

Din sökning på "*" gav 527280 sökträffar

Policy Discourse on the EU Critical Raw Materials Act - Contemplation, Challenges and Comparison

Core elements of countries’ clean energy industry success, as well as low-carbon economic development, have attracted various levels of interest from countries around the world. This thesis is based on an analysis of the EU Critical Raw Materials Act. With regard, it gives the background of what the regulation is about and its rationale. In a critical way, it has analyzed some elements of the chal

Användning av Avokadokärna som Tillsats i Livsmedel

Denna studie undersöker avokadokärnans möjlighet att användas som tillsats i livsmedel, både för att förbättra näringsprofilen men även för att minska matsvinn. Avokadokärnan utgör ca 20%, och då svenskar konsumerar cirka 19 ton avokados varje år, skulle det möjligtvis betyda att vi i Sverige slänger ca 3 - 4 ton avokadokärna årligen. Då avokado kräver mycket vatten och näring under sin tillväxt, This study investigates the potential of avocado seeds to be used as a food additive, both to improve the nutritional profile and to reduce food waste. The avocado seed makes up about 20%, and as Swedes consume approximately 19 tons of avocados each year, this could mean that we discard about 3-4 tons of avocado seeds annually in Sweden. Since avocados require a lot of water and nutrients during t

Hampans framtid som livsmedel : En studie som proteininnehåll och utbyte av protein vid extraktion

Hampapresskaka är en restprodukt som uppstår vid produktion av hampfröolja. Intresset för denna restprodukt har successivt ökat i takt med att forskningsvärlden letar efter nya hållbara proteinsubstitut. En metod som används för att isolera proteinet i hampapresskaka är pH-skift extraktion. Tidigare studier har redan undersökt vilka parametrar som ger det optimala utbytet av protein mellan materiaHemp press cake is a by-product that forms during the production of hempseed oil. Interest in this by-product has gradually increased as the research community seeks sustainable protein substitutes. A method used to isolate the protein in hemp press cake is pH-shift extraction. Studies prior to this have already investigated the parameters that yield the optimal protein yield between material and

Kvantitativ modellering av celltillväxt vid exponering av giftiga substanser – en analys av holografiska experiment

Denna uppsats är skriven på uppdrag av ett företag som har utvecklat ett mikroskop för att stödja forskning av celler. Mikroskopet är det första som kan ta detaljerade bilder av celler vid olika utvecklingsfaser och är avsedd att hjälpa forskare att förstå cellers beteende, utveckling och tillväxt under cellens livstid. De experiment och den förberedande statistiska behandlingen av mätningarna som

Deriving the Flavor Structure of the Standard Model from Trinification

This thesis presents the derivation of the flavor structure of the Standard Model (SM) from the trinification model with an additional family symmetry. The trinification group is assumed to be broken in a single step to the electroweak gauge group. A low energy Effective Field Theory (EFT) is constructed and matched numerically at one loop level to the trinification model at high energies. The ana

A holistic approach to packaging design for plant-based patties based on eco-design principles

The study focuses on the eco-design of sustainable packaging solutions for plant-based meat analogues, particularly plant-based burger patties. This is in response to the growing need for more sustainable dietary choices which can replace those of animal-based meat. Currently, most of the plant-based meat analog products in the market are packaged like meat products, which in turn are more sensiti

Development of a Food Product Prototype Containing Added Plant Polar Lipids and Investigation of Its Postprandial Glycemic Properties

This degree project aimed to produce a standardized food product enriched with 14g polar lipids (PL) and compare its effects on glycemic response and appetite sensations both acutely and following a second meal in healthy individuals. In order to elucidate the viability of enriching a prebaked product with polar lipids researchers spent multiple weeks assessing variations in recipe, cook time, coo

The Concept of Undertaking in EU Competition Law

The concept of “undertaking” is a vital component of European Union Competition Law. Understanding when an entity is or isn't considered an undertaking is crucial to correctly applying the rules under this domain. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of undertakings to delimit the area of competition law from others. The paper will explore the different definitions of “unde

Arbetsterapeuters syn på hjälpmedelsförskrivning i kommunal verksamhet.

Bakgrund: Arbetsterapeuter i kommunal verksamhet ses ofta som förskrivare av hjälpmedel i första hand, på bekostnad av andra hälsofrämjande åtgärder. De får ibland rollen som hjälpmedesleverantör eller brandsläckare men skulle vilja arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt. Syfte: En ökad förståelse för hur arbetsterapeuter ser på sitt arbetssätt gällande förskrivningar av hjälpmedel - Hur beskriveBackground: Occupational therapists in municipality health care are often seen as prescribers of assistive devices first and foremost, at the expense of other health-promoting interventions. They are sometimes given the role of a provider of assistive devices or fire extinguisher but would like to work more preventively in the long-term. Aim: To get a better understanding of occupational therapist

Social gruppdynamik i ensemble - En kvalitativ studie om hur ensemblelärare arbetar med gruppdynamik och sociala interaktioner

Vi har undersökt ledarskap och betydelsen av sociala interaktioner ur ensemblelärares perspektiv. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur ensemblelärare arbetar med sociala interaktioner och gruppdynamik i undervisningen. Studien utgår från lärare som arbetar, eller har arbetat, med ensembleundervisning på gymnasial nivå. Därav har vi utformat forskningsfrågorna: Hur resonerar lärare kring sin We have examined leadership and the significance of social interactions from the perspective of ensemble teachers. The purpose of our study is to investigate how ensemble teachers work with social interaction and group dynamics in education. The study is based on teachers who work, or have worked, with ensemble teaching at high school level. Hence, we have formulated the research questions: How do

En kvantitativ undersökning om optimering av kvalitetskontroll i dryckesindustrin — avgasning & aciditet

Vid läskedryckproduktion kontrolleras kvalitén på läsken genom avgasning och aciditetsmätning. För att uppnå en tillförlitlig aciditetsmätning krävs det att all kolsyra är avlägsnad från läsken. Om det finns kolsyra kvar i läsken vid aciditetsmätningen påverkar den aciditetsresultatet till att bli missvisande. I dagsläget finns en väl fungerande metod för avgasning men som eventuellt är onödigt ti

The new hybrid product design legislation - The protection of fashion and product design in the digital world and the physical world

With the rise of new technologies such as augmented reality , virtual reality , non-fungible tokens (NFT) and the metaverse . A new world is on the rise, the digital world. With the digital world on the rise there will be new design, digital design. With digital design, there will be new opportunities for brands to capitalise on new markets. Brands such as Gucci, Nike and Balenciaga are in the for

Direct Marketing in light of GDPR - When processing of personal data is lawful for conducting direct marketing, from a Swedish perspective

The thesis deals with which legal basis seems appropriate to use when the purpose of the data controller is to carry out direct marketing. When processing personal data, the Controller must comply with the principles set out in Article 5 of the GDPR. One of the principles, the Principe of Lawfulness, requires the Processing to be supported on a legal basis in Article 6 of the GDPR. It is stated th

Implementering av lean : Fallstudie på Nybergs Deli

Syftet med detta arbete är att se hur lean kan implementeras med hjälp av personalens utökade förståelse för leanverktygens fördelar vid användning, för ökad produktivitet utan utökade resurser. Projektet utfördes i ett företag med begränsning till två avdelningar. Litteratur och revisionen gav en bild av personalens kunskapsläge av lean vid projektstart. Med den kunskapen påbörjades ett projekt The purpose of this work is to explore how lean can be implemented through the staff´s enhanced understanding, for increased productivity without additional resources. This was carried out through a project in a company limited to two departments. Literature and review provided an overview of the staff's knowledge level of lean. With the gained knowledge, a project was initiated focusing on t

Reducing Negative Weights in MC@NLO by Improved Implementation of Born Spreading

In this thesis, we present the efforts towards finding an improved implementation of the newly proposed Born Spreading method for reduction of negative S weights in the MC@NLO matching prescription. The improved implementations are tested on various LHC processes with MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (MG5_aMC) and compared to default MG5_aMC, 2×2×1 folding and default Born Spreading. The runtime in each step and

Affinity exploration of a bispecific ADAPT towards CD22 for therapeutic purposes

Leukemia is the most common type of cancer in children, with B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL) being a common type in both children and adults. Different types of treatments are available, such as chemotherapy, stem cell treatment and immunotherapy. However, a recurring problem is relapses, with the survival rate after relapse being very low. In combating this issue new methods have been d

Design of an electromagnetic elliptical wiggler for ELETTRA

The initial concept of the electromagnetic elliptical wiggler (EEW) for ELETTRA is a combination of a vertical permanent magnet to generate a wiggler field and a horizontal electromagnet to provide the possibility of switching the helicity of the X-ray radiation. The main aspects of the design of the EEW under construction for ELETTRA are discussed.

Particle-laden two-dimensional elastic turbulence

The aggregation properties of heavy inertial particles in the elastic turbulence regime of an Oldroyd-B fluid with periodic Kolmogorov mean flow are investigated by means of extensive numerical simulations in two dimensions. Both the small- and large-scale features of the resulting inhomogeneous particle distribution are examined, focusing on their connection with the properties of the advecting v

An Innovative Method for Estimating Settling Velocity of Particles in Stormwater Using Absorbance Measurements and Modeling

The purpose of the study was to develop a simple and rapid method for measuring the average settling velocity of particles in stormwater ponds. Water samples with suspended particles were collected from the bottom of a stormwater pond in Lund, Sweden. The absorbance in various samples was measured over 24 hours (at 600 nm wavelength) and then translated into total solids concentrations. A one-dime

First-principles study on thermal expansion of W-Re sigma and chi phases

We investigate how the Re content affects the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the non-stoichiometric W-based sigma and chi phases, forming upon neutron irradiation of W, to explore and quantify its mismatch between precipitates (W-Re) and matrix (W). To this end, we have conducted first-principles calculations using two approaches: the Debye-Grüneisen (DG) model and the quasi-harmonic ap