmaningar i butikspersonalens servicearbete

Problemområde: Tidigare forskning har visat att digitaliseringens utveckling har en stor påverkan på detaljhandeln. Det står klart att konsumtionsmönster har ändrats och att kunden har allt mer information och produktkunskap. De fysiska butikerna påverkas således, men hur butikspersonalens arbete ser ut med dessa nya förutsättningar finns det lite forskning på. Detta är något vi valt att studera v

Elderly Caregivers in Skipped-generation Households in Zambia

In Zambia recent socio-economic changes are placing an undue burden on the elderly. The burden is greatly associated with the HIV and AIDS epidemic, which has led to increased mortality of prime aged adults. As a result of this the elderly are called upon to shoulder the responsibility of the family, as they become the principal caregivers for young children. The traditional family roles are being

Influencer marketing: Effekterna på konsumenten och dess köpprocess

Att detaljhandelns förändring påverkar den fysiska butiken är ingen nyhet. Konsumenter rör sig mer och mer mot e-handeln, och det vi tidigare vetat om konsumentens beteende i handeln sätts på prov. Marknadsföringens roll i konsumentens köpprocess har studerats och diskuterats av flertalet forskare, under lång tid. Men hur ser det ut när marknadsföringen, likt detaljhandeln, utvecklas? Influencers

Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Building Parameters integrating energy, daylight and thermal comfort

The objective of this thesis was to perform multidisciplinary sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the building parameters integrating thermal comfort, energy and daylight. The case study of a Danish office building was used for performing the simulations. The study evaluated the suitability of developed methodology for further usage in the early design stages of the building projects. A litera

Refugees and crime: Has the recent refugee immigration altered crimes in Sweden?

Following the refugee crisis in 2015, Sweden experienced the largest inflow of refugees in the country’s history. What are the effects on crime of such extensive immigration? This paper aims at analyzing if it prevails a causal relationship between the last years’ refugee immigration and crime rates in Sweden. For this purpose, data from the state’s refugee placement program is evaluated, which yi

Den förändrade medborgarskapsstatusen för rohingyer i Myanmar 1948 och 1982

Rohingyernas utsatthet från Myanmars militär har adresserats av det internationella samfundet som folkmord, brott mot mänskligheten och krigsförbrytelser. Begreppet statslöshet har blivit en ledande diskurs om rohingyernas situation och sällan har rohingyerna diskuteras utifrån ett medborgarskapsperspektiv. Jag valde att fokusera på rohingyernas statslöshet ur en historisk kontext och att analyser

Women in Physics

The purpose of this study was to investigate why women are highly underrepresented within the field of physics around the world. The study was mainly conducted through qualitative interviews with adolescent girls and it aimed to shelter more than just a local perspective; therefor the interviews were performed in three different schools, in three different countries; one in Bukoba, Tanzania, one

What's Cooler Than Being Cool? Overcoming barriers to district cooling implementations in Texas

The demand for space cooling is rising. The increase in cooling demand can put significant strain on the electric grid since approximately 99% of air-conditioning and refrigeration loads worldwide are met with electricity. Many hot weather cities could benefit from district cooling (DC) systems to meet their growing cooling demand in an effective sustainable manner. Since these systems require sig

Elefanten i rummet : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av stödgrupper för barn till föräldrar med missbruksproblematik

Support groups for children and young people whose parents abuse drugs or alcohol are a relatively new phenomenon. A major purpose of these support groups is for the participating children to understand that they are not alone in their situation. In these support groups there are also social workers whose job is to guide the children and help them understand their situation through different theme

Mentoring Migrants: A Qualitative Study of Needs, Employment & Integration in Denmark

In the wake of the so-called Refugee Crisis in 2015, Danish Government reformed the policy framework for immigrant integration. To support and promote the new changes, the Danish Government offered project funding to set up volunteer-based mentoring programmes aimed at improving newcomers’ chances of accessing the labour market. Through qualitative interviews this thesis explores how needs of the

Män som anlägger mordbrand : En analys över motiv till mordbrand mellan åren 1878 och 1907 och kopplingen till manlighet

This thesis strives to investigate the felony arson as a method of violence in Sweden between the years 1878 and 1907. It questions the estimated sum of arson cases during the time, what motives were given as well as how the masculinity of the arsonists can be comprehended in relation to the crime case. The perspective used to comprehend the actions of the arsonists is derived from the theory of h

Omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar delaktigheten för patienter med stroke inom somatisk slutenvård

Bakgrund: Stroke kan medföra fysiska, psykiska och kognitiva komplikationer med både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga funktionsnedsättningar. Det finns därför ett behov av omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar delaktighet hos dessa patienter. Syfte: Beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder som främjar delaktighet för patienter med stroke inom somatisk slutenvård. Metod: En litteraturstudie med en icke-systematisk strukt

Finding Femininity: a Representation Analysis of Trans* Femininity on Screen

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the representation of trans* feminine women in popular media. This is done by presenting a theoretical background focusing on a specific minority group in society – namely, trans* feminine women – femininity, and heteronormativity, as well as by taking a poststructuralist approach to the applied theoretical framework in order to conduct a representation analysi