

Din sökning på "*" gav 527280 sökträffar

Det blev inte som det skulle - En kritisk diskursanalys av funktionshinder i personkretsbedömningar enligt 1 § 3 LSS

The purpose of this study was to investigate the discourses regarding disability in eligibility group 1 § 3 LSS in rulings by the Supreme Administrative Court. A critical discourse analysis according to Norman Fairclough’s model was used. The study found that there were three overarching discourses which were: disability as a bodily problem; disability as an expert assessment; and disability as an

”Vem är jag?” En narrativ analys av hur prostitution påverkar kvinnors identitet

The impact prostitution has on women's lives is complex and seldom positive. The purpose of this study is to broaden the knowledge of how women's identities are affected by prostitution. We have studied the life stories of four former prostitutes and their experiences from prostitution. The empirical data was collected from the women's autobiographies. Through narrative analysis of the

Skolfrånvaron i spåren av mobbning. En kvantitativ studie om mobbningens inverkan på skolfrånvaron hos elever utifrån vårdnadshavares perspektiv

This paper aimed to gain an understanding of bullying and the impact it has on school absences among pupils. We also aimed to explore the extent of school absenteeism and the extent of different forms of bullying. This quantitative study was based on online surveys that were published on different Facebook groups and online forums with a focus on reaching guardians. In total, there were 306 respon

“Alla säger att han har myror i brallan men han kan inte se några” om problembeskrivningar av ADHD i bilderböcker för barn

This thesis examines how meaning is constructed in the text and imagery of children's picture books concerning Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), with a specific focus on Johan Asplund’s (1987) theoretical framework of social responsiveness and G.H Mead’s (1995) concept of role-taking. Inspired by narrative methodology, this study analyzes six selected picture books written by Sw

Horan & Oskulden - en netnografisk studie kring hur begränsningar av den kvinnliga sexualiteten konstrueras på Flashback Forum

History has shown that women in different times and settings have had their sexuality questioned and limited. Women have been called mentally ill, unworthy of being seen as a complete individual and their virginity has been a central subject for discussion. Within the last decades, online forums have been created internationally, where people can discuss taboo subjects anonymously. Many studies ha

Från ordlöshet till frihet

This qualitative study investigates how language barriers affect foreign-born women's ability to seek and receive support and protection from violence in domestic relationships in Sweden. Utilizing interviews with six foreign-born women who have navigated these challenges, the research aims to understand the communicative and structural obstacles these women encounter. The findings reveal that

Romskt center i framgång och motgång - en organisations arbete med stöd för romer i södra Sverige

This study aims to highlight the practical work and experiences of an organization working for Roma rights and inclusion in southern Sweden. Through semi-structured interviews with the agents of CRS (Center Roma South), this study strives for a deeper understanding of the organizations work, needs, and experiences with the Roma population in southern Sweden. The questions to be answered through th

Studenters attityder till narkotika. En enkätundersökning med sjuksköterskestudenter och socionomstudenter vid Lunds universitet.

This study aims to explore attitudes towards drugs among social work students and nursing students at Lund University. The objective is to analyze the potential differences between these two groups of students and the connection between the students' potential experiences with drugs and their attitudes. The Tripartite model of attitudes was used as the theoretical framework, with questions des

Geospatial neighborhood to enhance machine learning for dust storm susceptibility studies in the Middle East

Sand and dust storms (SDS) represent a significant and widespread obstacle to sustainable development, affecting its economic, social, and environmental dimensions. SDS pose severe challenges to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the eradication of poverty, the achievement of zero hunger, the improvement of health and well-being, the provision of clean water and sani

Hälsodata - Vidareanvändning av hälsodata

Tillgången av hälsodata är en viktig komponent för samhällsutvecklingen inom vård, forskning och innovation. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om hälsodata får vidareanvändas för vårdändamål med beaktande av artikel 6 GDPR, om laglig behandling av personuppgifter, och artikel 5 GDPR, om principer för behandling av personuppgifter. Syftet är också att undersöka vilka rekvisit som uppgifter The availability of health data is a crucial component for societal development in healthcare, scientific research and innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether secondary use of health data for healthcare purposes is possible in consideration of Article 6 of the GDPR, which concerns the lawfulness of processing, and Article 5 of the GDPR, which outlines the principles relati

The test FEL facility at MAX-lab

A facility for seeding and harmonic generation utilizing an optical klystron is under commissioning at MAX-lab. The facility utilizes the 400 MeV linac accelerator, improved operation of an RF-gun, an undulator system of two undulators and a magnetic chicane and combined laser system for gun and seeding. The goal is to seed the electron beam at 263 nm and generate the harmonics 2-5 (131-53 nm). Cu

Contradictions at work: Navigating relational autonomy and caste in Delhi, India

Ethnographic insights into people’s working lives can help us envision social policy to build dignified workspaces. This article explores the interlinkages between work and social protection, by drawing attention to two dimensions of pheriwale’s everyday working lives: first, how they relate to their work, and second, how they are situated within the Indian welfare context. Pheriwale are a group o

An electro-optical system for MAX-lab test-fel facility

To get information about arrival of the electron bunch relative to the laser pulse; electro-optic detection scheme in near-crossed polarizer configuration was set up and tested. Electron bunch induced birefringence in ZnTe crystal leaves a polarization footprint in a chirped infrared pulse. The IR pulse is sampled before third harmonic generation from the amplifier, stretched and synchronized to t

Tillgång till särläkemedel - en rättighet? - En undersökning om patienters rätt till särläkemedel enligt rätten till hälsa

Tillgång till säkra, effektiva och ekonomiskt överkomliga läkemedel är avgörande för att främja en god hälsa bland befolkningen och för att människor ska kunna leva ett värdigt liv. Det är också en central faktor för att kunna genomföra mänskliga rättigheter. Trots detta är tillgången till läkemedel fortfarande en utmaning för patienter med sällsynta sjukdomar, det vill säga sjukdomar som drabbar Access to safe, effective, and affordable medicines is crucial for promoting good health and ensuring a dignified life for individuals. It is also a central aspect in the realization of human rights. Despite this, access to medicines remains challenging for those with rare diseases, defined as diseases affecting no more than five in 10 000 people. One reason for this challenge is the profitdriven

Skatt som hållbarhetsfråga - En studie om det personliga ansvaret i förhållande till utvidgade rapporteringskrav för stora bolag

I takt med att världen globaliseras allt mer uppstår också nya typer av utma-ningar. Skatteplanering och skatteflykt orsakar idag stor skada på länders skattebas. För att motverka detta har OECD sedan 2013 arbetat med ett pro-jekt som kallas för BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting). BEPS består av 15 åtgärder för att motverka erodering av skattebasen och vinstallokering. Projektet har beskrivitAs the world becomes increasingly globalized, new types of challenges arise. Tax planning and tax evasion continue to cause significant harm to the tax bases of countries. To combat this, the OECD has been working on a project called BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) since 2013. BEPS consists of 15 actions aimed at countering the erosion of the tax base and profit shifting. The project has b