

Din sökning på "*" gav 527280 sökträffar

Wormlike micelles in green surfactant systems

α-Olefin Sulfonate surfactants offer a greener alternative to traditional sulphated surfactants thanks to their higher biodegradability. Their similar molecular structures should, in theory, allow them to be used in the same range of applications as the sulphonated counterpart. However, the newer alternative also comes with novel challenges. While the thickening of a formulation with a sulphated s

Chemoenzymatic Oxidation of polyolefins

The proliferation of plastic waste poses a significant contemporary challenge, driven by global population growth and the subsequent surge in plastic consumption. PE alone accounts for roughly 50-60% of the plastic waste stream. Its formidable resistance to enzymatic degradation, owing to its stable carbon-carbon (C-C) backbone and carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds, further exacerbates the issue. This s

Evaluation of Lipases for Enzymatic Catalysis of Vegetable Oils and Fats

Som en del i utvecklingen mot grönare och miljövänligare processer, samt ett behov av ytterst specifika reaktioner, vill AAK AB utvidga sin användning av lipaser i sin produktion av strukturerade triacylglyceroler (STAGs). AAK vill bygga upp ett bibliotek av utvärderade lipaser. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bidra till detta bibliotek genom att karakterisera en grupp kommersiellt tillgänglAs part of a switch towards more green and environmentally friendly processes, together with a need for highly specific reactions, AAK AB wants to broaden their use of lipases in the production of structured triacylglycerols (STAGs). AAK are working on creating a lipase library where several lipases are evaluated, this master thesis aims to contribute to this lipase library by characterizing a sel

Food supply in times of crisis - the potential to utilise side streams from the Swedish food industry

Denna uppsats undersöker potentialen att utnyttja sex sidoströmmar/exportströmmar från den svenska livsmedelsindustrin till livsmedel för människor. Sidoströmmar som inte är industriens huvudsakliga syfte men skulle kunna bidra med näring. I dagsläget går majoriteten av strömmarna till produktion av biobränsle eller till djurfoder. En litteraturstudie genomfördes där strömmarnas avkastning, egensThis thesis investigates the potential to utilise six side streams/export streams from the Swedish food industry for human consumption in times of crisis. Side streams that are not the industry’s main purpose but could still contribute to nutrition. Currently, these streams are going to biofuel production or production of animal feed. The aim of this master thesis is therefore to study the potenti

Effect of pulse electric fields and fermentation on phytate, RFOs and protein digestibility of yellow pea

Phytates and RFOs are known anti-nutrients found in pulses, that can impair mineral absorption and cause digestive discomfort, respectively. Pulsed electric field (PEF) have emerged as a promising technology, for cell membrane permeabilization, potentially enhancing the accessibility of these compounds to enzymatic degradation. Fermentation, on the other hand, is a traditional method known to redu

En undersökning av hur fysikaliska- och mikrobiologiska egenskaper kan påverka grobarheten i vete

Wheat is our most cultivated grain and has been used as human food for thousands of years, but as the population increases, so does the demand for grain. Challenges that we face today are that the amount of cultivable arable land is decreasing, that climate change is affecting crop yields, while people's concerns are growing about the use of chemical pesticides. It is therefore of great intere

Comparison of viscoelastic flows in two- and three-dimensional serpentine channels

Polymer solutions in the dilute regime play a significant role in industrial applications. Due to the intricate rheological properties of these highly viscoelastic fluids, especially in complex flow geometries, a thorough numerical analysis of their flow dynamics is imperative. In this research, we present a numerical investigation of purely elastic instability occurring in two- and three-dimensio

Microfluidic Stress Device to Decouple the Synergistic Effect of Shear and Interfaces on Antibody Aggregation

Protein denaturation and aggregation resulting from the effects of interfacial stress that can be enhanced by flow and shear stress pose significant challenges in the production of therapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies. The influence of flow on protein stability is closely intertwined with interfacial effects. In this study, we have developed a microfluidic device capable of exposing

Enhanced heat transfer in a two-dimensional serpentine micro-channel using elastic polymers

Elastic turbulence has emerged as a promising method to enhance heat transfer performance at the microscale. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the overall convective heat transfer performance in curved channels, overlooking the fact that the chaotic flow intensity varies along the streamline, leading to diverse local heat transfer characteristics. In this study, we systematically in

Statistical properties of two-dimensional elastic turbulence

We numerically investigate the spatial and temporal statistical properties of a dilute polymer solution in the elastic turbulence regime, i.e., in the chaotic flow state occurring at vanishing Reynolds and high Weissenberg numbers. We aim at elucidating the relations between measurements of flow properties performed in the spatial domain with the ones taken in the temporal domain, which is a key p

Combining Surrogate Safety Measures and LiDAR technology: An Investigation.

Road safety is a critical concern for authorities worldwide. Traditional methods of monitoring traffic flow with today's technology usually involves visual observation or fixed sensor, which may have limitations in both accuracy and reliability. This study investigates the potential of LiDAR technology for traffic monitoring at intersections, with the aim of enhancing traffic safety. The met

Är hjälpen hjälpsam? En användarundersökning av Klarspråkshjälpen

I den här uppsatsen undersöks Klarspråkshjälpens användbarhet för personer som arbetar på offentliga verksamheter och har förkunskaper i klarspråk. För att undersöka användbarheten ombads tre personer som arbetar på en kommun och tre personer som arbetar på en myndighet att använda Klarspråkshjälpen för att redigera en text. I intervjuer med deltagarna visade det sig att de hade använt Klarspråksh

Houston,we have a problem...with patents - A legal analysis of the territorial scope of patents in space

In this thesis, the territorial scope of patent law in space is analyzed. The purpose and the research questions are: Do patents apply in space, and can an inventor be protected against unauthorized use of a patented invention made in space? Patents are a national territorial exclusive right that is not applicable in space because there is no jurisdiction. The “Big Five” space treaties were es

The Effect of Compliance Programs on Corporate Criminal Liability under US Federal Law - From Charging, to Trial to Sentencing

That corporations can be held criminally liable for the acts of their agents has by now long been established in US federal law, and so has the fact that corporate compliance programs may allow corporations to limit or completely avoid this liability. The aim of this essay is to understand under what circumstances such a reduction in liability is possible during the pre-trial, trial and sentencing

Kan Chat GPT klarspråksanpassa text? Svaret är ja.

Denna uppsats undersöker artificiell intelligens förmåga att klarspråksanpassa text. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på om Chat GPT-4 kan användas för klarspråksanpassning, och om Chat GPT-4:s klarspråksanpassningar skiljer sig från mänskliga klarspråksanpassningar och i så fall hur. Materialet består av sex klarspråksanpassade versioner av en text från en svensk myndighet. Tre av textern

Color as a Brand: The Legal Landscape of Tiffany Blue and Comparative Insights into Color Trademark Protection

This paper explores the complex dynamics of color trademarks, with a particular focus on the legal environment of "Tiffany Blue." This study examines the symbolic significance of this iconic color and compares the legal frameworks for color trademark protection in the United States, the European Union, and China. The main research questions relate to the challenges and controversies surr

Babets kvarlevor - En morfologisk och sedimentologisk undersökning av överspolningssediment vid Tobisvik, Simrishamn

Stormfloder orsakar förhöjda vattennivåer och kraftiga vågor. Det kan leda till omfattande erosion och översvämning längs med den drabbade kusten, vilket kan utgöra ett verkligt hot mot kustnära samhällen. Som en del av riskbedömningen kan det vara intressant att studera överspolningssediment (washover) som deponerats under tidigare stormfloder. Men för att kunna särskilja dessa ur det sedimentäraStorm surges cause elevated water levels and strong waves. This can lead to severe erosion and flooding along the affected coast, which can pose a real threat to coastal communities. As part of the risk assessment, it may be interesting to study washover sediments deposited during previous storm surges. However, in order to distinguish these in the sedimentary archive, their characteristics must b

Hur påverkas bakegenskaperna för bröd när fettet byts ut från ister till rapsolja?

Lantmännen Cerealia i Malmö utför provbak av bröd som ett led i deras kvalitetskontroll av ett malet mjöl. Nuvarande metod med provbakning av bröd på Lantmännen innehåller ister. Det är en kvarleva från förr då det var ett vanligt fett att använda till bakning. Det stämmer dock dåligt överens med hur det ser ut i bagerierna som idag använder framförallt rapsolja som fett i bakningen. KvalitetsavdeAs part of their ground flour quality control, Lantmännen Cerealia in Malmö bakes bread for testing purposes. Lantmännen's current bread baking process involves the use of lard. This is a relic from the past when it was a common fat for baking. However, it does not agree with how it looks in bakeries, which today mainly use rapeseed oil as fat in baking. The quality department at Lantmännen is